
Blood Pressure Lab Report

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The heart is a complex organ which can yield much data to learn more about a person. The contraction of the heart is able to produce sounds indicating how and where the muscle is contracting. The heart produces a total of four sounds, with two of them being major sounds and the other two minor sounds. The first heart sound, S1, is produced by the closure of the atrioventricular valves and the opening of the semilunar valves at the beginning of the systole, producing the lub sound. The second heart sound, S2, is caused by the closing of the semilunar valves and the opening of the atrioventricular valves, marking the end of systole. The S2 sound is higher pitched than S1 due to higher blood pressures in the arteries, and the resulting vibration in ventricles and arteries also producing the dub sound. S3, the third heart sound, is lower in frequency because it occurs when the atrioventricular valves open and quickly fill the ventricles, …show more content…

Blood pressure increases successively from supine to sitting and standing positions. Blood pressure is the highest in the standing position because when standing the effect of gravity can cause the rush of blood to be unilateral from head to toe indicating that the effect of blood being pumped out and the force it takes to come out of the heart are more drastic because gravity causes the blood to pool in the feet. When in the sitting position the effect of gravity is lessened because the body is now resting at a sitting position but still has some gravitational effect and maintains a fairly high blood pressure when in comparison to the supine blood pressure. The supine blood pressure has the lowest blood pressure because gravity is even across the whole surface of the supine body, and because the heart is now laying supinely, meaning the blood does not have be pushed out as aggressively to circulate throughout the body (Eser et al,

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