First days of middle school, feeling butterflies in your stomach,and making sure you have everything perfect. Outfit. Check. Backpack. Check. Lunch. Check. Binders. Oh No, not check. “MAAAAAAAAAAAAA!! YOU FORGOT TO GET ME A BINDER!!” “Get in the car quickly!” “Where are we gonna go?” “Target.” “OK” Once we got at Target we rushed straight to the school supplies,and then we saw a bunch of people crowded going to the front of the store for some reason. I really wanted to check it out but, I needed a binder. Wait what color was it supposed to be again… oh yea blue. Agh why is there no blue binder anywhere. Ok I see a store person, I should ask them if they have a blue binder. But I’m a shy potato, I don't like talking to people I don't know.
For a taste of world-renowned cuisines, Never Blue offers exquisitely prepared meals in a fine dining experience. Chef and owner, Jesse Roque with her extensive culinary experience brings her passion for bold flavorful and diverse dishes to Never Blue. She is an award winning chef and featured in many articles.
Once upon a time Big Blue was riding in the hood. Big Blue was a short and stocky teenage guy. Big Blue was given his name because he was big and strong and always wears blue. Blue drove his Cadillac around the hood all day. Stopping at friends and a couple small shops. Big Blue riding in the hood had to pick up his girlfriend at 3:00 and road through the hood to get to her house. He was supposed to pick her up and take her to the mall. Apparently there was a sale at Beauty Sleep Dress or BSD. What she really wanted was a new pair of Evil Queen Leather Pants from the new spinning wheel. Big Blue riding in the hood pulled up to Rapunzel’s house and waited out side. Rapunzel came dashing out of her house and gave Big Blue a hug
From happy moments to sad moments, from having the best time to falling asleep in class. Middle school was also a place for change. As Robin Sharma once stated, “Change is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end.” High school will definitely bring many changes in our lives. At first, everything may be difficult but, as each year goes by you will quickly realize that you are capable of handling it because, you know at the end of the day everything will be
To start off with, getting out of the car after a twelve hour car ride is the best feeling in world. When I got out of the car the first thing I noticed where how many people there were and how salty it smelt. It's so salty around the beach you could even taste the salt in the air. Newport Beach is one of the most famous beaches around California so there's tons of people. Everyone is doing something from swimming in the cold dark blue ocean, to getting a tan, or even playing spikeball everyone is enjoying their day at the extremely hot beach. When wanting to jump into the water you have to run across the hot gold metallic sand. Right before you jump into the chilly water your parents make you apply
My time at Crone Middle School has come and gone so much faster than I would have ever expected. I can still recall my fifth grade memories as if they occurred just yesterday. If you told me these three years would fly by in a second, I would have never believed you. My fifth grade self thought that middle school would take my entire life to finish, and high school was a whole other topic. As a fifth grader, I was so excited for lockers, new friends, and new classes. I forgot all the other factors that play a role in middle school. This includes grades, homework, tests, quizzes, etc.
Finally, get a light blue marker, yellow marker and a pink marker. Use the yellow marker to color the face not the features of the face. Use the light blue marker to color both tear drops. Also use the pink marker to color the tongue. After you are finish coloring everything, that means you just made a laughing emoji.
Dear Teena, I need some middle school tips ASAP! I just started at a new school and it seems like everyone has name brand clothing like Abercrombie and Hollister, and I don’t have any of that stuff. Also I don’t understand how to be organized, make friends… I’m pretty much just lost all together. Tips PLEASE??
The colors I chose for my family have reasons. I chose the color black for my sister, Tabitha, because she has a dark personality. She likes to be alone, and not be bothered by anyone. For my mother on the other hand, I chose Purple Pizzazz. She tries to help everyone at the best of her ability and take care of my family so I chose a color that popped out and a color that looked important. For my father I decided on the color Midnight Blue. I think blue is an intelligent and strong color and my dad’s is very smart and strong. For me I could only think of Lime green. Lime Green is a balanced color but it can also mean envy. I try to stay balanced but sometimes I go over the edge and that is why I chose Lime Green as my color.
Middle school has been awesome so far, and fun, but on the flip side there's tons of homework. Still, I actually like school this year. The teachers are actually quite cool and they are all awesome. This is a HUGE school compared to Elementary school. The locker has a lock although the lock makes it harder to open, so that's a bit frustrating, but otherwise it's great!
Their symbol is caring hands showing their concern for the well-being of everyone. Think of the color Authentic Blue and the image of calm Authentic Blue may come to mind. Authentic Blue suggests serenity and depth of feeling.
Tomorrow will be the first day of 8th grade. I’m feeling anxious, excited, calm, and annoyed about school. To be quite truthful I didn’t do anything to get ready for school other than cleaning out my backpack and binder. When I wake for school I probably wouldn't bother getting my hair done and choose my outfit. I’m the person who just picks whatever from my closet, so I feel pretty lax about
When starting middle school, many students are not prepared. This can lead to many things, but mostly negative impacts on their academics. The first way to survive middle school is to be prepared. The first thing in being prepared is to have the necessary materials for school. If students want to do well, then they must have all of the following materials. The most important materials are pencils. Students should not bring only one pencil because they do not know if anything will happen to it. Students should always have at least three sharpened pencils and at least one eraser. Make sure that if people ask to borrow a pencil, students have a pencil for them to use and also, that the borrower returns it. Another important material students should have is paper. This could be useful in many ways. The first reason it is handy for students
For students starting 6th grade, it could be very nerve wracking for new students. Middle school is a big change from elementary school. To help out students that are new to middle school, here are some pieces of advice:
The color blue is associated with, imagination, encouragement, and compassion. It also represents the meaning of, loyalty, sincerity, wisdom, confidence, faith, and intelligence. It also has positive effects on the mind and the body. As the color of the spirit, it invokes rest and can cause the body to produce chemicals that are soothing and radiate feelings of serenity. Blue aid in decreasing the human metabolism while and helping sense of balance and self-expression. Too much blue can create feelings of depression, lack of enthusiasm, self-righteousness, and self-centeredness while too little blue brings about characteristics of suspicion, depression, stubbornness, timidity, and unpredictability.
Middle school was the start for the many challenging years yet to come. Extremely quickly, I