Abstract The purpose of this experiment was to test the correlation of heart recovery rates post-exercise in both athletes and non-athletes and determine which group had the faster recovery rate. This was accomplished by selecting six non-athletes and six athletes to run one lap around the Fresno Pacific track for two days. Each participant’s resting heart rate was taken before running the lap and instantly after running the lap as well. Upon completion of the lap their heart rate was measured in thirty second intervals and it was noted how long it took to get back down to each initial resting heart rate again. Due to the athletes training it was hypothesized that they would have the faster recovery rate because they’d be more conditioned …show more content…
For the purposes of this experiment, a non-athlete is being defined as someone who has not played competitive sports within the last year or exercise more than once a week, and an athlete is being considered as someone on one of Fresno Pacific University’s endurance sports teams. To try to eliminate as many variables as possible, the individuals have to be within the normal Body Mass Index (BMI) range of 18-26 to be eligible for the experiment. Their BMI values will be calculated using the BMI calculator on the NCBI PubMed website by inputting their correct height and weight. After determining eligibility, the test subjects will be asked to run one lap around the track (400 meters) at Fresno Pacific University on two separate days. Before the subjects exercise, their heart rate will be taken after they’ve sat quietly for two minutes to ensure the resting heart rate is obtained. This will be down by counting their pulse on their radial artery for thirty seconds and multiplying that number by two to acquire their heart beats per minute. They will then run at a mildly intense pace by their standards for one lap in order to elevate their heart rate. Upon their return back around the track, their heart rate will be immediately taken, and a stopwatch started in order to determine the total amount of time that it will take for the subject to reach their previous resting heart …show more content…
The subjects were given a survey on their health as to avoid injured or asthmatic variables. Also they were all required to be in the healthy BMI range and the athletes were from one sport and the non-athletes had a strict definition of exercise as less than twice a week. However, a few errors could have slipped through. For example when recording the participants heart rate. The pulse was sometimes hard to locate requiring more time to look for it after their lap run and perhaps lose data in the process. Another possible error that could have occurred was taking the recovery times. The majority of the participant trials were done by one project partner making it difficult to monitor the thirty second intervals while measuring and recording the heart rates as well. In future studies these errors may be avoided by requiring all the researchers be present for the experiment in order to secure more definitive results. Another issue that occurred was the participants failing to show up, more so in the athlete group, which left a hole in hour experimental data because we were unable to reach the intended six athlete total due to this issue. Future researchers should attempt to have all the athlete and non-athlete participants together at one time for each day. This would avoid having to come back day by day and remember who did one day and who’s
In this assignment I will be introducing a formal report that is based on an investigation into how the body responds to exercise and which analyses the results from the investigation. The investigation involves myself and other pupils in my class. I will be doing the Harvard step test. the other pupils in my class will be monitoring my heart rate, breathing rate and temperature before and after the test.
P6- follows guidelines to interpret collected data for heart rate, breathing rate and temperature before and after a standard period of exercise
The graphs also show that Sara’s heart takes the longest to recover after exercise, followed by Jonathan and then me. This means that from these results, Sara is the most unfit and I am the fittest out of the three of us. Since all three of us did the exact same kind of moderate and strenuous exercise it shows that Sara’s heart is not as used to
trained athletes will have a lower heart rate during this period of exercise. Recovery heart rates –
The purpose of this experiment is to investigate the recovery time of the heart rate for teenagers according to various levels of exercise.
When looking at heart rate over time it was found that the participants were able to exercise for longer than when they exercised at a continuous pace. In the graph in compare to female students, Participant 1 is more trained in comparison to participant 2, and is therefore able to exercise longer and at a lower heart rate, so it takes more time for participant 1 to fatigue. (Figure.1.) It was found, that with intermittent exercise a higher total work output was achieved, this is because the participants are able to work longer, even during the recovery phase they are generating some work. (Figure 2). It was found the time to
Using the step-test experiment, in order to assess the effects of how gender can effect cardio recovery time. We divided our class into two groups with two individuals in each group. It did not depend on what gender calculated your recovery time for you. We measured our partners pulse rate before even beginning the step-test and after they exercised using step-test. After the step test experiment the data demonstrated that men in our class showed a small increase in their pulse rate than the women did. The mean for women was 84 while the men’s mean was 84.375.
In performing this activity/assessment, I have learned a few things. From this assignment I have learned that the amount of exercise or physical activity for a certain amount of time affects your heart rate and pulse. We were instructed to run up and down the stairs for a total of eight minutes with a 30 second break in between every two minutes to measure your pulse. We recorded data to see what our pulse was every two minutes of physical activity for eight minutes. In doing this i have concluded that the longer you perform physical activity the higher your pulse and heart rate increase, and the longer it take your pulse and heart rate to go back down to your resting heart rate.
All subjects were healthy third year physiology students (n=10), aged between 19-24. Basal heart rate was measured using an OMRON, time 0, after which each participant consumed 250 ml of Red Bull each. Heart Rate was measured again at 30 mins, 60 mins and 90 mins after the full consumption of Red Bull. For each time point three readings were taken and the average was used. Participants were required to sit down during the whole procedure, and remain claim. A paired t-test was performed to determine whether there was a significant difference in heart rate at the start and end of the trial. Significance level was set at p<0.05.
The literature on the effects of exercise of cardiac output maintains the idea that exercise should affect cardiac output- pulse rate, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, QRS-pulse lag, P-T and T-P intervals, because of increased heart rate. For our experiment, we tested this theory by measuring our cardiac output before and after some rigorous exercise. We measured the individual cardiac output and then combined the data to compose a class-wide data average. We compared the results of the experiment to what we expected, which was that exercise does affect our heart. Our data from this experiment supported the notion that exercise does, in fact, change cardiac output.
Introduction: In this experiment, cardiovascular fitness is being determined by measuring how long it takes for the test subjects' to return to their resting heart rate. Cardiovascular fitness is the ability to "transport and use oxygen while exercising" (Dale 2015). Cardiovascular fitness utilizes the "heart, lungs, muscles, and blood working together" while exercising (Dale 2015). It is also how well your body can last during moderate to high intensity cardio for long periods of time (Waehner 2016). The hypothesis is that people who exercise for three or more days will return to their resting heart rate much faster than people who only exercise for less than three days.
My heart rate will be measured as well as my height and weight. My heart rate will be tracked, graphed, and data will be provided as I will wear a heart rate sensor during all of these activities. Resting heart rate before and after each workout can be marked as well to ensure consistent data, and to see the effects before, during, and after each workout and how my heart rate reacted to the stimuli. The goal is to see if over time and with consistent cardiovascular work outs that my heart rate will not be as high closer to the end of my experiment during the apex of my work out, as opposed to when I begin the experiment. I plan to see my myocardial endurance to improve throughout the duration of the experiment. Errors within the experiment could arise if I were to take a supplement of any sort or a caffeinated drink within a set amount of time before or after the workout. To eliminate this error, I will not consume any product of this type within that certain window of time. The link between this article and my experiment are to see the positive effects exercise has on the human heart. The buildup of plaque in arteries can be attributed to lack of exercise and poor diet in a human. Increased anaerobic activity can minimize disease, as it is one of the leading causes of death in the United
Most endurance trained athletes and participants in a group exercise class monitor their exercise intensity through palpation of the carotid or radial artery. Heart rate (HR) is used as an indictor of exercise intensity because of the linear relation between HR and oxygen consumption (Cotton & Dill, 1935). The researchers of this study have decided to use pule rate palpation to monitor exercise intensity because the procedure is described in many textbooks and it is common in various exercise settings (American Collage of Sports Medicine, 2000). However most chronic exercisers have a rapid recovery of HR following the cessation of exercise, and therefore carotid or radial palpation could underestimate exercise HR. Also, endurance trained individuals have a greater arterial baroreflex sensitivity and are more responsive to carotid palpation. Therefore, the palpation of the carotid artery may unload arterial baroreceptors and elicit feedback reductions in HR (Heidorn & McNamera, 1956).
We conducted a study, 2 subjects took their blood pressure and pulse before exercise, immediately after exercise and 5 minutes after exercise, their appearance and sweating was also noted. This table shows that before exercise both subjects had relatively normal blood pressure, immediately after exercise both subject 's blood pressure had dropped. The blood pressure was retested after 5 minutes of rest both subject 's blood pressure risen back up to a normal level. Before exercise subject A 's pulse was average, after exercise it had risen to compensate for the need of oxygen to get around the body quicker. After 5 minutes this had then returned back to a normal pace when the body had relaxed. Subject B had an average pulse before exercise, immediately after exercise it had risen, 5 minutes after exercise it had dropped again to a normal pace. the differences in pulse shows that subject A is healthier than subject B because the difference between subject A 's resting and exercise
If the subject started exercising again for another cycle the volunteer’s heart rate, breathing rate, and respiration will increase again to accommodate