“Biometric attendance in the workplace is a threat to privacy”. How far do you agree? (30 marks) Ref - http://www.biometrics.org/html/introduction.html Biometrics are automated methods of recognizing a person based on a physiological or behavioral characteristic. Among the features measured are; face, fingerprints, hand geometry, handwriting, iris, retinal, vein, and voice. Biometric technologies are becoming the foundation of an extensive array of highly secure identification and personal verification solutions. As the level of security breaches and transaction fraud increases, the need for highly secure identification and personal verification technologies is becoming apparent. Biometric-based solutions are able to provide …show more content…
One can avoid early punching, late punching and buddy punching very easily. • Many schools, college used Biometric Time Attendance to track their student's attendance. The Biggest advantage of Biometric Time Attendance over manual tracking is better security. Many shops and shopping mall use biometric time attendance for security purpose and it really works a lot. • If someone wants to use it for business or organization, then they can easily integrate it to payroll systems, account systems and billing systems. So in that way it is very flexible also and it also shows that time attendance system can be used for all type of business and organizations with great flexibility. • In a nutshell biometric time attendance solution permits you to focus on your core business by giving quickest and easiest way to overcome your time tracking
Biometrics is a piece of technology shown off in BTTF2 and now biometrics are almost being used in our everyday lives. People have it on their phones and sometimes even check into work with them. The problem is people place their hands everywhere making it easy to find them. Basically ruining the whole concept of safety with biometrics. For example, Magaly Ramirez, a student
Identification processes are significantly more complex and error prone than verification processes. Biometrics technologies are indicators of authentication assurance with results based on a predetermined threshold with measurable False Accept Rates and False Reject Rates.
Care-Time is Care Systems’: tracking employee’s attendance and analyzing attendance data to support decision making processes related to staff schedules and it developed a robust process for seamless integration with Human Resources, Payroll, Scheduling and other systems.
Biometric Authentication refers to the usage of software that looks for physical markers to allow access to a system. Some of the most commonly used physical markers are fingerprints, face-recognition, voice-recognition, and iris-recognition (Williams & Sawyer, 2015). As no two humans are exactly alike biometics are less likely to be hacked, although it is not impossible.
Eliminate the manual entry of time cards in multiple systems and provide the ability to track attendance.
Ultimately all experts agreed that biometrics are superior to older methods of online identification. But experts question if this new technology is enhancing the customers experience. Experts debate these new features because they are more reliable than passwords but when hacked can give out more personal information. The social network for those in the IT industry Spiceworks says that 90% of companies will use biometrics by 2020.Companies like Microsoft and Facebook are already using this technology because it is a cheaper alternative than passwords. Passwords can get hacked, but are also easy to change, biometrics can be hacked, but users cannot change biometrics. Not only do hackers access your fingerprints, but they also have all of your online secured personal information. This advancement has proved to be beneficial for companies, but consumers are wary to give up this information. This is due to the fact the companies are selling this information to third parties without consent from the users. The European Union is addressing citizens' concerns mandating that companies give consent to customers. Hopefully other nations like the U.S. will adopt these laws to protect citizens. The article draws that biometrics can help companies get to really know their customers but customers no longer trust them because they have gone too
Technology is always improving, and new software is always being developed. One of these new technologies that have been developed is biometrics. Biometrics is the process by which a person's unique physical and other traits are detected and recorded by an electronic device or system as means of confirming identity (Dictionary.com, 2013). In recent years, the FBI has employed new biometrics technology.
Because of our payroll web clock, you do not have to maintain a time card or keep inventory. Everything gets done using the revolutionary technology of a payroll web clock from MinuteHound. The system has become so advanced that whenever an employee clocks in or out of work, the system will send an email or text message
The great thing about MinuteHound is how it integrates everything into a single place. You can track everything much easier through this fingerprint attendance technology that keeps everything on track. One of the best things that most business owners look forward to is that they can throw out their outdated time card, and they do not have to keep track of the time themselves, which increases productivity levels in the
As the healthcare industry goes through transformation with the use of new technology to increase safety, quality, and reduce costs, they are faced with additional challenges (IriTech, Inc., March 16, 2015). A critical problem in healthcare is medical identity theft and other types of fraud that leads to wrongful disclosure of patient information (IriTech, Inc., March 16, 2015). As a challenge, today many healthcare organizations are finding better ways to meet the regulatory standards of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in order to protect the patient privacy and the confidentiality of patient information. Many healthcare organizations are turning to biometric technology as a way
Biometric systems are technologies that can scan physiological, chemical or behavioral characteristics of a subject for the sake of verifying or in other words authenticating their
Biometrics are automated methods of recognizing a person based on a physical or behavioral characteristic (2001). Essentially, biometric security technologies are used to accurately identify individuals on a unique trait. The most common biometric security techniques used currently are: signature
Biometric technologies are getting better and finely tuned. The rate of false readings and errors has sharply fallen. However it still requires careful consideration and planning to implement a biometric identification system. They are most costly and complicated to implement as compared with other authentication systems. A proper evaluation of the system is important before purchasing any biometric system. A thorough risk analysis is necessary. In many cases biometrics may be overkill. Biometrics must be used if there is high level of risk involved. Customer acceptance is also important when logging on to company websites. Home users might not be ready to install biometrics on home computers for online banking.
We live in a world today, in which technology moves at a very rapid pace. Many of these technological advances can be used to make our everyday lives easier and safer. One of these new technologies is Biometrics. Biometrics is the process of measuring a person’s physical properties. This would include measuring things like fingerprints, retinas, odor, vein structure on the back of the hand and many other things. Biometrics is a very important topic because it would create better security precautions for certain places that need to be secure. Biometrics will make our society safer by only allowing authorized people out of secure facilities and by keeping the unauthorized people out. Throughout the rest of this
Biometrics is a method of identifying an individual based on characteristics that they possess, typically physiological features such as a fingerprint, hand, iris, retina, face, voice, and even DNA. Some methods of biometrics security even use multiple physiological features or multimodal biometrics to provide superior security than a single form of biometrics can provide. Why are biometrics important in the field of information security? Biometrics provide a remarkable amount of security for information because biometrics are unique to each person, and thus cannot be lost, copied, or shared with another individual. This security allows for biometrics to provide a means to reliability authenticate personnel. The importance of biometrics can be further divided into the history of biometrics and why it was devised, past implementations of biometrics, current implementations of biometrics, and future implementations of biometrics.