
Black Women In Health Care

Decent Essays

Health care providers and the medical community at large adhere to the negative racial and gender stereotypes and perceptions associated with Black women. The salience of stereotypical perceptions of Black women, such as that they are unintelligent, low income, or unworthy of treatment or respect (Burgess, Warren, Phelan, Dovidio, & Ryn, 2010), in health care settings, has been linked to apprehension of receiving and actually receiving biased treatment by health care professionals (Melfi, Croghan, Hanna, & Robinson, 2000; Sclar, Robison, Skaer, & Galin, 1999). Stereotype threat, which is the fear a person has of confirming the negative stereotypes associated with a group he or she identifies with or in an area in which the individual excels

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