My uncle was the first person who introduced me to science, at the age of ten and made me realize how fascinating and exciting science could be. My interest in science has increased over the years through my academic studies, particularly in Biology. I was intrigued by how the human body works, how they are affected by diseases and special techniques and medicines used to cure or prevent diseases. This has led me to pursue Biomedical science at university. Having visited an exhibition in London gave me an opportunity to meet students from various universities and discuss research areas they were involved in. The discussion about immunology intrigued me most during the exhibition, because of the interaction between gut microbes and our immune system. I believe that perusing a degree in Biomedical Science will allow me to study more about microbial relationships in depth and the ways to maintain their balance which interest me because, I believe it is one of the major scientific focuses in modern medicine. …show more content…
Furthermore, throughout studying BTEC Chemistry and Biology, my practical and project management skills in the laboratory have increased immensely. My study in Science involved various experiments; one in particular is using Spectroscopy and a Thin Layer Chromatography for the making and purification of aspirin. This has increased my understanding of utilising different methods and techniques which is applicable in both real life situations and medical laboratories. Thus, studying Biomedical Science will give me a chance to explore pharmaceutical drugs and immunological science to a greater depth. Maths and Further Maths have developed my ability to solve problems logically and the knowledge to deal with reliability and accuracy, which I feel are needed to partake in a health care
My academic and research experience at University of Washington helped me realize the importance of health science and that I am suitable to study biomedical sciences. UW is well known for its rigorous health science programs and biology related courses. However, my resolve to do well does not falter a bit when I am challenged with the demanding coursework. Rather than being daunted by the challenge, I feel compelled to expose myself to the vast knowledge of the biology due to curiosity and passion. I thank UW for the hardship because it makes me more determined to go into biomedical sciences.
In the story of The Epic of Gilgamesh the themes of coping with loss and death and the presence of fear and uncertainty in one’s life are of significant relevance as the story unfolds. The main character Gilgamesh and the supporting character Enkidu develop a strong bond throughout the story. After Enkidu dies, Gilgamesh transitions from a high point in his life full of glory and adventures to a time of misery and grieving. This leads Gilgamesh to set into perspective his own existence. From this point on, Gilgamesh dreads death and the uncertainty it surrounds it. Especially during the time when the story develops people had a pessimistic outlook on death and life which intensifies his fear. Loss and death and the presence of fear and uncertainty are themes that are affluence in the book and are reflected in the sorrows, lamentations and fears of the main character Gilgamesh.
Biomed Academy at my high school will be the most contributing factor to attain my goal. This academy has changed my perspective about medicine career. I have gained tons of knowledge from BioMed academy in these high school years. This will help me to attain my goal, because the knowledge gained from this academy will help me to be a successful medical professional. The principle of Health Science, Health Science, CNA, psychology, Biology, and anatomy and physiology are classes that prepared me to be an eligible Pre-Med applicant. I have learned from the basic structures of the body to the complex structure of the body, and from classroom to hands-on experience at the rehabilitation center. These years in BioMed Academy will help me to attain
Before I attended to HS 200 class, I didn’t have enough information about what kind of jobs that I could get in with bachelors of science in health science degree. I had planed to take MCAT after graduation to involve into medical program. However, my plan was changed since I attended this health science class because of the assignments that I have done during this semester for the class, such as the research of the graduate program and the job search.
Due to the fairly recent changes regarding the legality of prostitution in Canada, individuals who use and provide these services have been cautious (Warnica, 2015). Unfortunately, new laws may create more problems than benefits, such as, financial problems due to fewer people buying sex because it is illegal to do so. In this paper, I will explicate and assess the new changes to the law regarding prostitution in Canada, arguing that prostitution should be legal in Canada. Prostitution laws vary all over the world. Some jurisdictions are similar to Canada whilst others are extremely different. The United Kingdom is similar to Canada, as acts related to prostitution are illegal but prostitution itself is not. In Germany, Netherlands, and New Zealand prostitution is legal and so are brothels. However, in Argentina, France, Singapore and Greece brothels are illegal put prostitution is. There is no universal agreement on how governments should legislate or regulate prostitution.
The human body is an amazing machine; one that works efficiently in spite of the many intricate functions it processes every second. Because of its complexity, research is still very new and exciting especially with the brain, and I want to be a part of it. Biomedicine is the ideal course for me as I have an interest for human biology and it allows me to have the flexibility to experience different modules before specialising.
Being part of a robotics team for three years has introduced me into some aspects of engineering. I have had the opportunity to build a relationship with one engineering professor from the Univeristy of Brown and a mentors who aided me and my team with the designing, building and programing of the robot. I was able to learn a lot of new and interesting things from the mentors. The mentors were both females who were pursuing a master's degree in biomedical engineering. They informed about the variety of ways one can do to help others when they get a biomedical engineering degree.
I did not find fulfillment with my education until I found architecture. Before then, I had always enjoyed studying art and design, but was encouraged to pursue a major that fit my parents more serious idea of education. This is why I spent my first year at North Carolina State University as an Exploratory Studies student, taking courses to try and enter the Biomedical Engineering major. Chasing a major that was not a good fit for my interests proved detrimental for me, as I lost focus over my school work and the courses proved difficult to keep up with. It was not until I had the opportunity to interview an architect working in downtown Raleigh that I came to the realization architecture was perfectly suited for me. The world of formative design and studio culture seemed like an education that was too good to be true. I was in disbelief over how the right career field had evaded me all these years. I took the opportunity to sit in on architecture classes and was sold.
My wish to help people, and improve their lives originates from my nurturing, caring personality. My interest in biomedical science has been a calculated choice, by considering my life experiences. My dedication and love towards science reflected in my grades for the Access to HE course in combined science. The Access course included biology, chemistry maths, and physics.
These heroes of the scientific community have been my inspiration and my role-models for science. In light of that, when I was younger I would read about and watch documentaries on these scientists and sit
A subject I am considering to study at university is Biochemistry or Healthcare because Biology is a subject I thoroughly enjoyed at GCSE and am continuing currently. I enjoy finding out how components work in synchronisation in the human body, e.g. protein synthesis requires the DNA helicase to unwind the double helix so the free bases can come together to form the mRNA, once this is translated into long chain of amino acids it creates a protein which makes up the crucial parts of our body like the skin which acts as a barrier between the outside and the complex labyrinth of the inside. It is amazing how a single fold in keratin’s structure could alter the curliness of a person’s hair or even turn it from a hair cell to a finger nail, this all depends on the essential order of amino acids at primary structure which lead to different bonds at tertiary level.
Animal Farm by George Orwell, an allegorical reflection of the Russian Revolution, was quite the opposite of my average read. Opening up a novel about a dystopian society ruled by animals gave me a whole new perspective about equal rights. It makes one think, “How come us humans are given the upper hand and animals are forced to go by our rules?” Or irrational thoughts, such as “Will animals one day conquer Earth?” We don’t know the answers to these questions as of now, but after reading Animal Farm my mind was full of possibilities. I’ve learned that animals can have emotions, thoughts, and actions very similar to humans in their own unique way, which in this case, is a problem to the residents of Animal Farm.
Since the beginning of Medical Terminology I have loved and appreciated the values and capabilities of medical technology and have been fascinated with the way our bodies work and maintain themselves. The health science courses I have taken have made me realize my dream of not only working in health care but someday make a difference in it. In Med Term I learned vocabulary crucial in healthcare along with many ways in which our bodies work and functions and currently am learning how to properly treat patients along with how to chart and treat different situations preparing me for future instances in the healthfield making me familiar with many abbreviations used in the medical profession and ultimately shaping me into a better health care provider
Biomedical engineering is a field where you will be finding solutions for the problems inside your body using engineering principles. Then, once you pursue a degree in biomedical engineering then you can specialize in various interesting subfields; to name a few, bio-engineering, tissue engineering and cellular engineering where an individual who has successfully acquired sufficient knowledge in the field would deal with both human body and medical devices that ranges from clinical equipment to micro implant. I believe this field is one that would both accommodate the interests of an engineering student, as well as a medical student. Finally, my intention in choosing this field goes beyond my salary package. I would strive to contribute with improved advanced medical technology that would help work out solutions for the problems encountered by people, that in turn will eradicate the ailments of the millions of people suffering out there, together with the fact that bio engineeing is an ongoing one where every moment new advancements are taking
My Undergraduate degree of Biotechnology is an interdisciplinary field covering biosciences, biochemistry, mathematics, probability and statistics, biophysics and computer science. Subjects as varied and seemingly disconnected as these being studied together helped me understand that biology is developing into something more than pure life sciences. When I was in school, my 9th and 10th grade biology teacher, Mr. Samuel, recognized my passion for biology and encouraged me to pursue it. I have always enjoyed my math classes too and wondered if there was a way to connect both subjects. I discovered Computational Biology to be the perfect embodiment of this idea. The roots of the field lie in Biology and branching out of it are the applications of mathematics and computer science to understand the subject in a completely different way. Having knowledge in various fields certainly makes the job easier, as we know which field can cater to what part of the solution. I imagine every disease to be