
Biomedical Career Research Paper

Decent Essays

As a young student, people tend not to plan out what they’ll do in the future. As a middle schooler, they think, “What does it matter? It’s all so far off.” Then they get into high school and the pressure is heightened. As a freshman, people are telling us, “Start planning now!” I remember hearing it from all of my teachers, but I never quite started doing so. Instead, I would just let it sit in the back of my mind. “What are my goals?”, I would think to myself. Then one day at the end of sophomore year, on the edge-of-the-edge of leaving high school, I realized the time is now. It’s time to start planning.

For the past year or so, there have been college pamphlets scattered around my car, dining table and room. I have mulled over everything possible, from colleges to majors and minors to careers. It’s been almost mind-boggling. At one point, I couldn’t decide between getting a PhD in Education to be a teacher or go for a biomedical career. I knew those weren’t the avenues I wanted to go down. Yet, the options felt so limited. However, I feel secure in what I have finally decided to do. The reason I never settled before now was because this goal always seemed unrealistic. …show more content…

After that, I want to transfer to a larger university, likely Stephen F. Austin and earn a bachelor’s degree in Philosophy. Once that is done, I will vehemently pursue a career as an artist. I understand that at first, I won’t be having a completely stable job, which I am fully prepared for. I will be looking for jobs in multiple areas such as writing, photography, and acting. Whether it is an article for a local magazine, or being an extra in a low budget made-for-TV movie, it’s what needs to be done to build a resume. During my college years I will decide if I want to stay in Texas or move out of state, say to California, depending on what feels right at the

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