
Black Death In The Middle Ages

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The Black Death
The Middle Ages, also known as Christendom lasted between the 11th and 15th century. The middle ages took place mainly in Europe and was a time of great changes but also a period of continuity for the majority of people living at the time (Pearson, 2013). In the 14th and 15th century the Black Death, a plague that attacks the immune system, took over Europe. It started in the 1500s and was very significant at the time as no one knew what it was and as it wiped at a third of the population. The Black Death had an impressively significant impact on the society at the time of the Middle Ages as it weakened the feudal system, peasant wages increased and the power of the Catholic Church weakened.
The black death weakened the feudal system during the middle ages due to over half of the population was dying which allowed people to move out of their position in the feudal system. The Black Death wiped out a large amount of the population. Mostly peasants as they lived in terribly poor conditions and disease spread quickly. Surviving …show more content…

At the time of the middle ages the Catholic Church was at the top of the feudal system as God was involved in mostly everything at the time. Many people who had been infected consulted a priest and asked to be cured as people believed that god was punishing them by infecting the society with the plague. When the priests were trying to cure a person of the infection they would also be infected as the disease would be passed in the air from coughing. What also weakened the power of the church was that many people prayed for friends and family or themselves to be cured to God, but as no one was ever cured they stopped believing God was real. Which made people stop listening to the people of the church and to stop going to church which weakened the power of the Catholic Church very

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