
Bone Age Analysis Essay

Decent Essays

Image processing has been widely used in medical research over the past few decades. Estimation of age is one of the emerging topic in medical imaging. Bone age assessment (BAA) is an automated process to evaluating the level of skeletal maturation in children. Based on a radiological examination of skeletal development of left hand wrist with atlas, the bone age is assessed and then compared with the chronological age (CA). A difference between these two values indicate abnormalities in the skeletal development. Manual methods of BAA are time consuming. This paper deals with the implementation and analysis of different segmentation techniques that can be used for extract different bones in the wrist like distal, middle , proximal, radius and ulna. Keywords :
BAA(bone age assessment) , chronological age(CA) ,
I . Introduction
The assessment of the skeletal maturity or “bone age” is an important step in diagnostic, to estimate the growth disorders of children and even genetic disorders. Bone development is influenced by a number of factors, including nutrition, hormonal …show more content…

These measurements may vary from scientist to scientist and from observation to observation. The manual measurements may lead to errors also time consuming processes. There is no standard clinical procedure in bone age assessment, even if the most used methods are: 1) The Greulich and Pyle (G&P) method [10]. 2) The Tanner and Whitehouse method [12]. Both methods rely on X-Ray images. The Tanner-Whitehouse method, instead of considering the hand as a whole as in the G&P method, uses a set of bones, whose standard maturity varies according to age population and this makes the TW method less affected by the variability of the analysis performed by the operator. Bone age assessment (BAA) is performed usually by comparing an X-ray of left hand wrist with an atlas of known sample bones. The system overview is as shown in

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