
Bioluminescence Vs Fluorescence

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1) Bioluminescence/ fluorescence: Bioluminescence can be used to describe an organism that glows or releases a flash of light, particularly when disturbed. Fluorescence on the other hand can be defined as a process where light energy excites electrons to a higher energy state and that emits a photon when returning to ground state excitation. A major difference between the two is that bioluminescence is chemical process that involves enzymes and the breakdown of substrates that result results in light as a product; whereas fluorescence is physical process that relies on changes in electron excitation. Organisms such as certain algae, bacteria, fungi, squid, insects and fish use bioluminescence for several different purposes, such as to scare off predators or to lure prey (anglerfish), to attract mates (lanterneyes fish), and communication. Fluorescence serves several purposes as well, such as in chromosomal fluorescent staining techniques or gemology.
2) Endoplasmic reticulum/ Golgi complex: The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is responsible for the modifaction of fats and lips, the …show more content…

Daily fluctuations in the amount and availability of light make circadian rhythms necessary in such a way that, for example, in humans we sleep during the night so that we can utilize the availability of light energy, photons, during the day. This fluctuation in availability of photons has a pronounced effect on biological processes such as DNA replication and photosynthesis; UV light that comes company with visible light from the greater electromagnetic radiation spectrum, produces an effect that typically only allows for DNA replication to occur at night for most organism, the proteins used during photosynthesis to be produced before dawn, and allows for photosynthesis to fully utilize the day portion of the light cycle to generate usable

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