When Oprah stated, “Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity,” she actually took that phrase from a Roman philosopher Seneca the Younger; but what does it mean? This saying is used a lot to remind people that we each create our own luck. The dictionary reads that preparation is the act of being ready and that opportunity is a favorable circumstance. Blind luck happens, however, those of us who really look at ourselves as lucky tend to be taking inspired action, or prepare, toward an opportunity we are seeking. Action is important to luck, no matter what it is you desire, you cannot have it without action. Inspired action is action that supports a purpose close to you. In my experience, luck has been an instinct, you view yourself
In life, ones fate is already set. The choices one makes influence everything else in their life. Often, fate throws unexpected situations at you and one must learn how to interpret the reasoning behind it. Many believers in fate think for every bad situation that occurs a positive one will follow. Fate is something that you can’t control. All actions whether they may be in the past, present, or future occur because they are meant to. Everything happens for a reason, and everyone handles situations differently.
“We need to replace the patchwork of lucky breaks and arbitrary advantages that today determine success – the fortunate birth dates and the happy accidents of history – with a society that provides opportunities for all”
How much of what happens in our lives do we actually control? This is a question that mankind has been pondering for thousands of years. There are two different articles that could answer the question. David Epstein, the author of “The Sports Gene”, writes about a true story of fate, in which an amateur high jumper makes it to the top due to his god-given gift of a large Achille’s tendon. Malcom Gladwell argues in his piece, “Outliers,” that success depends on one’s willingness to practice or try again. Using extensive research and solid evidence, Malcom Gladwell creates a better argument that success is a result of hard work and dedication, and therefore better answers the question, “How much of what happens in our lives do we actually control?”
Do people control their fate, or are they simply a product of the times and their environment? This brings rise to the question of free will. Free will is the concept that everyone is in control of his or her own destiny, combatting the idea of fate. Fate is the idea that the future is predestined and cannot be controlled by the actions of individuals. Everyone in the world has choices, and a persons decisions are how a persons future is mapped out. The argument that everything happens for a reason is just an excuse when life doesn’t go someone’s way. Our future is not predestined; it is a product of our choices and actions.
Destiny the hidden power believed to control what will happen in the future. In some lives people allow fate to control their outcome in life. Seeking our wyrd can make us change it, if it's not the result we intended. In various cases fate dictates our lives.
A rapidly growing component of US healthcare expenditure has been the growth of pharmaceutical marketing. Visits by pharmaceutical representatives (known as detailing) to physicians have a $15 billion dollars annual marketing cost. Marketing expense has arisen intensified public analysis, with evaluators challenging that costlier, and possibly less cost effective drugs, must do with the effect of physician-directed promotion have a role in the rise of HealthCare cost and excessively prescribing habits of physicians’. Signifying that a record amount of correlation among physician and direct promotion drug sale are signaled – minded bias.
“For my part I consider that it is better to be adventurous than cautious, because fortune is a woman, and if you wish to keep her under it is necessary to beat and ill-use her; and it is seen that she allows herself to be mastered by the adventurous
Participants in the action, some of them in parts that are minor and seem insignificant, contribute one by one the indispensable stitches which make the pattern, and contribute them not knowing; that is to say, they act when they do not know the truth of the situation in which they act, this truth being known, however, to us who are spectators." (The Brevity of Friar Laurence, 850) The idea that Fortune dictates the course of mankind dates back to ancient times. Those writers of the medieval world incorporated the goddess Fortune into Christianity and made her God's servant, responsible for adding challenges to our lives so that we would see the importance of giving up our tumultuous earthly lives to God. The most influential treatise on the theme of Fate was The Consolation of Philosophy, written by the scholar Boethius (A.D. 475-525). Written while he awaited execution, it is a dialogue between himself and his guide 'Philosophy', who explores with him the true nature of happiness and fate, and leads him to hope and enlightenment. Here is an excerpt from Book IV:
The best practice for coaching is positive reinforcement. Implementation of positive reinforcement will be conducted by supervisors have a daily huddle at the beginning of the work day. In the daily huddle emphasis on importance of safety and attention to detail to will stress the organizations
Saburo is shot and killed near the end of the movie, on a flat and desolate field, devoid of even the smallest grasses as a lifeform. Hidetora’s anguish in being deprived of his only true son ends with “It grows dark”. Shortly after he says this, the film begins to fade into the credits. In the final scene, the blind Tsurumaru stands on an edge, from which he will stumble back, fearful but unaware of the fate that almost befell him. When he drops his Buddha scroll, Tsurumaru is stripped finally of all power of his fate, and drifts into the precariousness of chance
Chance is a very interesting concept. The belief things happen unknowingly and by mere luck. In the play chance is over shadowed by fate, a pre-determined destiny. A prime example of
When a person is lucky, it does not have to mean that they are fortunate with money. Luck is the chance for things to go the way you want them to go with out having any control over the situation. In The Rocking Horse Winner, Hester, the mother seems to believe that luck is strictly having money, and when there is no money, there is no luck. Hester's idea of luck meaning money brings forth the two ideas of greed and death throughout the story.
Ambition is a strong desire to do or achieve something, typically requiring determination and hard work. To have ambition means you will never give up on something you are working towards harder than anything else. Fate determines everything. In my opinion, if one thing happens every action after that depends on that one thing that happened.
This phrase, in my opinion, means that you are inducing your will upon something, especially after spellworking. To me, it is a very empowering phrase and makes you feel deeply in control of what you are doing. It seems
My earliest memory of my childhood has to be the first major fight my parents had that has been seared into the memories of my childhood. We all hate to see our parents fight and usually when I would witness my parents fight I would block it out because “mommy and daddy will always love each other no matter what.” They would tell me that over and over again no matter how bad their fights got. I yearn so badly to tell my younger self not to hang on to that idea of love because that idea in the end wasn’t really love at all.