
Bogota Twins Project Essay

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To test this general agreement, various research experiments have and are currently being conducted. Of these, the Bogota Twins Project happens to be one of the most popular. Dr. Nancy L. Segal, professor at California State University and current director of the Twin Studies Center (in which she founded), gathered eight days of research on two sets of twins from Bogota, Columbia. The reason Dr. Segal specifically chose these two sets of twins, was because they happened to switched at birth. William Velasco was separated from his twin brother Jorge, while Carlos Castro was separated from his twin Wilbur. Jorge and Wilbur were raised with the correct family, while Carlos and William were not. Prior to their eventual reunion, both pairs carried on with their lives. Jorge and Carlos grew up in a more urban environment and were strongly financially supported. Wilbur and William, on the other hand, were raised in a more …show more content…

Even though a couple of them state that the environment plays a larger role than genes, the facts show that both are needed to shape an individual. I like to look at the Gallup Strengths Model and its correlation to a couple of these cases. According to the Gallup Strengths Model, “strengths are a combination of both natural talent and nurtured skills.” This means that people have limits, and it is a waste of time to try and develop talents that an individual does not possess. Likewise, if an individual’s talent is not properly stimulated, it will never actually develop. This goes back to Corey’s IQ rising and Eric’s remaining the same, and William Velasco never being able to develop to his full potential because of the poor resources. You can take this concept and apply it to any of these studies, and it will ultimately make sense. Like I previously mentioned, I believe that both nature and nurture play important roles in human

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