Allusions and time are common elements of magic realism in Jorge Borges’s stories. Throughout Book of Sand, Borges makes references to a variety of things outside the short story to enhance its depth. He also includes cyclical time to give Book of Sand a background story and to leave readers wondering what will happen to the unusual literature. Guayaquil alludes to the Guayaquil conference in which Simón Bolívar and José de San Martin debated over the future government of Peru. This event recycles into two historians meeting to decide who will get to publish letters written by Bolívar himself. Borges makes allusions in both Book of Sand and Guayaquil to let the reader think about outside influences. Book of Sand contains light allusions that
In The House of Sand and Fog, by Andre Dubus III, there are an infinite amount of possible outcomes when dreams collide, but overall not everybody can have his/her dreams fulfilled, unless there is a compromise to which all parties can agree upon, but only one can get what they came for, and the characters in the story do not come to this conclusion. This idea is expanded upon throughout the story of House and Sand and Fog when we get two people, Kathy Nicolo, and Colonel Behrani who have their dreams intertwine. They both do not ever come to a compromise that can satisfy the both of them, but instead it leads to nobody achieving their dream.
The writer of “Dustland Fairytale”, Brandon Flowers, best employs allusion as well as diction to prove the theme not everything in life goes perfectly. Throughout the song, Flowers changes the music to represent different events a couple may face, while using diction, specific word choice at certain points, to metaphorically represent the situations the couple, which turned out to be Flowers’ parents, may be in. The song starts off softly, using word choice like “some kind of slick chrome American prince”(Flowers 7) to paint a picture of the perfect fairytale-like couple. The story then takes a darker turn using words such as “Out here the good girls die” (Flowers 32) to represent his mother getting a brain tumor, and how it would affect the
The most important element of a short story is Characterization as it drives the story as a whole. Characters involved in a story are responsible for creating different types of conflicts, struggles and tensions which in turn affects resolutions. Characterization is the core element that emphasizes the rest of the four elements as everything else eventually streams from character: plot, setting, theme and the point of view. There are no Conflicts without characters. A story only has meaning as the interaction among develops.
Latin American literature is perhaps best known for its use of magical realism, a literary mode where the fantastical is seamlessly blended with the ordinary, creating a sort of enhanced reality. Though magical realism is practiced by authors from other cultures, the works of authors Salman Rushdie and Toni Morrison, for example, are notable examples of non-Latin works in which magical realism has been used to both great effect and great celebration, it is in the works of Latin American authors where the style has flourished and made its mark on the literary world. Yet even in Latin American works we can find many different kinds of magical realism, all used to achieve a different end. In the works of the Cuban poet and novelist
This critique written by Roberto Gonzalez Echevarria of In the Time of the Butterflies focuses mainly on the political facts that are not apparent in the novel. He states that Alvarez makes her novel appear blurry, not making it a “serious historical fiction.” However, the critical commentary that Echevarria made would not necessarily apply to the film due to the fact that Alvarez’s intentions are to initially expose readers to life in the Dominican Republic under the control of Trujillo, rather than have it be a serious historical fictional novel with facts and real life events. In fact, the film focused more on the historical aspect of this time period unlike Alvarez’s novel. It provided slow motion slide shows of Trujillo’s
Garcia Marquez incorporates these important themes with fantasy tales-one describes a birth of a child between an animal and human. Written within the genre of magic realism (a literary style that "blends fantastic elements with realistic narrative") (Garcia Marquez's Labyrinth), Garcia Marquez captures historical events by essentially re-counting his own family history and influence with Columbian history as a backdrop. These fantasy tales can be linked to the family tradition of telling fantasy stories, fables and fairy tales (Review). As a little boy, his grandparents told him countless stories which would have been a major inspiration in this novel(Macondo). His grandmother also played a role with her obsession with superstition and magic(Macondo).
The novel House of Sand and Fog, written by Andrew Dubus III, is a story about how society, events from the past and present situations can affect people’s persona, anima/animus, shadow and self which eventually influences their decisions about life. Dubus explores the conflict between two completely different people with opposite persona. Colonel Masoud Behrani, once a wealthy man in Iran, is now a struggling immigrant willing to bet everything he has to restore his family’s dignity. Kathy Nicolo is a troubled young woman whose house is all she has left, and who refuses to let her hard-won stability slip away from her. These two characters are drawn by their competing desires to the same small house and domed by their tragic inability to
In his collection of short stories, Ficciones, Jorge Luis Borges uses dreams, imagination and fantasy to establish ambiguity in his stories. With the use of juxtaposition and symbols, Borges blends a realm of dreams and imagination into the individual’s everyday worldly experiences. Through these devices, Borges commonly blurs the line between aspects of reality for his characters versus the constructs of his or her mind. By combining the real with the fictitious, Borges incorporates ambiguity into his stories and introduces his readers to new perspectives of world around them.
Magic realism is a writing style in which mythical elements are put into a realistic story but it does not break the narrative flow; rather it helps a reader get a deeper understanding of the reality. Often time’s Latin-American writers utilize this writing technique. It has been speculated by many critics that magic realism appears most often in the literature of countries with long histories of both mythological stories and social turmoil, such as those in Central and South America. Like many Latin-American writers, Gabriel Garcia Marquez used this approach of magic realism, in his book “One Hundred Years of Solitude”, in which he reveals the history of Macondo through the seven generations of the
In The Sand Child, Tahar Ben Jelloun composes a multi-layered tale about Ahmed, a woman socialized as a man, who struggles to reclaim her sexuality. Ben Jelloun contrasts gender and sexual orientation to suggest that a person’s characteristics can be shaped and changed by will, but his sexuality is predisposed and will be the deciding factor of how he will act and identify himself within his community.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s text depicts the cultural life and setting of Latin America. His inclusion of conventional values portrayed in the novel such as pride and honor influences specific characters such as Pedro
The novel’s “precise detailing of the time of each event and the matter-of-fact usage of language” helps to bring this style to life (Pelayo 116).
In the sci-fi, horror short story “Sandkings” lives humans and aliens alike in a futuristic land of technological advancement. The main character, Simon Kress, lives in apparent abundance, with all the art pieces, ancient artifacts, exotic animals he wants in a sprawling manor. Such a convenient and indulgent environment deteriorates around him, however. He soon finds himself back in unforgiving nature, hungry and crawling due to his own actions. Through this development, George R. R. Martin explores the savage nature of humanity. Their fragile status at the top of the food chain is threatened by their thirst for entertainment and power, leading to the main character’s downfall at the hands of the mirrored sandkings.
Characters are made to present certain ideas that the author believes in. In Gabriel García Márquez’s Chronicle of a Death Foretold there are many characters included that range from bold, boisterous characters to minuscule, quiet characters but one thing they all have in common is that they all represent ideas. Characters in the novel convey aspects of Marquez’s Colombian culture.
In another words Borges through his character, Pierre Menard, primarily examined the terms of the originality, inspiration, and innovation in the art. Borges argues for strong mutual connections between the written work (art work) and the reader (observer) and written work (art) and the creator. He created his fictional world in which he unfolded the story encompassing his philosophy of art, self examined it from different angles without a fear of overestimating values of his own work because he is just objectively praising Pierre Menard’s artistic product.