
Biopsychologist Career Goal

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The goal of furthering my education and earning a college degree is so that I will become a Biopsychologist in the field of psychology. Through this field, I will be able to learn more about the psychological disorders and the effect they have on the brain. This career will allow me to pursue my passions and goals. I would like to become a biopsychologist in the field of psychology because it will allow me to study how psychological disorders affect the brain. A biopsychologist studies the relationship between the brain and nervous system in relation to behavior. This job differs from a psychologist due to the fact that they view it from a biological perspective. The job duties include: laboratory and field research, teaching animal and human …show more content…

99% of my family is in the medical field or in a related science. As such, I grew up around medical terminology and stories. My academic life also had an emphasis on math and science. Because of the strong emphasis on science, I have a great deal of interest in scientific subjects, especially neurobiological sciences. One of my life goals is to make a difference in the world. One of the values of this career is altruism, which is the practice of concern of the well-being of others. My parents also raised me with a moderate income, providing for all my needs without a problem. I wish to be able to do the same for my children, thus my reason for having income as one of my values. I was also raised with the values of independence and creativity. My parents taught me how to think for myself and to make creative solutions. These values gave me the ability to not rely on others but to rely on my brain and other information. These values set me apart from others because of the leadership and critical thinking I gain from them. These values, as well as what I gain from them, allow me to accomplish and enjoy my

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