
Biological Theories Of Crime Essay

Decent Essays

3.2 Testability
While several earlier criminological theories have been untestable, most contemporary criminological theories are testable as we can deduce measurable factors to support or falsify them. I will now look at the testability of different theories of crime.
3.2.1 Biological Theories of Crime
Modern biological theories are testable because they identify specific physical traits such as genes and hormone levels we can compare with crime rates to draw correlations. For example, criminologists have used twin and adoption studies to test Mednick’s Theory of Inherited Criminal Tendencies by examining genetic influences on crime (Raine, 2002).
3.2.2 Psychological Theories of Crime
Most contemporary psychological theories are testable because they identify measurable psychological factors. For example, cognitive theory posits that aggression arises from differences in the way we interpret external stimuli, and criminologists have compared differences in perceived levels of threat by violent and non-violent youths in similar situations (Lochman, 1987).
Nevertheless, there have also been untestable …show more content…

Furthermore, even if they are reliable, qualitative methods give us limited knowledge: they tell us whether something causes crime (interviews examining the decision-making processes of criminals falsified rational choice theory), but do not tell us the significance of a cause relative to other causes (whether social or biological factors contribute more to crime). Yet, when criminologists say that a criminological theory is true, they are also claiming that the causes of crime it proposes significantly affect crime

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