My interest in biomedical engineering (BME) started when I started to learn about prosthetic legs. I was intrigued to learn that prosthetic legs existed and were being used for running and playing sports. After doing research, I discovered that engineers were the ones who improved prosthetic legs over time and designed them to perfectly fit the person who was received them.
I want to study biomedical engineering because I would like to learn more about regenerative medicine and tissue engineering. After obtaining a Bachelor’s Degree in BME, I want to build prosthetic organs (eg. an eye, liver, lungs, and pancreas) that work similar to normal organs. Creating prosthetic organs would be a major improvement in society that will decrease the amount of people on waiting lists and increase human survival. I want to be able to help and innovate solutions to health problems in society.
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I also want to know how to build materials and other resources to help the body sustain under injuries to organs or the musculoskeletal system. I want to fabricate body tissue and be able to remove diseases. As a potentially future Biomedical Engineering undergraduate, I also have interest in applying to the 4/1 Combined Degree Program, in order to get a Master’s Degree and Bachelor’s Degree in biomedical engineering. Obtaining a Master’s Degree in BME would allow me to become more educated in the subject and get a career fully involved in biomedical research and helping
Engineering is a wildly divest carrer from creating applicances to medical equitment. iTs a career that is always changing . The main reason I want to go into biomedical enegerring is bacause i think that it would be intressting and because i have always had a intrease in mathamatics and biology and being a biomdical enegreer would allow me to incoprateoth bit of these subjects into dsily life. Becomin a biomidcal engerrin would offer me with many opprotuinty. One of whice is working in many different enviroment from labs to hospitals to univesaty. Like stated before enginring is a career that is always chaning so a enggeere will alway have to lear more on more that one sunject and sometimes out side his or her inically fildes. Also it offer
From a young age, I have been fascinated by making things and learning how they work. My educational experience and community service projects have given me an appreciation for engineering from project managing and constructing my Eagle Scout project to enjoying my chemistry and physic classes. I plan on obtaining a degree in Engineering because I enjoy taking something from conception to production and I am interested in the science and math behind
In history, engineers have been an important asset whether creating the aqueducts in Rome or building the Pyramid of Giza. I decided to join the biomedical engineering program because it helps me achieve my closer to creating better medical equipment and prosthetics.Furthermore, the program is fundamentally focused in mathematics,which i enjoy.
As a recent graduate from Old Dominion University with a Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering and a minor in Physics, I possess the academic background necessary to qualify me continue my education. Though a majority of my courses during undergrad focused on power systems and electromagnetics, I also completed multiple courses in bioelectrics in addition to my required engineering and math classes. These courses served as a strong introduction into the interdisciplinary relationship between engineering and the medical field and thus peaked my initial interest in biomedical engineering. My specific interests include nanomedicine, neuroengineering and brain-computer
My goal is to provide safe and effective healthcare products by making sure healthcare industry comply with all of the regulatory compliance regulations and laws. Today there are immense advancements in the field of science and technology, creating many opportunities with new dimensions to make this world a better place. I strive to be a part of this exciting journey to create a safe and healthier world and I truly believe graduate studies will help me towards my advancement in this direction.
Yes. Biomedical is the fastest growing engineering field. It is estimated that by 2018, biomedical engineering jobs are going to grow by 72 percent. A CNN article rated Biomedical Engineering as the number one “Best Jobs in America”.
My inner child wants to build futuristic exo-suits or bionic limbs that would help disabled people. I want to learn more about this and tinker with machines and organisms. So, I would create a class that combined biology and mechanical engineering in order to learn how to create the machines that have been imagined in science fiction and video games, but are yet to be created. In my opinion, the only way to extend the physical potential of humans is by improving the support we can give our bodies through exo-suits, or by replacing parts of them with superior artificial limbs (extremities). The possibilities that would be opened up from these advancements are endless. This is what I’d like to learn, and if allowed, this is the course I’d
The human body is an amazing machine; one that works efficiently in spite of the many intricate functions it processes every second. Because of its complexity, research is still very new and exciting especially with the brain, and I want to be a part of it. Biomedicine is the ideal course for me as I have an interest for human biology and it allows me to have the flexibility to experience different modules before specialising.
future, however the demand and knowledge for these types of products is not as well-known as
WPI has always stood out as a perfect university for me. All its features — from its diversity of students and staff to its exceptional academics — make it a perfect match for me. Its urban location facilitates both academic and social networks, promoting a steadfast environment, and the campus creates a very comfortable learning and living environment. Academically, I hope to pursue my interests in bioengineering, where I can collaborate with other students and professors to create and develop artificial tissues, organs, and other organ components that can be used to replace damaged or missing limbs. By attending WPI, I know that I could work hand in hand with some of the best professors, doctors, and hospitals in the country, researching
My larger vision is becoming a biomedical engineer. What interests me most about the field is the intricate combination of two seemingly opposite characteristics. Engineers are sometimes seen as people who are on an elevated level of intelligence, but a below average sense of interpersonality. As a Biomedical Engineer, you are required to interact closely with patient. It’s impossible to complete a job without getting to know a patient. You have to identify their ailment or whatever else may be troubling them, and incorporate different levels of math, science, and technology to resolve the issue at
I’ve always been interested in the field of medicine. When I was being born, I almost died, being saved only by the ingenuity of a Nurse Day for whom my middle name is dedicated to. Above all else, I want to have an impact on the quality of life for others, and I think the University of Pennsylvania is one of, if not the, best ways to do that. Its bioengineering department is consistently ranked to be the most rigorous in the field, and I can handle rigor.
Alan W Eberhardt. He is the Associate Chair of Education of the Department of Biomedical Engineering(BME). Dr. Eberhardt defined biomedical engineering as the use of engineering expertise to solve health related problems. He talked about the partnership between Biomedical engineering faculty/ students and clinicians, therapists, scientists from the hospital, school of medicine, dentistry, and public health. BME, as Dr. Eberhardt said, is involve is many research at UAB. The fields of research are biomedical implants and devices, injury biomechanics, biomedical imaging, cardiac electrophysiology, computational biology, tissue engineering, and target drug delivery. He also talked about how the senior design is a way to help people with disabilities in their process of gaining self-esteem and
I strongly believe that biomedical engineering practice and research should come to an end. Biomedical engineering is very expensive, it’s a very long process, and it can drastically change a person's’ life in a negative way.
Although creating art is a very big hobby of mine, I have come to the conclusion that it is nearly impossible to be successful in that kind of field, so I have decided that using my interests in the human body and biology would be a much better career path. I love learning about the way the human body works, it’s extremely fascinating to me, but I have not always been the best in STEM subjects. If I’m being completely honest, STEM classes are the ones I struggle with the most. Majority of the time I get so frustrated with a certain subject, like math, that I feel like giving up. The reason I have still not given up and want to pursue a career in STEM is because I enjoy challenging myself and my skills.