
Blindness And Sight In Oedipus The King

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Symbolism is often used in literature to point to bigger and more important ideas. Using one character, action, or object to represent a more complex and meaningful idea forces readers to look deeper into the text, and to look for more than what meets the eye. This allows more depth and meaning to be added to the text. It acts as a webbing between the story and the theme, as it helps to connect the two together. Sophocles, Shakespeare, and Margret Atwood used symbolism add multiple layers of meaning to a text and to convey key ideas. Symbolism, enhances key concepts in "Oedipus the King" by Sophocles, "Hamlet" written by Shakespeare, and the two short stories by Margret Atwood; "Hairball", and "The Age of Lead", which helps to develop clear …show more content…

Blindness and sight were used to represent the amount of knowledge and lack thereof a character had of Oedipus's true identity and his faults. Blindness and sight is mentioned multiple times creating a motif, and this constant emphasis makes it a symbol. Oedipus had his literal sight but was oblivious to the truth, despite it being right in front of him. Tiresias on the other hand was a blind prophet and had the knowledge of Oedipus's true identity. Teiresias tried to tell Oedipus that he had been the one to kill king Laius, but Oedipus was quick to deny that he could have had anything to do with it. Tiresias comments on Oedipus oblivion, "You have you sight yet you cannot see" (Sophocles 62). Blindness as a symbol is repeated again, after Oedipus finally realizes that he was the one to have murdered the king, and that he had unknowingly married his mother. Oedipus, overwhelmed with this knowledge and his grief, gauged out his eyes with the brooches of Iocasta's dress after she had killed herself. Oedipus had gained the knowledge of his faults and was no longer figuratively blind to the truth, but as a result to this information he had literally blinded himself. Blindness as a symbol to represent a character's amount of knowledge is repeated multiple times, developing a key theme in Oedipus the King, knowledge vs …show more content…

In "Hairball" Kat's use of shortening both her and Geralds names symbolizes a change in identity. Kat was first Katherine, then Kathy, and then shortened to Kat. With each name change is a new identity. Kat also changes Geralds name as she molds him into the man she believes she wants him to be. She takes power of Gerald and over her identity as she changes their names. When she calls him Gerald she is symbolizes her power over him and how she can change him back to how he was before her. "'Goodbye, Gerald,' she says. She pronounces the name with mockery. It's a negation of him, an abolishment of him" (Atwood 36). When she calls him Gerald once again in the letter, while shortening her own name once again, she is taking back the power she has. This symbolism is the fundamental start to the theme of power, as the symbolization of the names Kat gives are detrimental in understanding Kat's need for power, which contributes to the overall

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