Black out Jimmy has or always been a nut but something was about to turn him into a tiny raisin of stupidity. So there was a season final on TV. This was good really good! I love season finals – but this was special. This was the greatest show of all time!!! Well that was what my friends said and I believed them; He has great taste in TV shows. So next I arrived and everything was ready (3 large pizza`s two drink`s and a litre of no of parents!!! we’ll all most… no parents it’s a wannabe parent kinder we called her bootzilla. she always wears these doc martin boots I was convince she loved them more than her whole family. She was always threatening us. But we have one rule about her never EVER say her name all she will appear you could be looking to the right she will appear to the left! I have never been so scared of a seven year old in my whole life. AND she is in this house with US!!! What did I do to deserve this, “The shows on in 2 hours, what do you want to do?” “Let’s play some …show more content…
So our plan starts with her going out and BOOM dun (look do you really want to hear me talk about how many times i trip on the generator so let’s say 74 minutes latter) so 2 more minutes to our show starts and then I here this voice WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR ITS STARTING!!!” I give a small burster of laughter while jimmy says and I quote “ok ok we are just getting the angle ready!” she nerved replied and I don’t blame her I look at him and nod he looks at he’s watch and nods back and…and what came after that flick of a switch and we here screaming banging heck even cursing we wear rolling on the ground cracking up with laughter…but then something that was not so funny happened next…Jimmy touch a loose wire then well let’s say he went to a better place…MY house he got a blister “WAIT WE LEFT BOOTZILLA AT YOUR HOUSE” I say panic voice, then in the calmest voice after what happened he says “don’t worry daydream on Elmer st 2 is on next, “you know they or ways go downhill after the
It changes everytime you ask. Some say it was a virus, others say it was god punishing us for our sins. At least that’s what the people on the news say. All I know is that the dead are walking among us. I’ve seen people I used to know attack and eat innocent people. Everyday I see my dad walking among them, wishing there something i could have done. I couldn’t bring myself to kill one of the only people i’ve loved. He attacked me but i managed to fight him off and i’ve been held up in my house ever since. It’s a small house, nothing fancy, in a small town near Chicago called Glenview. Everyday I think about my half brother that lived in New York with his mom. After my dad and his mom split I didn’t think life could get any worse, I was
This is going to be a long day for me if my boss finds out i’m late.
If you haven’t used a tampon before, and you don’t have a Phd at the end of your name, it’s hard to hear you. TMI I know, but while you change multiple times, you use them for 24 hours, and up to 4 to 7 days. It is very disturbing to think that our cotton fields are being contaminated to the point that it’s transferring into everything. And now, we’re using something that over the years could endanger our health, or God forbid our future children. And it’s not just tampons, but pads, wipes, washes and so much more. We are our own worst enemy, and we will destroy
Glowing You knocked me sideways When you said that you were leaving. You knocked me over When you cried and told the truth.
No need to put any more smoke in this atmosphere, he told him roughly, and then she held her hands around the pipe and puffed some more.
Paula topless with brightly colored tits is quite a sight, her nipples hard and standing straight out and egg coloring dripping down her chest to her shorts.
I was literally done with Ecolab’s excuses so I called and asked for a quote from Massey and a gentleman stopped by today we went over the property.. Attached document is a copy of the quote that I was giving by the Massey represented.
It was a warm summer night after a great night at my church youth group. The cool breeze of the car air conditioning wiggled through my hair (personification) sending a small shiver down my spine. The car radio blasting as my friends and I were jamming out to our favorite music, and the sound of laughter as we all laughed about how crazy we were. We were louder than a train. (hyperbole) That night we all had decided to go to Perkins after youth group so my friends and I were sitting in our car waiting for everyone else to get there. (participial phrase) Since we were early, we waited there for a while as more and more of the group started to arrive. My best friend told me she needed to talk to me about something so we stayed in the car for
I fell asleep I had a dream I heard a sheep I started to scream I ran away from the field I saw shooting stars It began to reveal My bizarre fear of guitars and milk bars
I speak to you now not as Sis Black, Dt. Black but only as Marquita Black, the woman. I have recently been re-evaluating some things in my life and I felt compelled to share my thoughts, feelings and concerns to you all. Since the commencement of this new year I have been faced with great adversity and trials for no reason that I can think of. Since then I have been growing more and more aware of why and what may be going on and I am deeply troubled by it. For whatever the reason my character has been maliciously attacked, I have been lied on and lied too, slandered and belittled by people in which I thought were and considered sisters, brothers, friends and PHAmily. It saddens me that I have been brought to this place in my life. But I made
I received the handoff I bounce the play to the outside, I’m sprinting down the sideline and
I imagine a time in antiquity. It was before dawn. The fog covers the seashore of the coastal, fishing village. The beach is deserted, but from a few of the homes came the sounds of fishermen waking.
Can you find me, stumbling in the dark for a torch? Can you hear me, when you cry “Who’s there?” In he corners of sanity can you feel the tickle of my fingers along your spine? Can you taste the bile rising in your throat as you realize you can?
The shocking, cold feel I felt was like ice inside veins and my body exposed to a winter snowstorm… the numbing feeling hurt. I can’t move …echoing through out… but no one here all I see is a beautiful electric blue and a moon more silvery then silver itself … gasping…waiting for help please! But no one will… yelling to myself Move! Move! Move!
My life was flashing before my eyes, I was realizing what was happening death was coming. Cold and stillness filled the room while the feeling of death started to overtake my body it was a different feeling but it had to come. My limbs felt heavy and I thought real slow everything was slowing down. Just then something odd happened like nothing I ever thought some sound came into the room an annoying buzzing creature.