
Blame For Abigail Williams In The Crucible By Arthur Miller

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Title Abigail Williams deserves all the blame for the outcome of the play The Crucible by Arthur Miller. She deserves this blame because she decided to hide most of what happened in the woods, many people are killed because of her actions, and she manipulates many people throughout the play. First, Abigaile deserves the blame for the outcome of the play because it was her idea idea to hide it all. In the beginning, she decides to hide what they did and in forest and only tells a small piece of what happened. When Reverend Parris asks about what happened in the forest, Abigail innocently responds with, “[Tituba] always sings her Barbados songs, and we dance” (833). Abigail is admitting to something happening in the woods but she decides not to tell the whole truth. Abigail realizes what they have done will get them is trouble. After Betty wakes up Abigail told her what she told Parris. Betty responds with “[y]ou drank blood Abby. You didn’t tell …show more content…

Elizabeth Proctor is accused of witchcraft because of a poppet Mary Warren makes for her. At dinner Abigail screams and falls to the floor “and, stuck two inches in the flesh of her belly, he draw a needle out” (860). There is also a needle in the poppet. Because of this Elizabeth is accused of witchcraft even though Abigail saw Mary stick the needle in the poppet and stick the needle in her own belly herself. Her manipulating Elizabeth to get with John is her fault and she deserves the blame. Finally, she gets her friends to follow her lead. In court Abigail yells out, “Why do you come, yellow bird?” (874). Abigail clams to see a yellow bird. Danforth and Proctor do not see this bird; however, all the girls do and start screaming. All the girls are frightened of Abigail and frightened of getting in trouble. Abigail manipulated her friends to follow her lead so they do not get in

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