
Black Orpheus Father

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Obama recalled the summer when his mother and sister came to visit him in New York. Instead of enjoying the process of hearing their conversations about their adventures, Obama would prefer them to know the problems and the politics of the city. One evening, Obama, his mother and his sister went out to watch a movie called Black Orpheus. The depiction of the movie made his mother realized some of the things she did not have growing up as a child. Before his mother and sister left the city, Obama came to their place. His mother notice a letter addressed to his father. Hence, she began to explain about the reason his father left. She didn’t blame his father for anything. Obama claimed the innocence his mother carried on her first date with his father would transfer into something firmer. A few months later, Obama’s father died. He neither went to the funeral nor felt pain. The only thing he felt was a “vague sense of an opportunity lost”. Later, Obama remembered one night when he …show more content…

A few months later, Obama resigned at the consulting firm. Obama then received a phone call from one of the community organizers that he wrote to before. He was offered a job to organize conferences on drugs, unemployment and housing but he refused because he wanted a job closer to the streets. For the next six months, he was broke and unemployed. When he was about to giving up on organizing, he received a call from a different organizer, Mary Kaufman. Kaufman explained that they mostly worked with the churches. Obama would have great opportunities to work with people who were interested in social issues. Eventually, Obama was hired by Marty Kaufman to come to Chicago.
Generally, Dreams from My Father is an introduction of Barack Obama’s belief about his identity and the journey to find where he belonged. By reading the memoir, people will also have a closer look to the process of how a rebellious youth stepped into

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