Picture yourself being in an African American shoes, you’re walking out of a store and a white off duty police officer accuses you of stealing from the store. As you defend yourself by telling the officer that you did no such thing, this accusation starts becoming violent. As the officer calls for back up, he has you on the ground, you then start realizing that this officer accused you of something you didn’t do, automatically assuming that you did such thing because of your color. (Making you question yourself on why)Why is it that we have people in this world to automatically assume that they have higher priorities than any other race out there in this world just because of their ethnicity. Is it the fact that parents don’t do their job to …show more content…
This movement started in 2012 after African American started realizing how poorly they were being treated from society. This movement defines how African Americans feel everyday, by this they feel powerless and how there lives are unprivileged by there dignity and human rights. African Americans are being accused on things they didn’t cause on a daily basis, and even being killed by polices, vigilantes and other races. This movement is to demand polices to make a change among black people unequal treatment and it focuses on undocumented black people, transgender, queer, disabled black people, and gender spectrum. This movement can resemble to the Civil Right movement. Black Lives Matter is seeking to progress and eventually have countries from around the world hear African Americans voices and stand up for …show more content…
Patrisse Cullors who is one of the three founders of the Black Lives Matter movement is an activist from Los Angeles, CA and an African American herself. At a young age Patrisse came out as a queer herself, having this be a reason why she is part of the movement. Alicia Garza, is an activist and writer from Oakland, CA. and is part of this movement after she realized how wrong it was after the killing of Trayvon Martin, and imagined herself being related to Trayvon and people blaming African Americans for Trayvon Martin’s death. Garza stated, “I felt not only enraged but a deep sense of grief that I can't protect him. I can't protect him against this cancer.” Making this one of her reasons she started the hashtag post on social media and became part of this movement. Also, Opal Tometi, an Nigerian-American writer, contributes with helping black people on immigration and finding justice for African Americans. These three founders focus too, “ Push for black people’s right to live with dignity and respect and be included in the American democracy that helped create,” and “deal with anti-racism.”
The article, “Black Lives Matter: Birth of a Movement”, by Wesley Lowery begins with the writer being arrested at a McDonald’s fast food establishment in Ferguson, Missouri. This arrest was due to the riots occurring after the death of Michael Brown, an eighteen-year-old high school student who was gunned down by a police officer. The riots were unorganized and unpredictable. They consisted of many citizens within the community, some questioning the chain of events that lead to the murder of Michael Brown, and others demanding and indictment of the officer that committed the crime. The article states, “Scores more stood on pavements and street corners unable to articulate their exact demands – they just knew they wanted justice.”
Black lives matter was founded by a group of African Americans who is fighting for equal rights for black people. This group started from a small community and has gather everyone attention around the world fighting for equal treatment of blacks. When this movement was discovered it caught a lot of people attention because people in America thought it was right for everyone to come together and stand up for the tragedies that's occurring towards black folks in these communities around the
The above narrative is just a mere glimpse of the hurt, anger, and pain in the black community after George Zimmerman was acquitted of charges of second degree murder against seventeen year old Trayvon Martin. These emotions were the stepping stones of a highly significant movement, the Black Lives Matter movement. The Black Lives Matter movement is a response as well as a stance against police brutality against African Americans, which uses the tragic deaths of teenagers Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown as a head for its cause. Many people on social media know the black lives matter movement or refer to it #blacklivesmatter, especially on twitter. The Black Lives Matter movement was founded by Patrisse Cullers, Opal Tometi, and Alicia Garza. Which is defined as an “ideological and political intervention in a world where black lives are systematically and intentionally targeted for demise. It is an affirmation of Black folks contributions to this society, our humanity, and our resilience in the face of deadly oppression.”
A necessary and common fight for equality has been one that has survived throughout all of man’s existence. Due to recent racial divide and the product of racial profiling, a movement has risen up to combat these common issues. The most recent and most well-covered is the Black Lives Matter Movement. Even though it has been lauded by some media sources and individuals as the next great movement to champion for civil rights, the Black Lives Matter movement is not the same as the African-American Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s nor is it likely to be as successful. If the Black Lives Matter Movement continues with discrepancies in ideology, lack of clear leadership, and trends of hate, the movement is doomed to fail.
In the United States, there has been many cases of Racial injustice. From the beginning of the start of the United States of America it was the injustice to the Native Americans being captured and used for slave labor while their bison be slaughtered for sportsmanship. But this paper is on the specific race of the African Americans. There are many races that have been racially profiled and ostracized by the English people. But the treatment that African Americans have endured even till this day is disheartening. African Americans have gone through enslavement during the early 1600’s to the mid 1800’s. Then the African Americans were obstructed by the Jim Crow laws creating the ‘Separate but Equal” propaganda during the late 1800’s into the 1960’s. After the abolishment of the Jim Crow Laws, people were considered equal until the recent actions of many police officers using deadly force on African American youths in the early 2000’s.
Is the Black Lives Matter movement good reason? To anwser, this stand torwards race discrimination is justified. This is because the things they go through compared to people who are not ethnic, are much more diffucult. From Brent Staples non-fiction essay, he explains the diffuculties of being a person of color. Even with “a discreet, uniflamatory distance” between him and the citizen, the stranger still fled in fear. That shows the unnessesary emotions directed at black people. During Clint Smiths TED Talk, he addresses as a little boy he couldnt even play outside with his friends without his father fearing the worst. This movement will prove that are precieving this race wrong. It doesnt make logical sense to let societies, citites, America’s,
Black Lives Matter is a rather recent movement that has developed in the United States as a result of the African American community claiming that police officers target and shoot African Americans due to their race. Their aim is to raise awareness of claimed police brutality against African Americans and hopefully increase restrictions on the police forces by taking away the right to defend themselves if they, the policemen, feel endangered.
The Black Lives Matter movement is an organization based on working to support and build Black life liberation. I believe this movement will help make our society more realistic and fair. Black Lives Matter was created in 2012 after the tragedy of Trayvon Martin. The movement really begun after Trayvon's murderer George Zimmerman was set free of his crime, and Trayvon was later put on trial for his own murder. Its focus is the cruelty black people of our society face today and is a response to all anti-Black racism.
After Zimmerman was acquitted of his crime, Garza posted a sentimental message on her Facebook page. "Black people. I love you. I love us. Our lives matter." It was Cullors who turned it into #BlackLivesMatter. It didn't take off immediately. It wasn’t until after the shooting of Michael Brown that it started to gain widespread coverage. Now it has 30 chapters, with a station in Canada and it still continues to grow. It was ranked number four on Time's Person of the Year list in
When you turn on the news and are on social media you have probably seen noble things about Black Lives Matter and may have also seen corrupt things about Black Lives Matter, but the real question is who are they, what do they stand for, and are they as violent as the media portrays them to be? What started as a hashtag to end the oppression and killing of African-Americans has now turned into a vast movement that has activist all over the world calling to stop the problem of African-Americans being killed by police. Black Lives Matter is nothing more than a movement that wants to end the social injustices that African-Americans endure and to do that they go out and protest to try and get their point across but because of the news, social media, and people shouting, “Black Lives Matter” but violently protesting and starting riots, Black Lives Matter gets a debauched reputation for that and it isn’t their fault.
Aside from the history concerning the development of the Black Lives Matter Movement, this issue impacts people of varying identities differently. The first group of people I would like to examine is black women. Black women often believe the Black Lives Matter Movement is very male-centered. A number of women such as Yvette Smith, Tyisha Miller, Miriam Carey, and many others have been victims of police brutality. When these women were brutalized or even killed, their names weren’t raised, and they didn’t garner much attention. This conveys the idea that black males’ lives are more important than black females’ lives. This brings about the issue of solidarity; feminism and black lives matter both are matters at hand here. Women are battling to achieve equal social, economic, and personal rights as men. Black women are fighting for the both their feminine rights and human rights. In light of the added burden, black women have had a huge influence on the Black Lives Matter Movement. In fact, three black women created the Black Lives Matter Movement; Alicia Garza, Opal Tometi, and Patrisse Cullors are the creators of the movement. They started it on twitter with the #BLM, which catapulted it into a nationwide movement. They created this rallying cry to connect and inspire people to make change. They brought attention to the issue at hand through this rallying cry. On top of the aforementioned, black women are often on the front line in support of their brothers, husbands, and
Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi created a movement centered towards black Americans which later turned into Black Live Matter. Those three leaders came together in 2013 after the Trayvon Martin case that devastated the black community. Black Live Matter, also known as BLM, became an organization that has a mission to give power and a voice to violence inflicted on Black communities. So many black injustices went unnoticed and ignored, but this group will not stand to let that happen again. Injustice to the black community is what causes so many protests and movements that make the Black Lives Matter organization stronger than ever. .
Why did the Black Lives Matter movement begin? How did it come about? Is systematic oppression towards blacks a real enough issue in the United States in order for them to raise concern? Along with police brutality? And discrimination? They simply cannot just be made up concepts. For that reason, Black Lives Matter was coincidentally created. Black Lives Matter is a social movement that desires to bring attention that black lives matter, too. I believe the movement wants to acknowledge that black people too deserve the justice they are currently not receiving. The Black Lives Matter movement, being as pro-black as it is, does not and will never mean another race is valued less than that of a black life. The movement simply wants to gain
The Black Lives Matter movement has swept across America. It 's branched out with chapters in over 31 cities and held rallies and boycotts across the United States(Sidner). The Black Lives Matter movement started with the outrage of the death of a young man. It continues to take over headlines and raise awareness on police brutality and inequality. However, the movement has met resistance from the All Lives Matter group. This group thinks that Black Lives Matter is a movement to express hatred towards other races. However, statistics, the views of fellow citizens, and the overall purpose of the Black Lives Matter movement, can prove that the movement wasn 't meant to express hate on other races and that we need to support the movement instead of going against it.
Black Lives Matter is an international activist movement that started within the African-American communities. This movement is organized by Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi. Ever since the black people have stepped on American soil, they have continued to be victims of racism and violence. From slavery to lynching to segregation, the black people have suffered alot in this country. In the past few years, there are so many of them that have been targeted by the law enforcement authorities across the country. This movement’s goal is to raise awareness of racism and violence against African-Americans. They wants African-American to live with dignity and respect like other Americans do.