The goal of furthering my education and earning a college degree is so that I will become a Biopsychologist in the field of psychology. Through this field, I will be able to learn more about the psychological disorders and the effect they have on the brain. This career will allow me to pursue my passions and goals. I would like to become a biopsychologist in the field of psychology because it will allow me to study how psychological disorders affect the brain. A biopsychologist studies the relationship between the brain and nervous system in relation to behavior. This job differs from a psychologist due to the fact that they view it from a biological perspective. The job duties include: laboratory and field research, teaching animal and human …show more content…
99% of my family is in the medical field or in a related science. As such, I grew up around medical terminology and stories. My academic life also had an emphasis on math and science. Because of the strong emphasis on science, I have a great deal of interest in scientific subjects, especially neurobiological sciences. One of my life goals is to make a difference in the world. One of the values of this career is altruism, which is the practice of concern of the well-being of others. My parents also raised me with a moderate income, providing for all my needs without a problem. I wish to be able to do the same for my children, thus my reason for having income as one of my values. I was also raised with the values of independence and creativity. My parents taught me how to think for myself and to make creative solutions. These values gave me the ability to not rely on others but to rely on my brain and other information. These values set me apart from others because of the leadership and critical thinking I gain from them. These values, as well as what I gain from them, allow me to accomplish and enjoy my
By being able to identify my own values and beliefs is an important aspect of my continual personal growth. I use them to guide my actions and behaviours throughout my life as well as helping form attitudes towards different things. Some are rally core to me and they define who I am, whilst others change in importance dependant on my needs at any given time.
My academic career is based on the sciences, especially chemistry and biology. Throughout my childhood, I have been greatly exposed to the sciences. My mother was a nurse practitioner in a rural clinic, which was connected to our house. Consequently, the clinic became my playground and the stethoscopes became my toys. Therefore, I was always interested in how the body worked and what affected our health.
My faith in humanity compels me to help people. I aspire to enhance the quality of life for people on an international level. The world has a way of interconnecting people to form communities. I believe these communities unite the world as a whole, working together to terminate cancer, combat diseases, and extinguish poverty. Changing the lives of human beings fuels my desire to pursue a career in medicine.
Growing up in an impoverished area of the Mexican border pushed my parents to send me to the U.S. to obtain a better education. Through self-discipline and persistency I slowly broke through my language barrier, however other obstacles crossed my path that required more than simply persistency. As I become comfortable with my new environment, I developed a deep curiosity about the world around me especially human physiology. My parents' careers involved science and medicine on a daily basis, this sparked my curiosity significantly towards medicine and science, and the principles of my institution helped me discover my vocation. These principles and interests ultimately led me to what I believe
My core values make me the person I am today. Role models and life experiences have instilled me with honesty, respect, and dedication. I have noticed that if you treat someone with respect they will be more receptive to you and your visions.
My interest for science blossomed as a child, my mom is a lab technician and going to her job and seeing them learn all these astonishing things about a person from a simple tube of blood blew me away. In middle school I went to a STEM school, The Academy for Science and Design in order to allow that passion to grow, and from there I have participated in multiple science related research projects that I have been able to bring with me to national level competitions. In addition, in high school I am taking AP level science classes, such as AP Biology, in order to expand my knowledge. Soon I plan on starting to volunteer at the community hospital for an opportunity to gain real world experience in the scientific field. The thing I take most pride
Faith, determination, optimism, happiness and humor are values that make me an individual. It’s important to have set values as they are guiding principles in the way we live our lives and how we handle stressful situations or moral dilemmas. We learn these core principles from those close to us and we learn them at an early age. These principles delineate important factors in our lives and make it easier to overcome our difficulties. What values do you live by? Respect? Honesty? Compassion? Loyalty? Self respect? Power? Determination? Success? Popularity? Grab a notepad and a pen and make
I have always had a passion and interest in working with the unknown. When I was in high school, I always made sure I was taking science classes that interested me, and would help me decide on what I wanted to major in college. I chose neuroscience as my major because it is a subject that continues to fascinate me. Neuroscience is the study of how the nervous system develops, its structure, and what it does. I want to focus on the brain and its impact on behavior and cognitive functions. I want to go into clinical neuroscience (looking at the disorders of the nervous system) or cognitive neuroscience, which studies the higher cognitive functions and underlying neural bases. With a neuroscience major, I would like to pursue a career in clinical research, do research for the National Institute of Health, work for the CDC and specialize in neurological disease, and/or run a clinical research project in another country. I want to pursue a career in one of these areas because I want to dedicate my knowledge, skills, and time to helping people and the world of science. I want my work to make a positive impact on society and be beneficial for the forthcoming generations. I want to help people and discover new things that will help those in need. I am motivated every day to continue working hard by realizing there are still more things to be discovered and that it could be done by me.
From generations of knowledge and experience stemmed values that trickled down to myself. I was taught to value the reward of hard work, but also the toil and pains that went into it. I was taught to value the people who support me and care for me as family, regardless of whether it was true in the cold, biological sense. I was taught to be ambitious, to seek success, to never all fear to inhibit my growth. These beliefs and values are ingrained in my character, and are why I cherish my heritage.
I have always been interested in science and the way things work. My interest in the medical field started by the time I was in kindergarten. However, I was interested in being a veterinarian at that point in my life. I loved and still do love animals, but changed to wanting to be a human nurse when I was in middle school. I would always go to appointments with my grandparents and parents when I was younger. Watching blood work being taken and the way a doctor would contort an MRI always sparked an interest in me.
These are values that I initially learned from my parents, but have learned to live better through school, volunteer work, Scouts and many years of participation in sports. I show commitment when I put forth my best efforts in school work and even when I am doing activities outside of school. Those activities include volunteer work and the commitment I give forth in ice hockey. I show discipline by following instructions from parents, teachers, and coaches. I follow the rules in school, in public, and in sports. I show honor by following in the footsteps of twelve of my family members in which some retired working in the military and the public safety departments. some still continue to work in the public safety departments as well. Lastly I show respect by being polite and obedient to
As a person I believe I have strong values and have made right choices in my life. I am a very honest and dependable person that makes a positive impact at home and the workplace. We gain out outlook on values from day one starting with our parents and on up to role models and our environment. These values can change depending on outside factors and events in our lives. Values help us differ from right and wrong and help us with decisions every day. One of the biggest venues for values is in the workplace where we face challenges and obstacles all the time. Working with others and on team’s present challenges where our values come into play on how we work cohesively.
My career goal is to obtain my undergraduate degree in psychology, then continue onto obtaining a Masters and Ph.D. With these degrees, I intend to become a marriage counselor and family therapist. I will obtain these degrees by taking all the available psychology courses and create my academic CV. To enter graduate school you must take a GRE, graduate with an Undergraduate Honours degree, and participate in the Honours Thesis course. As I can not take the test, nor start my Honours Thesis until I have begun my fourth year I will be spending the first three building up my academic CV and creating lasting connections with my professors, and people within my community.
My interest started in elementary school, because of the teachers who enhanced my passion for science. In elementary school, I never thought about turning my passion into an actual career; that didn’t happen until high school. Science always intrigued me, from the never-ending science fair projects to research projects. Georgetown University’s Masters’ program in Biotechnology/ BioScience will continue to enhance my passion for science, but will also enhance my other passion in health related professions. Throughout my life, I loved science and health, but more so, the satisfaction of putting someone’s well being before my own.
I had learned these core values from my family, teachers/professors, peers and myself. While I was younger to the age I am now, I was shown how important it is to have strong characteristics that make you a person. Everything I had been through I had lost and gain some of the values along the way of my life. I will admit not all of these came at once; it took much time to see the importance of my life and progress what’s left in it. Most of the time, when I was stuck I’d ask for advice and see how others got