
Bomb Calorimeter Lab Report

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In order to determine whether a hydrocarbon produced heat upon altering its chemical state, a bomb calorimeter was used to find the value of the heat of combustion for sucrose and an altoid mint. Using benzoic acid to calibrate the bomb calorimeter, the two samples were individually placed in a combustion cup within a stainless-steel cylinder enveloped in water, sealed shut by a shield containing a thermometer. After igniting the bomb, a change in temperature (°C) versus time (s) was recorded. Using the following equation, ∆T=T_c-T_A-r_1 (b-a)-r_2 (c-b), the ∆T of benzoic acid was 3.71°K. Which lead to the determination of the effective heat capacity, using C_(v,cal)=((∆cH_b-∆nRT/m_b ) m_b+C_Fe+C_N)/∆T, to be -9,666.27J/g (percent error of …show more content…

Considering the effective heat capacity is separate from the bomb calorimeters measurements of standard heat of combustion, the value of the ∆rCv,cal can be identified through calibrating the instrument with benzoic acid. However, the temperature change of the benzoic acid must be measured first. In order to measure this temperature change, the following equation can be used.
∆T=T_c-T_A-r_1 (b-a)-r_2 (c-b) (2)
Where Tc is the final temperature, TA is the initial temperature, r1 is the slope of the pre-ignition, r2 slope of the post-rise period, a is the firing time, b is the temperature at 60% of total rise, and c is the time when rise ends. Once the change in temperature is determined, the Cv equation for benzoic acid can be utilized.
C_(v,cal)=((∆cH_b-∆nRT/m_b ) m_b+C_Fe+C_N)/∆T (3)
Where ∆cHb is the benzoic acid heat of combustion, CFe is the iron fuse wire correction for combustion, T is the initial temperature, ∆n is the change in moles of the gas in combustion, and Cn is the nitric acid formation correction factor. After the calibration of the bomb calorimeter, the heat of combustion of the sucrose and altoid mint were calculated using the following

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