
Blue Binder Research Paper

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First days of middle school, feeling butterflies in your stomach,and making sure you have everything perfect. Outfit. Check. Backpack. Check. Lunch. Check. Binders. Oh No, not check. “MAAAAAAAAAAAAA!! YOU FORGOT TO GET ME A BINDER!!” “Get in the car quickly!” “Where are we gonna go?” “Target.” “OK” Once we got at Target we rushed straight to the school supplies,and then we saw a bunch of people crowded going to the front of the store for some reason. I really wanted to check it out but, I needed a binder. Wait what color was it supposed to be again… oh yea blue. Agh why is there no blue binder anywhere. Ok I see a store person, I should ask them if they have a blue binder. But I’m a shy potato, I don't like talking to people I don't know.

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