We all live in a world of danger; anything could happen without any warning. In the face of danger we all react differently, some aggressively, others defensively, but we all have one thing in common. In Gail Helgason’s Bluffing, it is clear that in the presence of danger, individuals act without thought, entering a different mindset altogether. This mindset contains a predetermined reaction, which differs between individuals. Both Gabriella and Liam show impressive attributes when their lives are on the line, but this was this a conscious reaction? When we meet Gabriella, we see a sweet, innocent girl that admires her significant other, Liam. She speaks highly of him and her plans to live together. As Liam reveals he would be living out of his partners van for a while, Gabriella snaps, entering her separate state of mind. Angrily, she “strode as fast as she could without walking”, leaving Liam behind. Where Gabriella was going to go and why was even uncertain to her. Stumbling across a bear in the woods, she realised that her problem was no longer Liam. Standing, staring, she wanted to run, but “some inner force held her, a force she’d never before sensed”. This was her reaction of self-preservation. She, without realising it, was using her knowledge of bears to protect herself from further harm. Her brain was preventing her from putting herself at risk. …show more content…
When he caught up to Gabriella, he saw the danger and froze. Despite Gabriella’s directions to prevent the bear attack, Liam turned and ran “away as fast as he could”, taking the bear with him. In the moments before this, Liam too entered his separate conscience. His reaction, though, was much different from Gabriella’s. She protected herself, but Liam’s reaction was of selflessness. He “meant the bear come after [him] instead of
Rev. Jarrett Maupin, an activist who has been critical of police brutality was invited to experience life or death encounters where a split second decision will result in either living or dying. In the video Rev. Maupin encounters three situations where he must choose whether or not to use force. After completing the exercise Rev. Maupin says, “I didn’t understand how important compliance was, but after going through this exercise, my attitude has changed.” (Fox 10 Phoenix, 2015) Rayon McIntosh had just a few seconds to make a decision on whether to defend himself or not, his actions resulted in himself and his co-workers not getting
Not only do other works contradict Stephanie Ericsson’s idea, but she herself contradicts it. In her essay she supplies several examples of white lies and how deception possibly benefits others. Ericsson admits to lying numerous times out of self interest, but just because she lies does not mean other people are affected negatively. A prime example of benevolent lies occurs when Ericsson informs the audience when she lies: To not bring unnecessary pain to others. Deceiving her her friend who invited her to lunch by claiming “I’m busy”(Ericsson, 1) when she is really just not hungry, does not harm anybody. Her friend is satisfied by Ericsson’s response, and Ericsson is spared from hurting her friend’s feeling or engaging in a lengthy discussion.
The article “Gimme an A (I Insist!) by Abigail Sullivan Moore is a commentary on grade inflation in high schools. The author discusses how high school averages are on the rise while SAT scores are staying the same. Moore goes into detail about how teachers are giving students better grades in an attempt to spare their feelings. She then covers how this negatively affects our students. The major points that will be covered in this paper are how relevant this article is and how the problem discussed is affecting our students.
Lily challenges Gabriel when she produces a defensive statement when he asks her about her love life. Gabriel is unable to handle this “bump in the road”, awkwardly changes the subject, and quickly exits the scene. According to Joyce, Gabriel “was…discomposed by the girl’s bitter and sudden retort [as] it cast a gloom over him…” (179). Similarly Miss Ivors sends him a barrage of questions about his sympathies with Irish culture. Gabriel is unable to respond to these questions appropriately and so he flees the situation by blurting out that he is “sick of [his] own country” (189). Once again, Gabriel becomes disconcerted with a loss of control just like the Morkans are disconcerted when Freddy comes late to the party. Overall, Gabriel and the party mirror each other in that they function off of routine and what is expected and become anxious when things exist outside of their comfort zones.
Reactions for danger opportunities are the converse of the ones for dangers. They will concentrate on looking for dangers, boosting them or disregarding them (if opportunities turn out to be excessively little).
Sarah B. Pomeroy argues that women in classical Athens were oppressed by men. Men dictated who they were going to marry, their jobs, their guardianship, and so on. Some scholars contend that women were hated and kept in seclusion, while others claimed the opposite, stating that Athenian women were respected and enjoyed freedom (Pomeroy, 1995, 58-59). Pomeroy finds faults with both arguments, asserting that scholars were basing the treatment of Athenian women off of how they were treating their wives in the twentieth century and also failed to examine all evidence as equal (Pomeroy, 1995, 59-60).By examining Athenian women’s role in the home, involvement in public affairs, work life, social life, and religious rituals, Sarah Pomeroy illustrates
Kelly Heinonen has lived on this great planet for 18 years now and she has done many great things throughout her life so far. Kelly likes to think of herself as academically sound for the most part, with her favorite subjects being History and Music. Throughout her life, she has learned how to sing and plans on making a career out of it. After Kelly graduates from Virginia High School, she plans on attending college before she enters into the workforce. Kelly plans on attending Concordia College in Moorhead, Minneosta, which is well known for the music program. After she finishes college, Kelly said she would like follow Mr. Craig's path and be a high school music teacher. Kelly would like to follow in Mr. Craig's footsteps because he was the
When she cannot find companion or get in touch with her husband, she feels overwhelmed by fear and sadness. As a result, he became more concerned about his health and reduced the number of business trips he does. Natalie blames herself for affecting her husband’s work and for restricting her son’s autonomous life. However, she says that none of them ever complained about it.
experiences is tested at the party she holds where her total control is lost by
There is this beautiful girl names Heather. She is the sweetest, most loving person that I have ever met. She is not what you would call normal or even an average girl. She was born in December 24, 1991 and her due date was March of 1992. Heather weighed 2 pounds at birth and was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy. She is known as our miracle baby with a big heart. Heather has had many trials in her life she attended a school in which she was picked on, discriminated against because of her disabilities and came home everyday in tears, to a school where she was the happiest that I have ever seen her. Along her path in life she lost a dear friend, her parents divorced, her mother disowned, her daddy remarried, she went to an assisted living facility for young adults with disabilities.
“How could I have not?” Walker takes a step towards Willa. She’s shaking. “Did you really expect me to stand by and watch the person I love try to kill herself?” He grips her hands in his, holding them to his chest. Willa can feel the steady beat of his heart. She weakly attempts to pull away from his warm chest, but she finds that the effort needed isn’t worth it. She lets Walker hold her and brings her in
Cathy N. Davidson suggests an innovative education system, providing an emphasis in today’s digital era, and claiming that the existing education system needs to be renewed according to the new expectations of the digital era. Davidson states that,” In the last half century, many changes have occurred in the technology field, however, classrooms and educational methods have remained fairly steady for the past years as well in consequence students are not being prepared for the future advances of society.” That being said, it is important to improve and to give a change to the current educational methods, adjusting them to the existing demands of the era that we are living and taking advantage of the resources that it provides. “What if we continued to the lesson of internet itself,
Gabriel becomes distraught at the revelation of her statement. Joyce describes Gabriel's anguished state, "Generous tears filled Gabriel's eyes. He had never felt like that himself towards any woman, but he knew that such a feeling must be love" (Joyce 182). Gabriel is perplexed as to why, if Gretta loves him so much, she still possesses memories of her first love. He also wonders why this important detail of Gretta's life was not brought to his attention at an earlier point. Gabriel's recognition that he has been excluded from what he believes to be the deepest experience of Gretta's life now becomes the deepest experience of his life. Gretta's reaction to his questions about her first love causes Gabriel to become overwhelmed by Michael Furey's control over him.
No man can be certain beyond a shadow of a doubt how he will react in any given situation. One can know how he would hope to react; however, until the circumstances are in place behavior can not be entirely predicted. A person’s reaction in the direst of moments is in fact the heart of who they are. While reactions are spontaneous, actions are not and the decisions to act or not to act
Gabriella had proposed a hike to Liam that day, as she wanted to discuss with him about renewing the lease of their apartment since the term of lease was coming to an end. She wanted a private place to discuss about it and she was hopeful that Liam would fully go