
Essay about Bolman and Deal's Four-Frame Analysis : Case Study

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Four-Frame Theory
There are volumes written on leadership theory in nearly every discipline. Bolman and Deal sifted through the complex theories and literature and combined with their own analyses, theories and experience devised a four-frame model as a way of understanding organizations and leadership within organizations. Frames are described as being the lens through which anyone sees the world and places that world in order (University of Melbourne). Frames help individuals to filter out the things in the world they do not want to see, thus, frames are inherently inaccurate and skewed in terms of reality (University of Melbourne). But, people need …show more content…

• The Human Resource Framework places people first, which is very similar to stewardship or servant leadership where participation in decision making and problem solving are primary components of the model. This framework is based on the ideas from organisational social psychologists and begins with the premise that organizations are filled with individuals, each of whom has their own feelings, needs and biases as well as their own skills and potential (Bolman and Deal 1991, p. 15).
• The Political Framework is very important. As Bolman and Deal note, the political leader understands the reality of the politics in the organization and deals with them (1991). The framework is developed primarily by political scientists who believe that an organization is an arena wherein different interest groups compete for a limited amount of power and resources leading to conflict and coalitions being established (Bolman and Deal 1991, p. 15).
The Symbolic Framework draws on social and cultural anthropology. The organization is thought to be akin to tribes or theater; they are cultures that operate based on ceremonies, rituals, rules, myths, policies, stories, heroes and managerial authority (Bolman and Deal 1991, p. 16). Everyone in the organization is an actor who is basically playing a prescribed role (Bolman and Deal 1991, p. 16).
It is important to note that not every frame works equally well in all situations. It is

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