
Bnad 302 Study Guide Ch5

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BNAD 302 Chapter 5 Quiz 1. Which of the following is not one of the steps in planning and strategic management? * Monitoring efficiency 2. The vision statement answers the question, “What do we want to become? “ It provides a clear sense of the future and the actions needed to get there. 3. Which of the following are 4 benefits of planning? * Planning helps you coordinate activities * Planning helps you cope with uncertainty * Planning helps you check on your progress * Planning helps you think ahead 4. Management by objective (MBO) is a process that includes all of the following EXCEPT: * managers punish the employees that fail to reach their goals 5. So, they include: * Managers and employees …show more content…

The planning/ control cycle is a continuous feedback loop. 30. The third stage of management of objectives is to periodically review performance. Which of the following occurs in the third stage? * You and your manager meet reasonably often to review progress. 31. Regarding the four organizational strategies in response to uncertainty, reactors make adjustments only when finally to do so by environmental pressures. 32. Define action plan. Course of action needed to achieve a stated goal. 33. How often should manager and subordinates meet to give performance appraisals and rewards? * Every 6 to 12 months 34. The letter S in the acronym SMART stands for: * specific 35. Prospectors focus on developing new products or services and on seeking out new markets, rather than waiting for things to happen. 36. When objectives become more specific at lower levels of the organization they are said to be structured in a unified hierarchy. 37. Name a plan developed for activities that are not likely to be repeated in the future. * Single- use plan 38. The first step of the MBO process is for employees and managers to jointly set objectives. 39. Analyzers let other organizations take the risk of product development and marketing and then imitate what seems to work best. 40. What is the second step in management by objectives? * The manager develops an action plan. 41. True or false: SMART is an

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