
What Is The Miseducation Of Black American Education

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The Miseducation of members of the Black community
Thinking about the struggle that lead to the emergence of Black studies departments in America, with help from students and teachers, to understanding today based on past failures what the right kind of education looks like, feels like and the outcomes it produces, it becomes clear that the legacy of educating Black people to have white minds is still in play. Additionally, after all that Black studies departments have accomplished, a return back to communal involvement/community service as a requirement for students within these departments, keeps the legacy of what fostered Black Student Unions and departments to form in the first place, this particularly being valuing intellectual growth …show more content…

In this imitation, they hurt the Black community in the same manner as whites do. Woodson asserts that “it may be of no importance to the race to be able to boast today of many times as many “educated” members as it had in 1865. If they are of the wrong kind the increase in numbers will be a disadvantage rather than an advantage. The only question which concerns us here is whether these “educated” persons are actually equipped to face the ordeal before them or unconsciously contribute to their undoing by perpetuating the regime of the oppressor” (xi). Similarly, Woodson targets America’s school system that promotes whitewashed education above all else by stating that “when a Negro has finished his education in our schools, then, he has been equipped to begin the life of an Americanized or Europeanized white men, but before he steps from the threshold of his alma he is told by his teachers that he must go back to his own people from whom he has been estranged by a vision of ideals which in his disillusionment he will realize that he cannot attain” (6). As the push for the Black educated to return to their communities comes from white academia in a weird way, since they were unlikely in the time (still today) to be hired over educated and poorly educated whites, the …show more content…

Particularly with the Black Campus Movement of the 1960’s, as the first BSU and Black Studies department formed at San Francisco college (now a university) in 1966, through this movement such centered learning would advance the Black community nearby but they too ran into trouble when people in leadership positions weren’t conscious, so as they were operating against the interests of the community and against service, they harmed the progress that the Black community could possibly make. Therefore, setting up Black Studies departments on majority white campuses (since everyone doesn’t live close to HBCU’s) was to teach and spread a consciousness that incorporated what needed to be done for the betterment of Black folks hence through social responsibility implementation. Rogers also makes it clear that service learning and community involvement paired with education started with Black churches and colleges, and that “in West Africa as well as ancient Egypt, social responsibility was developed through the educational process of initiation” (1122). Rogers then goes on explaining Asa Hilliard’s argument that the importance of character, spiritually and social responsibility were valued in ancient Africa and in Egypt, which shows that education used to boost the Black community by literally being in the community on ground level is native to

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