Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome is a rare disorder where you have certain tumors. Most tumors appear on the face, forehead, and neck. BHD is caused by mutations in the FLCN gene. (Genetics Home Reference) BHD is also inherited from parents or the grandparents. The symptoms are, tumors on face, neck, and the forehead. (Genetics Home Reference) BHD increases the risk of getting cancer.
Sequence analyses is one way to test if you have been diagnosed with BHD. Another way to test if you have BHD is doing a mutation scan. BHD is treated by doing drug therapy, surgery, rehab, or palliative care. Each of these will treat the disorder, but not cure it. (Medscape) There are no environmental factors to BHD.
A person with BHD has to live with the fact they
ADHD children have trouble in school with reading, handwriting and paying attention to what is important. They constantly fidget and squirm and can't express their thoughts into words. Detecting ADHD is a complicated matter since there are no blood tests or evident genetic tests to confirm this syndrome.
The child who is showing some symptoms of ADHD should get the proper diagnoses and the parents should bring their child to a specialist. First of all, the child would be seen by a pediatrician or a child psychologist. The specialist would gather information from everyone, the school, caregivers or parents. The health care provider will look over the information and compare it to the regular children of the same age group.
The CDC webpage has many details and facts about ADHD, and the focus is pointed towards children with ADHD, but does not tell us or discuss any ways to treat the disorder. The stated facts are credible and accurate as a government service, if those parents that read that information would think there are limited resources available to help treat their children with ADHD, and that is with a combination of behavior therapy, medication, or with the two together(CDC,2016). According to the physician Sir George Frederick ADHD was called a “defect of moral control.” Even to this day doctors still believe this defect to be true; before any child is diagnosed with ADHD or given medication testing needs to be done. The treatment for ADHD should be individualized (overview of
I have personally used this website for the same reason researching information about ADHD signs and symptoms. We were looking up the ADHD webpage for insight about this neurodevelopmental disorder related to our son after talking with his preschool teacher. The ADHD webpage was easy to navigate and addressed all our questions. This website is filled with information based on evidence provided by studies and evaluated prior to publishing. After reading the general overview about ADHD, should further information be required it can be found by visiting the diagnosis section. The diagnosis section describes next steps to take because there is no diagnostic test to identify this disorder (CDC, 2016). A medical exam including vision and hearing tests are recommended to rule out ADHD, because these present similar symptoms to ADHD due to limiting the child’s ability to focus (CDC, 2016). On the ADHD homepage listed under state information there is an interactive map of the United States. With this map locations can be chosen to view for specific provider contact information and their therapy specialties (CDC,
Understandably of course it's a money making machine between the cost of therapy, medications, and depending on the medication weekly to monthly blood draws. There's lots of money to be made off of people diagnosed with ADHD. More than that though, is that it's become sort of a trend. “Few topics have generated as much public concern as the diagnosis of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, outpatient visits for ADHD jumped from 1.6 million to 4.2 million per year from 1990 to 1993” (ADHD—Overcoming the Specter of Overdiagnosis. (2002). ADHD has
The evaluation of ADHD from a clinician standpoint is that ADHD is a disorder. ADHD stands for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Disorders occur from childhood to adulthood and with treatments for daily interactions, improvement of ADHD symptoms occur as a child ages and reaches adulthood. Disorders evaluated, by the following persons; behavioral neurologist, psychiatrist, clinical or educational psychologist, nurse practitioner, or clinical social worker. Genetics linked to ADHD, with additional research and study of other possible causes and risk factors, which may cause concern is publicized. Researchers suggest, that ADHD runs in families because of genetics or external factors due to smoking or
The evaluation of ADHD from a clinician standpoint is that ADHD is a disorder. ADHD stands for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Disorders occur from childhood to adulthood and with treatments for daily interactions, improvement of ADHD symptoms occur as a child ages and reaches adulthood. Disorders are evaluated by the following persons; behavioral neurologist, psychiatrist, clinical or educational psychologist, nurse practitioner, or clinical social worker. Genetics have been linked to ADHD, with additional research and study of other possible causes and risk factors that may cause concern. Research also, suggest that ADHD runs in families because of genetics or external factors due to smoking or
The types of testing that specialist do for ADHD is “clinical observation” and that is how they determine
DiGeorge Syndrome is a chromosomal disorder caused by a defect in chromosome 22. The syndrome can cause heart defects which then leads to a poor immune system function and while that’s occurring it gives low levels of calcium in the blood. The syndrome also causes altered facial characteristics. There is no known cure but calcium acetate by injection or by mouth. Nothing contributes to the disease. What it is like to live with the disorder is having low-set ears, speech impairment, cleft lip and cleft palate, difficulty thinking and understanding, frequent infections, hearing loss can occur and your body will have hyperactivity, nasal voice, or wide spaced eyes. The syndrome is rare only fewer than 200,000 us cases per year. Mostly affected
According to Dr. Rosemary Hutchinson, ADHD is one of the most difficult conditions to diagnose and at least three evaluations with the family should be done before making a diagnosis. It is important for a doctor to have knowledge of the child’s illnesses, developmental milestones, and family life. ADD/ADHD have the symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity, impulsivity are common to a number of other conditions that can be mistaken for ADD/ADHD. Children may show signs of these behaviors due to family and social problems. (Hutchinson)
There are many negatives involved in ADHD, but what’s often overlooked, are the positives. One of these positives is the fact that this disorder is very manageable and treatable. We have an extended amount of knowledge from numerous studies that have been done since the disorder was discovered. From these studies we now know that this disorder can affect people in many ways and be a burden on someone if not treated properly.
Families who have children with ADHD often experience much higher anxiety and stress levels. A large number of children, almost half, will exhibit signs of ADHD by the age of four. However, most children are not diagnosed until he or she reaches elementary school. The behaviors that are associated with ADHD in children put them at risk for a host of other problems and complications such as completing their education, alcohol and other drug abuse, and an increased risk for delinquency. There has been much research on ADHD in recent years and many different types of medications and interventions have proven to be quite helpful. With the proper diagnosis and treatment, children with ADHD can learn to cope with the daily demands of the classroom, social situations, family interactions, and life in general.
When diagnosing ADHD, there is no single test itself that can determine it. Deciding if a child has the disorder is a several step process, which requires the attention of different professionals as well as those surrounding the child on a daily basis. A pediatrician,
Children with ADHD are being medicated unnecessarily. The problem is there are no biological tests for the disorder, and it cannot be revealed through a blood test. ADHD should be the last resort for a diagnosis, but it is often the first choice. In many cases a child who is disruptive in class or
For a child to be diagnosed for ADHD, the child or adult has to have the symptoms for 6 or more months before the doctor can diagnose the child or adult.Certain medicines can help people with ADHD by improving their focus and attention and reducing their impulsiveness and hyperactivity. Some of the medications are Adderall, Adderall XR, Concerta, DAytrana, Desoxyn, Dexedrine, Dextrostat, Focalin, Focalin XR, Metadate ER, Metadate CD, Methylin, Ritalin, Ritalin SR, Ritalin LA, Strattera, amd Vyvanse.