Title Abigail Williams deserves all the blame for the outcome of the play The Crucible by Arthur Miller. She deserves this blame because she decided to hide most of what happened in the woods, many people are killed because of her actions, and she manipulates many people throughout the play. First, Abigaile deserves the blame for the outcome of the play because it was her idea idea to hide it all. In the beginning, she decides to hide what they did and in forest and only tells a small piece of what happened. When Reverend Parris asks about what happened in the forest, Abigail innocently responds with, “[Tituba] always sings her Barbados songs, and we dance” (833). Abigail is admitting to something happening in the woods but she decides not to tell the whole truth. Abigail realizes what they have done will get them is trouble. After Betty wakes up Abigail told her what she told Parris. Betty responds with “[y]ou drank blood Abby. You didn’t tell …show more content…
Elizabeth Proctor is accused of witchcraft because of a poppet Mary Warren makes for her. At dinner Abigail screams and falls to the floor “and, stuck two inches in the flesh of her belly, he draw a needle out” (860). There is also a needle in the poppet. Because of this Elizabeth is accused of witchcraft even though Abigail saw Mary stick the needle in the poppet and stick the needle in her own belly herself. Her manipulating Elizabeth to get with John is her fault and she deserves the blame. Finally, she gets her friends to follow her lead. In court Abigail yells out, “Why do you come, yellow bird?” (874). Abigail clams to see a yellow bird. Danforth and Proctor do not see this bird; however, all the girls do and start screaming. All the girls are frightened of Abigail and frightened of getting in trouble. Abigail manipulated her friends to follow her lead so they do not get in
Who's to Blame in The Crucible? Many innocent people died in the great witch blame, the youngest was a four years old. In the novel The Crucible written by Arthur Miller the character Abigail Williams is the most blame for all the horrific events in the novel. Abigail displayed three main characteristics in this novel, the characteristics of lust, spitefulness, and jealousy are major factors in how this terrible situation turns out.
Throughout the play Abigail tries to show the other characters that she is not to blame for her mistakes. An example of her trying to blame other people is when she tells her uncle that he should go and deny the witchcraft accusations. By not denying the allegations herself and having someone else do it, shows that she has support from other townspeople. Elizabeth Proctor is a strong woman who is blamed for witchcraft because of Abigail's accusations. Abigail claims that Elizabeth is a liar and is bitter, but when the reader meets Elizabeth for the first time they realize it is just Abigail exaggerating.
In Arthur Miller's play, The Crucible, Miller demonstrated that it was Abigail William's flaws-Immaturity, Lust, and Spitefulness- that led her to be most responsible for the tragedy of the witch-hunt in Salem.
"He was the kind of man - powerful of body, even - tempered, and not
In Arthur Millers “The Crucible”, Abigail Williams says to John Procter “I know how you sweated like a stallion whenever I came near you”. That is perhaps the quote that led to the start of the Salem Witch trials. Is Abigail Williams the one to blame for the events that occurred in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692? I do not believe she is because of; the towns religion, weak minded citizens, and mass hysteria setting in.
The Crucible, by Arthur Miller, delineates many acts of self-indulgence and animosity. With clever accusations on one another for witchery, each character is able to derive the conflict away from themselves and appear innocent. A jealous and manipulative girl, Abigail Williams, falsely accuses Elizabeth Proctor for the sole purpose of seeking revenge, so she could have Elizabeth’s husband John Proctor. She is able to withhold her reputation by making herself appear as the victim in the court. Not only was Abigail a model of self cruelty, but Thomas Putnam is also a befitting example. Being a very acquisitive man, he accuses George Jacob for witchcraft to simply gain the land neighboring him. Both characters strive to achieve their goals, but they do it through many acts of greed. In society overall,
Countless lies are told, deceit never ends and people turn to each other with no remorse. One of the main characters, Abigail Williams, portrays multiple character traits of a villain. Abigail makes antagonistic decisions throughout the play that cause hysteria, fear, and havoc. In the essay “The Crucible” by author
Patty Jenkins, an American film director and screenwriter wrote,“Every villain has their belief system that makes perfect sense to them.” This quote is reminiscent of Abigail Williams, a character in The Crucible, a play by Arthur Miller. In Salem, Massachusetts in 1692, four girls were caught doing witchcraft. The girls accused other innocents of witchcraft, so they would not be framed for it. Due to the girl's actions, many of them, accused were hanged to death. Abigail Williams was a villain in The Crucible.
think and do. As an audience, at this stage we have a mixed opinion of
Recent studies suggest that women who live under constrained social customs are more likely to commit crimes, often times violent ones. In ¨The Crucible” by Arthur Miller, many people struggle with their actions because the rules of their strict Puritan Society make it impossible to handle their feelings and sins. One such character Abigail Williams struggled with handling an affair she had with a married man, which ultimately led her to commit horrible atrocities. Arthur Miller wrote this play to highlight the false accusations that occurred, partially against him, during the McCarthy Trials of the 1950s during the age of anticommunism in the United States. In ¨The Crucible¨ many people were convicted of witchcraft and hanged. One main character the played a role in these convictions while trying to get what she wanted even if it meant manipulating the court. Abigail should be responsible for the deaths of the people who were wrongly convicted or hanged in the play because Abigail was manipulative and dangerous, Abigail manipulates Danforth and the courts, and Abigail is violent.
During this essay I will introduce the main points involved in answering the proposed question. I will explore the certain aspects of Abigail’s personality and how it is an important role in portraying her reasons for her actions. I will also analyse the ways in which Abigail’s personality changes through the progression of the play. I will sum up which points have a bigger effect on her intentions and motivations and the effect she has on the characters of the play. I will support my reasons with quotations to justify its relevance.
A court case is an event of great importance, and most trails ultimately end with the person or concept on trail being condemned to be guilty, or being declared innocent of the charge.Some trails take session upon session to find the truth of whether one is guilty and innocent. The longer the trail, the harder it often gets to tell between right and wrong. However, the guilt of some is painfully obvious. The deceptive girl, Abigail Williams, in Arthur Miller’s play the Crucible, shows her guilt by trying to sway John Proctor’s feelings for her, threatening her friends, and accusing so many people of witchcraft.
In Arthur Miller’s play, The Crucible, Miller demonstrated that it was Abigail’s flaws- lust, jealousy, and mendacity- that led her to be responsible the most for the tragedy of the witch-hunt in Salem. The Crucible focuses of the finding of young girls and a slave messing around in the woods, trying to conjure spirits from the dead. Rather than admit to their actions and face the consequences, the girls accuse everyone else of the crimes they were guilty of. Abigail Williams is the person who caused much of the drama in this story. She bears much responsibility for everyone meeting with Tituba in the woods. Once Parris discovers this meeting, Abigail attempts to keep her actions a secret because it would possibly reveal her affair with Proctor. Abigail lies to cover up her affair with proctor, and to stop the charges of witchcraft in order to prevent the terrible punishments that go along with the accusations.
In Arthur Miller's play The Crucible Abigail Williams, an unmarried orphan in the Massachusetts town of Salem, incessantly grows more jealous, her desire for vengeance only grows stronger, and her selfishness escalates. She repeatedly lies to save herself by denying her involvement in witchcraft. Abigail's Jealousy of Elizabeth Proctor intensifies in attempt to realize her desire for Elizabeth's husband John Proctor. In order to save herself she accuses the innocent, without any sense of ethical violation. Abigail proves to be a selfish antagonist in The Crucible that shows no sense of right and wrong.
In the beginning of the play it is very clear that Abigail deserves some of the blame for the witchcraft rumors.When Betty is acting bewitched out of fear of facing consequences from her father, it is revealed that Abigail had tried to kill Goody Proctor by drinking blood charm. While she worked for him they had an affair. At that time she is still in love with him but he is trying to repair his marriage with Elizabeth Proctor. Abigail tries to kill Goody Proctor because Goody fired her and Abigail is jealous of her. She is jealous because she is in love with Proctor. If Proctor had been a good husband and never committed adultery with Abigail the events that started this could’ve been