
Black Lives Matter Protests Analysis

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The “Lives Matter” protests were the biggest topic of 2015. Since then other world events have stolen the light from these protest group, but some continue to support the different causes. “Black Lives Matter” was started when an increasing number of unarmed African Americans were killed by policemen. This cause an outraged among the African American community thus creating “The Black Lives Matter” group. The creation of this group gave birth to an opposing group “All Lives Matter”. This group purpose was to show that not only African Americans lives mattered but all races did. Both groups had great intentions, but slowly began to forget what they were started for. These groups caused racial prejudice between the supporters of the two protest …show more content…

Many media networks covered these protests whenever one would appear. Media outlets portrayed many “Black Lives Matter” protests negatively, creating a one-sided argument for their cause. This movement would eventually see themselves as a “us vs them” scenario, causing its supporters and members to only embrace other African Americans. These protests went from being peaceful and supporting a very important cause to sometimes violent and ended with arrest. The two protesting groups would spend more time belittling each other’s views and standpoints, instead of focusing on their cause. This would eventually spill over into racial segregation, causing many problems for people who supported these protests. Many people would receive harmful messages on social media just for showing support for “Black Lives Matter” or “All Lives Matter”. Supporters of “Black Lives Matter” would be called ignorant and told to “go back to Africa” if they didn’t like living in America. Supporters of “White Lives Matter” would be subjected to being called racist and receive death threats. The media would soon start to back the “Black Lives Matter” movement when more cases of unarmed African Americans were gunned down by police …show more content…

Like the other protest group, it had single minded individuals who wanted to do more harm than good. They saw America as racist and didn’t care about the treatment of blacks when it came to law enforcement. Many police officers would find themselves with a target on their back due to the beliefs of these misguided individuals. Micah Xavier Johnson who is known for the tragic 2016 Dallas shooting, which took the lives of five officers and injured nine others. Micah who was ex-military use the tactics he learned in the Army against the police officers. Micah was quoted telling police his reasoning for this assault was cause by the recent killings of blacks by police officers. Radical people such as this person only hurt the cause of this protest, only confirming what the negative supporters of “All Lives Matter” already believed about “Black Lives

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