
Boethius Accomplishments

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People know Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius as one of the most accomplished men of his time and beyond. The Roman scholar, poet, orator, musician, and philosopher gave much of his knowledge to the ancient world in his lifetime. Through his writings and translations, Boethius made important contributions to the Middle Ages, and gave people a better understanding of ancient times. Boethius also proved himself to be a gifted man, making him worthy of praise up to today. For these reasons, many remember the life of Boethius. Born around 475-477 C.E., Boethius grew up with high status in an unstable Roman Empire. He came from a prestigious line of families, which his full name indicated. Boethius belonged to the grand patrician family of Anicii, and had several other connections to important families of the Roman Republic. Because both of Boethius' parents died during his childhood, Quintus Aurelius Symmachus, a consul from a patrician family greater than Boethuis', adopted him and raised him. Under the care of Symmachus, Boethius received an excellent education in his youth. He mainly learned about Latin classics and four major …show more content…

Boethius inspired Jean de Meun, who in turn inspired Chaucer. The influence of Boethius' philosophy and thought is apparent in many of Chaucer's works, including the poems "Troilus," "The House of Fame," "The Legend of Good Women," and even in his book, The Canterbury Tales. There are ideas that Chaucer borrowed from The Consolation of Philosophy, for example, the search for true happiness. Boethius thought that all men seek true happiness, but look for it in the wrong places. In Chaucer's poem "Palamon and Arcite," the character Arcite also spoke that men seek happiness blindly. He explained that men often try to find happiness in riches, but also that one cannot actually find happiness in

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