Biologically active compounds found in marine organisms have been extremely useful when combating again human immunodeficiency virus. One compound in particular which is found in sponges, Papuamide A, has been reported to have cytoprotective activity against HIV-1 in-vitro. There are many other representatives that can be found in the same class as Papuamide A; however, due to the slight change in their structure, the way they effect HIV is different. Papuamide A exhibits a potent inhibitory effect on the infection of T-Lymphoblastoid cells by HIV and has been able to combat against drug resistant HIV strains.
Introduction. Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) has infected over 33.2 million people world-wide to date [9]. There is a plethora of new and upcoming drugs that are being used to combat against human immunodeficiency virus. Although effective, the drugs that are being used to combat against HIV-1 have also been known to cause resistance, adverse effects and toxicity to the mitochondria [3]. HIV-1 is a retrovirus that belongs to a subfamily of retroviruses called lentiviruses [8]. HIV-1 causes a slow depletion of the immune system and is considered a slow degenerative disease. New drugs that combat against HIV-1 entering into different cells has raised interest due to the fact that these new drugs are able to work against drug resistant viruses that can infect the cell.
Glycoprotein 120 (gp-120) is necessary for virus entry into human cells. Gp-120 has a
Since the arrival of triple therapy, the challenge of sustained and complete viral suppression has been solved for the majority of patients [1]. The major limiting factors for improving the long-term success of ART are tolerability and convenient pill burden [2]. The latest class of the antiretroviral drug developed are Integrase inhibitors (INI). Dolutegravir (DTG) is an Integrase inhibitor, particularly focused on maintaining a favorable safety profile and a high efficiency rate, within a single-tablet regime (STR), it improves resistance barrier and allowing co-formulation with an NRTI backbone. Dolutegravir has been compared against both other classes of HIV anti-retrovirals as well as other integrase nuclear strand inhibitors. In August 2013, DTG was approved by FDA for its use in both patients who have never taken ART (ART-naïve) and patients who have taken ART (ART-experienced) [3]. It is predicted that very soon a STR containing Dolutegravir (DTG), abacavir (ABC) and lamivudine (3TC) will become
Dr. N.A.S states that one of the antiretrovirals blocks translation of RNA into the proteins required to make new viruses. Some of the current antiretrovirals include reverse transcriptase, fusion and entry, protease, and integrase inhibitors;6,10 however there is not an inhibitor that blocks translation of rna into proteins on the market. Targeting inhibitors specific to HIV has made ARVs increasingly effective and less harmful to humans.
When the HIV virus was identified in the 1980’s, many companies began to search for an antiviral drug but Burroughs Wellcome led the research effort. There were three drugs being tested by other companies as well including, AZT by Burroughs Wellcome, DDI by Bristol Myers and DDC by Hoffman-LaRoche. These drugs inhibit reproduction of HIV and slow the damage it causes.
One of the first approved therapies for the treatment of HIV was a modified DNA base pair of thymidine that replaced the terminal hydroxyl (-OH) group with an azido (-N3).
A combination of HAART with other drugs could eradicate the virus from the infected individual as well as improve the immune system. A recent study carried out by (Jiao et al., 2015) suggested that CD4+CD25+CD127 regulatory T cells (Treg) could play a crucial role to eradicated HIV-1 P24 production in long-term antiretroviral therapy patients; and They can enhance the immune system by suppressing aggressive T cell response. Nevertheless, not all combination drugs can show positive effects on either viral replication or immune response. One study by (Roger et al, 2004) examined the efficacy of Steroid on HIV-1 patients and its effect on apoptosis of naïve CD4 T cells with poor immune response to HAART and they found the positive results on the CD4 T cells only in the first two weeks of initiated steroid. This suggested that steroid should not constitute as adjuvant
The HIV-1 life cycle is complicated and its period and result is contingent upon the target cell type and cell activation. In the beginning, HIV-1 enters the cells without producing instant damage but by entering the cells it can provoke intracellular signal cascades, which may assist the progress of viral replication. The external glycoprotein (gp120) and the transmembrane protein (gp141) are two molecules on the HIV-1 envelope that form the spikes on the virion’s surface. In the entry process, gp120 first attaches to the CD4+ receptor and then attaches to the cell membrane. Interactions between the virus and chemokine co-receptors will cause permanent conformational changes. The fusion event will occur within minutes by pore formation and it will discharge the viral core into the cell cytoplasm. Once the core dismantles, the viral genome will be reverse transcribed into DNA by the virus’ own reverse transcriptase enzyme. Viral variants may develop at the time of this process because reverse transcriptase is error prone. During the midpoint of infection, both the viral protein integrase and the host DNA repair enzymes will inject the viral genome into the active domain of the host’s chromosomal DNA. Lens epithelium-derived growth factor (LEDGF/p75) is an integrase binding host factor that assists the progress of integration, which converts the cell into a virus producer. In the late stages, production of viral particles will need both host driven and virus driven
Even though there is a rapid advancement in medical inventions, still the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is the most challenging virus that will drag the human lives to the deadly disease acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). It spreads its wings all over. HIV cannot be cured, but it can be prevented. It has become the greatest life threatening disease and affects unbelievably high percent of human beings. Nowadays, besides other deadly diseases, HIV/AIDS becomes more complex and crucial health issue that challenges several medical inventions. Several contributors cause this deadly virus and disease such as promiscuity, homosexuality, female circumcision, sugar daddies, sexual crime, rape, prostitution, cultural
From study of United Nations, there were 40 million people in the world living with infection of HIV. Sadly, seventy percent, or 28 million of them lived in sub–Saharan Africa; there are countries in that area have forty percent of population infected and living their life with despair. HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) could destroy the immune system that our bodies use to fight off diseases in 10 years; breaking down of the immune system means that we are unable to fight the infections and causes death. In early 1990’s, GSK (GlaxoSmithKline), BMS (Bristol-Myers Squibb) and some other companies developed a series of medicine which could attack HIV in patient’s body; and later in 1996, Dr. David Ho discovered that by taking a combination of
Oceanic drug development should further become a priority due to its ability to produce highly effective drugs: both history and lab studies attest to this fact. Compounds derived from ocean microbes and other organisms are often highly effective at treating a wide range of critical conditions, wiping out pathogens with remarkable efficiency. Martinez and Rusch, two researchers from the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies found oceanic drugs are “six times more productive than industry standards.” For a time in which diseases are advancing and patients are dying, effective and potent medicines are critical- oceanic medicines are the key to an impending medical crises. Outdated industry standards are based on terrestrial compounds
Recently in Cuba a new and aggressive strain of HIV has been discovered and this strain causes an early development of AIDS in people within 3 years of being infected with HIV. Usually it takes five to ten years for a person with HIV to progress to AIDS but only if the person is not under anti-retroviral therapy treatment. Individuals who are HIV positive usually don’t feel or look sick immediately which is why they do not take ART treatment during the clinical latency stage of the infection. The new “recombinant” strain of HIV takes advantage of this situation by causing a rapid progression of HIV to AIDS and cutting short the time needed for HIV positive patients to exhibit early symptoms, which could help them be aware of their infection
This paper will discuss the current efforts at an HIV vaccine including different approaches to solving the vaccine problem and how close scientists are. Scientists have been struggling with a HIV vaccine for a while. One solution is a drug that has enhanced and extended the lives of people with HIV/Aids. Other scientists have similar methods to solving the Vaccine problem with clinical trials and patients. However the solutions suggested in my literature review also say that they have difficulties with following through.
However, there is a light over the horizon. Researcher’s at the University of Pennsylvania have found an answer to leukemia’s call for a fight. They answer this call by using harmless modified version of HIV. These researchers have modified the harmless HIV so that once it is injected to the body, it seeks out and destroys
HIV has been a life destroying disease since the early 1980s. Originally discovered in gay men, it was once thought to only effect homosexuals. Thankfully to great efforts on research and outbreaks in hemophiliacs, it is now associated with other social groups outside of the gay community. The risks of contracting this disease are still high among gay men, highly sexually active individuals (hetero-, homo-, and bi- sexual), intravenous drug users, and health care professionals. By understanding the biological make up of the disease researchers have been able to come up with many options to treating the disease, its progression into AIDs, and other infections that can occur
Marine extract molecules and their application in inhibiting E.coli quorum sensing as a potential antibacterial pharmaceutical
The entry inhibitors were first approved by FDA in 2003 and their mechanism was to prevent the viruses from entering the target T cells. They are acting on the human CCR5 chemokine receptors to prevent viruses from attaching to the T cell, thus, avoiding entry. (Chereshenev et al., 2013). Fusion inhibitors such as enfuvirtide, are oligopeptides that prevents HIVs from entering host cells by blocking the cell fusion process (Chereshenev et al.) Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors are (NRTI) the first medication available to treat HIVs. When the viruses replicate, they have to use nucleosides to build their DNAs. Since the NRTIs chemically resemble the naturally occurring nucleosides, so when the viruses use