
Blossoms: A Short Story

Decent Essays

Far off in a meadow, on a warm day in May, a very special, little cottontail was born. One look at him and his mother, Blossom, knew right away, that he was extra special. Even though she thought him perfect in every way. He didn't look like any of the cottontails she had ever seen before.

Hmmmm.....All of the other new cottontails I've seen have been pink and wrinkly. And they've had barely any fur, she thought. I've never seen one in such a light color before, either, she thought even harder.

From the tips of his ears down to his toes, Blossom's new, little bunny had a coat of soft, fluffy fur. And it wasn't at all like the other cottontails. Theirs was short. And it was gray and brown and white.

But Blossom's new, …show more content…

His long, floppy ears popped straight up. And Blossom and Hippity Hop wondered why. Then they heard an unusual sound.

There was something scratching nearby. But they could not see what it was. And they were very afraid. Again, Blossom hid her new, little bunny. Then, she and Hippity Hop lay very still, hoping not to be noticed.

Blossom knew then that her new, little bunny was extra, extra special. He not only looked unique and had very strong eyes. His long, floppy ears gave him very good hearing, as well.

After hiding for far too long, Blossom decided she was tired of being afraid. And she very carefully peeked out to see what was making the noise. She saw a sly, red fox sniffing at a bush nearby and hoped it didn't see her. She also hoped it wouldn't smell her little bunny and wished for it to go away.

Then, after sniffing and scratching around a bit more, the curious, little fox did just as Blossom had wished. It quietly strolled off into the forest. And it never bothered Blossom, her little bunny, or Hippity Hop, ever again.

Blossom and Hippity Hop were very glad. And it was then, that Blossom knew she didn't have to be afraid for her special, little bunny, anymore. And that pleased her very, very

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