REV: JANUARY 6, 2012
Blue Man Group: Creativity, Life and Surviving an
Economic Meltdown
Sometimes when we look at where Blue Man Group has gone; we just sort of scratch our heads. And we think about how we started, basically just the three of us saying, “Why don’t we get bald and blue and do stuff?” — Chris Wink, co-founder with friends Matt Goldman and Phil Stanton
Monday evening on July 7, 2008, Chris, Matt and Phil were slumped around a conference table littered with leftover sushi boxes, and sales and financial reports. Their CFO had just left the room. It was clear they were in a red ink-black ink situation; they could go under. It was frightening to
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They had begun a journey they never could have foretold, opening shows in Boston, Chicago,
Las Vegas, and Orlando; taking their theatrical show to audiences internationally; making albums and staging rock concerts. An estimated 17 million people had enjoyed their shows by mid-2008, paying $43 to $131 for the experience.4 Along the way, CMP became husbands and fathers, and launched an educational venture called the Blue School that embodied their spirit of creativity and collaboration.5 And they loved it all.
Before They Were Blue
In 1987, Chris, Phil and Matt found themselves in their mid-20s, sharing an apartment in New
York City, each quite different but all in search of a creative outlet. Matt had once read that life was a succession of hitting plateaus right when you needed to meet a person or form a relationship to move to the next level. “That was our experience,” he said. Phil was the relative newcomer to the group;
Matt and Chris had a history that extended back to high school.
Matt was born into a fourth-generation New York City family, his mother a writer and teacher, and his father a documentary film maker. He attended public elementary school, which he described as “a big institution with no soul,”6 and then the Fieldston High School, a private institution. He recalled his high school years:
I was lucky to get into Fieldston at all. My test scores were so-so; I later found out I was borderline dyslexic. But the application
In the beginning of this book, Matt lives with Celia in a small house at the edge of the poppy fields. Celia is his caretaker, and he thinks of her as his mama. Matt is completely isolated and is only seen by the doctor once a month. Matt sees Celia every day before she goes to work and when she comes home from work every night.
After that accident, Chris realized that what he was doing was destroying his life. He didn’t have a relationship with his children and his wife didn’t talk to him. The drug addict went to a rehabilitation
Chris was not responsible towards the people who invested their time on him. He left them really quickly. This is not to be admire because he left people quick. He didn’t get attach to no one and that isn’t really good at all. Chris was lonely and very stubborn and that didn’t help at all. How can you go into someone’s life and have them help you out by giving you supplies and a place to stay at that wasn’t smart from
Imagine living in a world where the weak are cast aside and you yourself are crippled, but your life is spared by love. Then your mother dies unexpectedly and there is no longer anyone protecting you. What will happen to you now? This is what Kira faced in the novel Gathering Blue written by Lois Lowry. Kira was born with a deformed leg and faces physical challenges because of it. At the beginning of the book, Kira’s mother dies from an unexpected illness and Kira is attacked by a group of women led by Vandara. Vandara claims that Kira should be taken to the field and left for the beasts, which the reader finds out later are not real. The Council of Guardian’s then spares Kira’s life and appoints her official threader of the Singer’s robe. She later meets Thomas, the Carver, and Jo, the
Before dying, Mattie’s mom made Mattie promise to stay with her family and the farm, making her do endless work, leaving no time for writing. Her older brother leaves soon after getting into an intense argument with Pa. She wants to go to New York for college, and write a lot more after receiving news that she has a scholarship at Bernard College. But she can’t afford the train ticket and she can’t leave her younger sisters alone at the farm. So she stays and helps, still looking for money to get there, asking her wealthy Aunt Josie to give her money to get to New York, which Aunt Josie flatly denies.
1. Models are analogies that allow us to clarify hypotheses—proposed explanations of relationships between causes and effects. What roles do models play in testing hypotheses?
following quote shows how close Chris and Carine were, “I think it was one of
Have you ever thought about what it would be like not to be free? What would it be like not to be able to make choices? What would it be like not to be able to do what you want? It's scary to think about not being free, but even in the world today some people don't even have basic human freedoms. Lois Lowry shows us in her books The Giver and Gathering Blue what it would be like not to have freedom and how important it is that we have it.
The vice-president at M&M and Mars who is in charge of the blue M&Ms claimed that eating blue M&Ms can improve memory. He has asked a group of researchers to test whether blue M&Ms can improve memory. The researchers have designed an experiment to test whether or not this theory is accurate. Researchers have come up with a memory test to test the memories of participants by using blue M&Ms. The test asks each participant to memorize a list of numbers. Then, the data will be analyzed to see whether or not blue M&Ms improved their memory. The hypothesis that the researchers came up with is as follows: If people consume blue M&Ms, the short-term memory of high school students will be improved according to a visual numbers test.
This case is about a joint venture between the American company Blue Ridge which is owned by Delta Foods and the Spanish company Terralumen in Spain. Problems arose because of disagreement concerning the future growth rates set by Delta which are considered as unrealistic by Terralumen.
Chris has a selective group of friends that he really enjoys himself with. When one of
While listing to Melanie talk about how walking around the grounds of the school and how it made her feel unworthy of being able to achieve her dreams really took me by surprise. When they were writing back and forth to the students at Fieldston, I believe that the teachers purpose was to show the students that yes you are worthy and you are just as smart as these other students that do go to this $43,000/year school. The culture of these two schools had
The” Blue Zone” is places in the world where people living longer and healthier without disability and medications. The” Blue Zone” having not only people reach centenarians but super-centenarians. What is the secrets of this longevity? Dan Buettner makes the research with his team National Geographic, and National Institute on Aging to find the people living in those places call Blue Zone, and asks them question about their lifestyle to live longer and healthier. Dan Buettner and his team find five places in the world. Those places call Blue Zone are the Italian Island of Sardinia; Okinawa, Japan; Loma Linda, California; Costa Rica’s Isolated Nicoya Peninsula; and Ikaria, an Isolated Greek Island. The people living in Blue Zone live a lifestyle witch is plants based diet, move naturally, know your purpose, religion (have faith), 80% rule, drink wine five, belong to the right tribe, down shift, loved ones first, stay social. Can we find these people in Blue Zone and having their same lifestyle in our community here in Fredericksburg? Let choose three lifestyles in Blue Zone and compare to our community here in Fredericksburg: Plants based diet, move naturally, Love one first.
According The Wall Street Journal” … Cirque du Soleil, the Canadian company that redefined the dynamics of a declining circus industry in the 1980s. Under conventional strategy analysis, the circus industry was a loser. Star performers had “supplier power” over the company. Alternative forms of entertainment, from sporting events to home entertainment systems, were relatively inexpensive and on the rise. Moreover, animal rights groups were putting increased pressure on circuses for their treatment of animals.” (Murray, 2014) A new era was created transforming the concept of what is a circus today. As the Wall Street Journal described, “Cirque du Soleil eliminated the animals and reduced the importance of individual stars. It created a new form of entertainment that combined dance, music and athletic skill to appeal to an upscale adult audience that had abandoned the traditional circus. (Murray, 2014)
This is done by creating a leap in value both for the buyers as well as for the organization thereby creating a new and uncontested market space. Companies left out in the red ocean usually follow a conventional approach, running to beat competition by creating a defensible position in the current market space order.