Bolster Electronics: Dealing With Dealer Demands
Northern Alberta, the oil sands development area surrounding Fort McMurray, is the fastest growing economic area in Canada for several years. Obviously Bolster’s total market share in this area was the highest with one third of the total market share it held national wide. Vickers based in Edmonton, Alberta covered 50% of the local market share and 75% of servicing in that area in spite having a national distributor, National Electronics (National). Also local firms preferred to do business with Vickers than National which has their nearest warehouse in Calgary, Sothern Alberta around 750 Km from Fort McMurray. (Exhibit 1)
Neither Bolster nor National had a video
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Fortunately, last time National’s dissatisfaction disappeared in a long run since they are not competing for the same market. National doesn’t take any leap in past 5 years in doing business in northern Alberta though it was informed about the huge potential of increasing market share. It seems National is not interested in increasing his presence in northern Alberta.
Because of technological advancement and increased competition from three other major players it was difficult for Bolster to maintain an overall gross margin of 40% of factory price. In the current scenario if Bolster gives a distributorship to Vickers, it will further affect the financial stability of the company. Though it has a potential to increasing the market share over 90%, if they got distributor’s discount. It will also change the entire distribution channel (a network through which goods moves from the manufacturer to end-users). The distribution cost of each channel plays a major role in selecting the options (Financial Analysis if possible)
Customer service is a major issue since industrial video equipment are normally used in harsh environments. So the distributors or dealers should work faster if there was a production stoppage because of
Winnebago operates in the luxury recreational motor vehicles industry. It’s main competitors are Thor industries, Malibu Boats, Polaris Industries, and Brunswick Corporation. These firms were chosen due to the fact that, while they may not all be in the RV industry, they sell similar products as Winnebago. Winnebago’s main line of business in the RV industry of all classes A, B, and C. Thor is the most similar to Winnebago due to the fact that all of its products are specifically in RV industry. Polaris, Brunswick offer a variety of products along with Recreational vehicles such from everything to snowmobiles to gym equipment. Malibu specializes in the boating industry, specifically small boats and boating accessories. The four competitors and Winnebago manufacture the products at their distribution centers and distribute them to to dealers who sell their products to the end customers. We have researched the luxury motor vehicle industry using the Porters Five Forces Model. The Porters Five Forces Model helped us analyze the different trends within the industry and see where Winnebago stands within them.
have developed the best, most effective classroom management plan we can think of, there will always
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For the problem on distribution partner, Augat has the option to stick with White Radio, or to seek new partnerships in distribution like Anixter Canada, or Deskin Sales. Though this would help Augat enhance the coverage in terms of suppliers (or end-users) and a potential increase in market presence. However, on the other hand, Augat would lose the exclusive relationship it was with White Radio, knowing White Radio’s Steve Quinn’ knowledge about Cable TV MSO’s approval process. In addition, the other distribution companies also carry competitor’s products and there is no guarantee that they would push
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The group determined that there are factors beyond its control such as material cost and labor, location is contributes to the external factors that affected its weighted benchmarks. In Canada the auto industry is still one of the highest paying fields and with Toyota’s
Husky Energy Inc. is a recognizable company to many Canadians. Most people just know it as “The Husky” and see it as just merely an oil company that is operated through North America. Although Husky Energy Inc. is based in Alberta and Saskatchewan, it is a worldwide enterprise. “China, Greenland, and Libya” all have Husky Energy within their countries (Husky Energy Inc.). The now privately owned business is valued at “28 billion as of October 2009” (Warnock, 1) and is growing exponentially. They are continuing expansion, becoming much more than a gas and oil supplier. They understand the changes are essential in being a successful corporation.
As mentioned previously, Calgary business and economy relies heavily on the oil industry and the price that the oil is currently selling. In the late 1980s however the oil industry took a massive downturn. These downturns lead to high levels of unemployment throughout the city. Within recent years the governing bodies have significantly helped to diversify the aspects of the city which will contribute towards Calgary business and economy. This has surely helped as the Calgary culture is incredibly rich now and as times goes on more and more people are discovering the fun that can be had within the city.
FUTRONICS Inc. is a private company located in Lexington mainly categorized for modems, monitors, disk drives and terminals. It is moreover in to sales and services. This case is about the replacement of Futronics’s central office stores by an outside service provider. In this case supply management manager have an opportunity for investigating selected outsourcing in-house services.
Diverse and multi-faceted, the Canadian business market is one of the strongest functioning mixed market economies in the world. Within the Canadian economy, the oil and gas sector stands as one of the largest and most influential sectors. The oil and gas industry is unique as it affects almost every person and sector of the economy worldwide, whether it is through commodity or material input costs. In Canada, this growing industry could allow for the country to be the one of the “biggest energy producers in the world” leading to a massive paradigm shift globally.
Bodie Industrial Supply, Inc is a full service distributor of top line, brand name, new and used certified machine tools, maintenance parts and related equipments for the construction, utility and farming markets. The demand for equipment is relatively cyclical, with Bodies having a slight increase in sales to farming markets in the summer. Bodie’s has seen a huge sales growth increase in 2003-2004 of 72% and 29% in 2004-2005. This is mostly due to an increase in net sales and keeping a constant level of costs of goods sold.
The market in the oil sands area of Fort McMurray is developing fast and it is imperative for Bolster to have an increasing presence there, to tap the market potential. Vickers has a sales experience of 20 years in the Northern Alberta region which is essential for increasing Bolster’s market share in this region. Bolster’s national distributors Albright Industries (Albright) and National Electronic (National) are unlikely to expand in this region in the near future because the former has no presence in western Canada whereas the latter has not shown any keen interest despite repeated requests. The warehouse of National is located in southern Alberta which makes it further difficult to source their products in northern part of the province. As
The trucking industry is the “life blood” of the United States economy. Carrying 9.2 billion tons in freight accounting for a little over 600 billion dollars in total revenue. (7: these numbers represent the trucking industry as a whole, AM trucking will be specializing in a certain field known as “oilfield trucking”. Oilfield trucking is largely dependent on the oil and gas industry, which is continually booming. With fossil fuel rich regions in Wyoming, North Dakota and Texas, the United States is set to surpass Saudi Arabia as the biggest oil and gas producer in the world. (6: p39lj94). With such a positive outlook for the future of the oil and gas industry, it insures a positive outlook for the oil field trucking industry, because everyone needs trucks, from moving rigs and equipment, to hauling oil and water away, and ‘frack’ sand and base rock. “Right now, every company is hurting for that.”(In reference to oil field trucking companies) (7: n5hfx3r)
Canadian businesses and governments have been constantly working on increasing their global market, by enforcing more supportive programs and effective policies. Funding Canadian organizations to enter the international market. The government has announced various support programs with the intentions to improve support such as EDC helping canadian companies sell beyond Canada’s borders and BDC which support small and medium-sized businesses in all industries and