
Boo Radley Maturity

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A book with small fragments of adventure, suspense, tension, purity, and all-round simplicity is how I would describe the book How to kill a mockingbird by Harper lee. The book gave a feeling of purity and innocence when the author described the small adventured Scout, Dill and Jem had together, yes, their little adventures sometimes caused trouble, but nonetheless were done with no real bad intention, and showed the youthfulness, curiosity, and innocence of young kids. But as time goes on you notice one of the main characters begins to change, could it be that this character is maturing, growing, and becoming more aware. This book is centered about the growth of one’s brain, how children go from seeing everything as perfect and pure to them noticing the hardships and utter horridness of life that is presented to them in the world. …show more content…

In the beginning of the book it was described that he would play, fun, and creative games with his sister, and Dill. Jem always saw their little town in a very simple way, everyone did what they could, to live an ordinary life, and everyone made their living in a reasonable way. Jem did however find one person to be different from the rest. Boo Radley, a very strange male that we do not get much information about until the end of the book when some light is shared with us that helps us deeply understand Boo Radley’s connection with the kids. As time went on Jem began to change from his normal self, as Scout would explain he became more reserved ,and would not like to hang around with her or other people, he began to feel superior when comparing himself to her as if the few years he had over her gave him the ability to be multiple times smarter than her. In the following paragraphs, I will explain the growth Jem experienced and how he began to see the impurity of his

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