
Bm History

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Baylor College of Medicine was known as the University of Dallas Medical Department

in 1900 which was based in Dallas, Texas. University of Dallas Medical Department open sits

doors as a medical school with 15 students under the University of Dallas which did not exist.

Recognizing the need to establish an affiliation, University of Dallas Medical Department

formed an alliance with Baylor University in Waco, Texas in 1903. At this time, University of

Dallas Medical Department became known as Baylor College of Medicine (BCM). However,

Baylor remained based in Dallas, Texas. In 1943, Baylor College of Medicine moved to

Houston. Dr. Michael E. DeBakey, M.D joined BCM in 1948 heading the Surgery Department.

As BCM notoriety grew as …show more content…

Each employee and student is handed a card with the mission, vision statement, and a pledge to uphold the BCM values. BCM philosophy is based on the four mission areas of research, education, healthcare and community. As a BCM employee, you must to adhere to the highest ethical standard, and promote a culture of integrity while improving health through science and innovation (Baylor College of Medicine, 2015). The administrative structure of BCM is based on a classical theory approach with amatrix organization structure. Although, Baylor College of Medicine has a chain of command, physician that bring in a substantial amount of research money tends to create projects within their department which may require other individuals from another department to participate in order to the project to be completed successfully. Whenever this situation occurs, BCM engages the Project Management team to facilitate the project in order to control communication. Therefore, each member of the project will have to report to their current department manager as well as the project manager in charge until either your task or project is completed. As a BCM employee, this scenario occurs quite frequently. For instance, Request is submit from the VP of School of Medicine to give all medical students an ipad to ensure seamless communication and updates while providing patient care. Devices must be purchased, setup, and comply with HIPAA regulations. This request with all the requested details makes this a project because in order to complete this request the following team must be involved: Field support to setup the devices, Security and General Counsel to ensure HIPAA regulations are met, a

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