Once you cross the staffie you are adding other genetic and breed behaviours into the offspring. This can have an effect of watering down or removing the strong anti-aggressive human bond which can result in dogs that are aggressive to adults and children. Many people avoid these dogs on a daily basis as they believe they are a danger to the society and some even shout out rude comments to owners about their dogs. Also some suggest that the blue staffie may not have the same good temperament like the other staffie’s and they are believed to be also known as the Irish Staffies. Some believe that the blue comes from the Pitbull terrier which was genetically bred in many years ago. Staffordshire’s can be aggressive to other animals and that also
Cesar Millan who has his own show on Nat Geo Wild called Cesar 911 works and owns his own pit bulls. He has had a dog named daddy who was raised with Cesar since 4 months old. Cesar had a large pack of dogs so it made daddy well socialized and never aggressive with other dogs. Daddy with two small boys of Cesar’s laying and sleeping on daddy he got the best play time with his kids and was calm and soft with Cesar’s kids. If other dogs were being mean to him he would just walk away and not start anything(Millan). With that in mind I feel that pit bulls are misunderstood and can be very good pets if raised with the correct and proper training. These dogs might look mean and aggressive If the dog is trained by someone to fight they will take the most time to open up.
The political views are being deceived on the Staffordshire Bullterriers history due to the quantity of propaganda being published .Due to bull baiting, bear baiting and dog fighting becoming favourable sports the Staffordshire Bullterrier fulfilled its role within society of ensuring the provision of entertainment to both the royal and commoner’s society whist controlling the vermin population. It’s considered a pack of Staffordshire Bullterriers enabled the bulls to release adrenalin and noradrenaline hormones within the muscles and blood stream throughout the attack; although selling un-tenderized bull meat was illegal. The Staffordshire Bullterriers was once established as the Victorian nanny dog due to displaying affection towards young
Some breeds today can be so similar, it can be hard to tell them apart. A prime example of this can be the American Staffordshire terrier and the American Pit Bull terrier. There are many similarities and differences to the American Staffordshire and American Pit Bull terriers. The breeds, in fact, are so similar most are referred to as just “pit bull”. Both the American Staffordshire and American Pit Bull belong to the same breed known as the molosser group. The differences between the two are found in their body and head size, power and agility, and temperament. The similarities are found in their history, lineage and popularity throughout the years.
English bulldogs were once used to guard, control and bait bulls. They are known for their strength, intelligence and stubborn nature.
Staffordshire Terrier, American Bully, and Staffordshire Bull Terrier. This brings me to my next statement, people say pit bulls are bad and they basically just attack people.
Aggressive and/or vicious dogs are beginning to be a serious problem in the United States. With the rise in dog fights Pit Bull Terriers are viewed in a negative light. When the wrong owner gets a Pit Bull and withholds food and teaches the dog to fight it makes a very dangerous dog. Pit bulls are known for their bite strength and fearless personalities. Due to all the negative media, abusive and neglectful pit bull owners; the pit bull terriers are thought of as vicious and unsafe dogs to be around. Pit bull terriers are discriminated against due to a misconception of the breed itself.
Breed generally targeted are: American Bulldog, American Staffordshire Terrier, American Pit Bull Terrier, Bull Terrier, Cane Corso, Chow Chow, Doberman Pinscher, Dogo Argentina, German Shepherd Dog, Miniature Bull Terrier, "Pit bull" (please note that "pit bull" is not a breed of dog), Presa Canario, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Rottweiler, and wolf-hybrids.
This tells us that this breed of dog is very different than others. They also regularly rate near the top of the league tables of dog attacks in NSW by the Department of Local Government. Even though they only make up 6% of the dog population, they cause more than half of dog attacks. (It’s Time Para. 5)
Not all dogs are created equally, bull dogs have genetic predispositions to act a certain way, pit bulls are an innately aggressive breed.
Not only does it encourage violence and fighting to the dog , but it hurts the dogs physically and mentally, and could it people physically and mentally as well. The pit bulls is mixed with two different types of terrier Yankee Terrier, Half and Half, and American Bull Terrier, these dogs were originally bred as a hunting dog/ family . “The cross between these two breeds of dog produced the first Pit Bulls, which met all the needs of the breeders. It was bred for aggression towards deer and other wild game animals , bravery, a superior blood clotting ability, and a strong, well- built frame. (Stahlkuppe 114)”. The American Temperament Testing Association proved that the native temperament of a pit bull is better than all of these dogs. These dogs love being around the family playing with kids and even going on walks with other
American Staffordshire Terriers (Am Staffs) and American Pit Bull Terriers (APBTs) are the most commonly known dogs for their assumed vicious personality. Am Staffs/APBT’s are also more likely to be referred to as pit bulls when being discussed. Pit bull is a name that was created to address the more general breeds of dogs that have similar looks and characteristics. The people who already have a strong dislike for pit bulls will automatically imagine a vicious, volatile, and unfriendly animal. The popular thought for pit bulls is that they were born killers and should not be considered a dog for someone's home life. However, a number of studies have proven those assumptions false. In fact, pit bulls can be just as people-friendly,
It is hard to believe that the gentle Boston Terrier that we see today was once bread for as a pit-fighting dog. It is very difficult to comprehend that these friendly little dogs were once fierce pit fighters. Boston Terriers resembles the Staffordshire Bull Terrier, which possesses a strong fighting instinct. Today's Boston Terriers in no way resemble the fighter it once was known to be.
It was also common for the Wolves to be bred with dogs, in order to get a breed of dog with the strength of a wolf but the calmness and loyalty of a dog.
In the film “China Blue”, a seventeen year old girl, Jasmine Li, works in a Chinese jeans factory. From this documentary we learn about the pay Jasmine was receiving for her hard work, half a Yuan an hour which is equal to about six US cents. We also learn about the condition of the factory and dorms, the rules that the workers have to abide to, and how important these factories are. From just these sweat shops we learn about the economic, social, and political problems that has arisen in China. It also shows us inequality and inequity of the society in China.
First of all, certain mixed breeds can be more intelligent than purebreds. This is a result of who the parents of the mixed breed is; some examples of the smarter breeds seen are German Shepherds, Golden Retrievers, etc. since these are types of canines used in the police force and special aid programs. Secondly, when choosing a dog as a future companion, looks and health isn’t usually the very first thing owners-to-be look for. Just like when we choose our friends, personalities are usually the first things people look for to be around; the same goes for how people usually choose their dogs-to-be. Finally, depending on what the mixed dog breed is mixed with, their interactions with other animals can vary. Certain breeds see a mouse and refuse to touch it, others immediately become violent towards it; this is what causes certain mixed breeds to act the way they do around the animals they may interact