
Black Sheep Effect

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The Black Sheep Effect

Social prejudice, sexism, racism, and other forms of and discrimination are at the core of understanding Group dynamics. Diversity makes the World a more interesting place when it comes to the many different types of people and personalities, cultures, beliefs, perceptions, worldviews, and realities of her children. I’m not sure if it’s what makes us different, or what makes us alike that causes all of the troubles between people. In my many years of living on property at a residential recovery program I noticed that the group dynamic is constantly changing and evolving based on the personalities of the nucleus.
Have you ever noticed the group dynamics that happens when you have a mix of numerous men and women of different …show more content…

People that have been in the group long-term have nothing to prove, they have privilege over any newcomer. The long-term members have gone through a socialization period, taking on responsibilities, building trust, and meeting group goals and expectations. Even if a member doesn’t believe in what the group’s goals are as a whole, most will keep their opinions to themselves, depending upon individual esteem and fear of “the black sheep effect.” When a new alpha comes along, all Hell can break loose, they may not care about anything or anyone! The new alpha can seek out the members that want a new leader and build an army from within. The leader of any group always has to watch for …show more content…

The group’s roles, status differentials, norms, values, communications, the patterns, and networks in which they interact are the informal rules that the group has to regulate members. Appropriate behaviors in situations have value judgements which are representative of norms related to them; these have a very powerful impact on group behaviors. The key role in any group is the leader, then a process of role differentiation happens based on how members behave, interrelate, and contribute and fill other important roles based on ability. Certain status differentials are determined when groups form based on age, race, experience, knowledge, etc.
Social identity theory says that intergroup conflict is a process of comparing individuals in one group (the in-group) to those of another group (the out-group). Instead, it is an instrument for improving self-esteem. These type of comparisons by individuals lead to the following examples: Minimalize the differences between in-group

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