
Biological Children: Article Analysis

Decent Essays

Sallee is a professor from Arizona State University who has a M.S.W in social work. He is a co-author of several books and over fifty articles related to family dynamics.
LeVine has a Ph.D. in psychopharmacology and is a professor of Mexico State University. She shares her expert advice on how to deal with transracial adoptees’ identity crises.
1) “Blood lines carry no weight with children who are emotionally unaware of the events leading to their birth”.
An adopted child’s physical and emotional developments are not as different as assumed like those who are not adopted. An adopted child not meeting their birth parents might be a good thing because their developments will not be behind a child who is still with his or her birth family. In …show more content…

The article expresses adopted children’s young adult crisis that stems from the adoptees’ early experiences and possible identity confusion. The paper analyzes the set of problems teen adoptees have and try to address the ways in how to combat the adoptees’ psychological issue.
This article fits into my paper in the section, “Ways to Deal with a Lost Sense of Identity” because the article addresses exactly this process.
Are there any transracial adoptees that don’t have this identity confusion? What are their methods of avoiding this common transracial adoptee issue?
The arguments made by the authors will help me counteract my hypothesis in my paper and change my thought in regards to adoptees being “worse off” than those who are not adopted. These arguments help me explain the meaning of my idea in that my thinking might be to rash or stark. There are in fact pros and cons to the issues that adoptees may face and the ways that they or their families handle their

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