
Essay Bismarck Claims The Credit For German Unification

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Bismarck Claims The Credit For German Unification

In the early 19th Century, the growth of nationalism and the growing economic strength of the German states was very great. The German's shared a common identity in the form of language race and heritage such as music, literature and poetry. The growing improvements in communications and transport also brought the states one step closer together. The reduction of the number of German states from 365 to 39 states made each state more economically and militarily stronger.

Conditions, particularly economic conditions, were such in 1862 that Bismarck was able to build on them and gain the credit for their successes.

Although Unification arguably …show more content…

Nationalism was also at a great high in Europe even reaching to countries out-with Europe. The majority of middle class liberals wished to instate an elected government with freedom of speech and press. It was clear that these aims could be achieved through a unified Germany, therefore identifying the liberals with the nationalist cause. In the 1840's military manoeuvres and political decisions made by the French which seemed threatening to the Germans provoked strong reactions from many of the Germans leading to a growth in nationalism and the creation of nationalistic songs, sung by the German troops such as, "The watch on the Rhine". The revolutions, which took place in France, Italy and the Austrian Empire along with the fall of prince Metternicht, encouraged the German nationalists who longed for a unified Germany. The middle classes also pressed for political reform. Revolts in Prussia caused the king to create a Prussian national assembly, which in the end failed due to lack of strong leadership and right wing oppositions to the collapse of the assembly.


In the early 19th Century, the rising population and development of industrial towns led to a growing class of discontented

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