
Biomedical Science Personal Statement

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My uncle was the first person who introduced me to science, at the age of ten and made me realize how fascinating and exciting science could be. My interest in science has increased over the years through my academic studies, particularly in Biology. I was intrigued by how the human body works, how they are affected by diseases and special techniques and medicines used to cure or prevent diseases. This has led me to pursue Biomedical science at university. Having visited an exhibition in London gave me an opportunity to meet students from various universities and discuss research areas they were involved in. The discussion about immunology intrigued me most during the exhibition, because of the interaction between gut microbes and our immune system. I believe that perusing a degree in Biomedical Science will allow me to study more about microbial relationships in depth and the ways to maintain their balance which interest me because, I believe it is one of the major scientific focuses in modern medicine. …show more content…

Furthermore, throughout studying BTEC Chemistry and Biology, my practical and project management skills in the laboratory have increased immensely. My study in Science involved various experiments; one in particular is using Spectroscopy and a Thin Layer Chromatography for the making and purification of aspirin. This has increased my understanding of utilising different methods and techniques which is applicable in both real life situations and medical laboratories. Thus, studying Biomedical Science will give me a chance to explore pharmaceutical drugs and immunological science to a greater depth. Maths and Further Maths have developed my ability to solve problems logically and the knowledge to deal with reliability and accuracy, which I feel are needed to partake in a health care

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