
Bishop Kelly's Graduation Speech

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“Mercy: the bridge that connects God and man, opening our hearts to the hope of being loved forever, despite our sinfulness.” -Pope Francis. The year of mercy comes every fifty years and I feel blessed to have spent a portion of my eighth grade year in the 2016 Jubilee. High school can be a difficult period, and I know that Mercy will help me through my freshman year. I hope to accomplish many things at Bishop Kelly through mercy, I know the obstacles, opportunities for guidance and kindness, and the goals I make going into freshman year will help me accomplish all of them. Mercy is a wonderful gift, it will help me through the challenges, opportunities for leadership and service, and the goals I have for my four years of being a knight.

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Becoming a knight means opening myself to leadership and service. I’ve always planned on playing basketball and soccer at Bishop Kelly, and I knew that I’d have to fight for positions and playing time, but I know that athletics give me the chance to sharpen my leadership skills for off the field and court. All leaders have similar qualities, one that stands out is Mercy. As an athlete I have to show mercy towards myself and my teammates if I want to be a leader. An opportunity for service would be to take advantage of Bishop Kelly’s service project. I’ve volunteered before and I look forward to helping those in need whether it’s required or not. High school prepares students for the rest of their life, and Bishop Kelly offers different classes that I need to take advantage of. At this point in my life I can’t tell what my career will be, but with the opportunities for leadership Bishop Kelly offers I can explore new classes and hopefully find a subject that interests me. With the opportunities that Bishop Kelly offers for leadership and service I know I'll have to have a plan for my freshman year. This is why setting goals are extremely

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