
Blue Recycling Papers

Decent Essays

Baily Williams
Mr. Nelson
Senior Social Studies
30 October 2014
A human being will create over four pounds of trash and waste throughout an entire day, and about one and a half ton in an entire year. To put one and a half ton into perspective, that weighs as much as the average size pickup truck. The worst part part about all these facts is that over 75% of the trash humans produce is recyclable, and we only recycle just under 30% (11 par 1-2). The world as we know it is slowly dying because of human race. Global warming and recycling go hand-in-hand and tie in directly. Something as simple as throwing a piece of paper in a blue recycling bin will make a difference, or taking the time to pick up an old pop can and throwing it in a …show more content…

“The United States alone recycles over 150 million tons of scrap metal annually” in this statistic includes: 85 million tons of iron and steel , 2 million tons of stainless steel, 5.5 million tons of aluminum, 1.2 tons of lead, 1.8 million tons of copper and 420,000 tons of zinc (Minoqua par.1)
These metals along with many others are used to make everthing from wire to car parts to airplane parts (Minoqua par. …show more content…

One would think paying these workers would probably be more expensive than just using the bland trash can, but that’s wrong. The total process of recycling is much cheaper and less harmful to our environment than the process of garbage disposal. Recycling turns out to be much cheaper and much more cost effective (Recycling par. 1). Through recycling a community can save money directly through taxes, and this is done by reducing the size of landfill and disposal costs. When a community recycles, jobs are created. “Dumping 10,000 pounds of trash waste in a landfill would create on average six jobs, while recycling the same amount of trash would create 36 jobs ( Recycling par 7). Now you might be thinking wouldn’t 36 jobs versus six jobs be much more expensive? Well that’s where the recycling becomes the real cash valve. Products, whether they are plastic metal or plastic ect., and they are able to be recycled are reconditioned into a usable form. The products are then sent all around the world. “In 2008, the scrap metal industry [alone] generate $86 billion and supported 85,000 jobs (West par. 2). that fact is an example of where the money is being made. The exact answer to the question is the revenue from reconditioned waste. Another big idea that pops into the mind of many when thinking about recycling is Social Responsibility.

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