
Body Image Research Paper

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Body image is ideal to every teen particularly in such individualistic society. It is generally determined by an individual’s perception and judgment of size, shape, weight, and any other aspect of body which relates to the physical appearance. Young people in today’s society allow their physical appearance to be a dominant factor of their daily lives. Media, promoting slim and/or masculine figures in posters and commercials, plays a big role towards the influence, but it’s not the only source. Family and friends also play an important role. Commentary from family or friends about physical appearance can also influence ones self- esteem negatively. Some of the negative effects of theses sources can lead to health issues, depression, and social discomfort. Therefore it is very important that one makes an informed decision on what they want to be. …show more content…

The models in various ads generally picture the feminine and masculine identity in an unrealistic way. In the article “How Real is Reality TV,” Snow tries to slim down in order fit into her wedding gown. During the show, Snow says, “They portrayed me as an overindulgent pig, like all I do is eat my face out.” Although many advertisers do promote uniqueness and individuality, they still corroborate the fashion trends. In this article, the show promotes a healthy diet and workout, but simultaneously it forces the audience to think “the slimmer the better,” as they exaggerate her normal sized body into being obese. Many teens intake such messages and reflect it upon their body size, shape or

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