1984 By Ben Stavnezer Period 1-0 Genre: Dystopian fiction Plot summary: In the future, three superstates, Oceania, Eastasia, and Eurasia rule the world. Winston works at the Ministry of Truth. He learns of a resistance called the Brotherhood. The Brotherhood is a resistance lead by Emmanuel Goldstein to resist the totalitarian government. He learns that the people of Oceania are being subconsciously tricked to be made by the government to do all the work for the country. It turns out that the resistance is a fake, a ploy to capture people who think differently and resist the government. Winston is captured, imprisoned, and tortured to make him think “Sane”. In the end, Winston, after years and years of rehabilitation, finally makes the decision while sitting alone in a cafe. “Two gin- scented tears trickled down the sides of his nose. But it was all …show more content…
Julia: Julia loves Winston and would only want to rebel if it is to her gain O’Brien: A member of the mysterious Inner party, O’brien tortures Winston and is the leader of the fake resistance. Setting: The time is 1984 and the setting is London, or Airstrip One. Theme: The theme of 1984 is a race to power and power over one’s decision. This is proven when O’brien says “The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power, pure power.” Mood: The mood of 1984 is partially pessimistic for anyone who is not in the party’s favor. Life for other people is more upbeat for those who can make a living and obey the government. Tone: 1984 has a gloomy and dark tone. Everything is portrayed as less than grand, even if that’s what the government doesn’t want people to think. Irony: An example of irony in 1984 is when Winston rents a room in a shop, thinking he will be safe from scrutiny, but he is ultimately captured
During Winstons torturing he says “I hate him’ ‘You hate him. GOod. Then the time has come for you to take the last step. You must love Big Brother” (282). Then he is sent to room 101. After he gets out of the room he find himself in the cafe and it is there where he write 2+2=5 on the table. This shows that he loves big brother, and the brainwashing worked. He loves him because he did not have any other option other than to love him. Ultimately “ He has won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother”(298). The party won Winston is now a slave to the party just like everyone else. He has been brainwashed into thinking everything Big Brother says is
In the novel, Winston is a character who lacks "hero" traits as he has more traits of an everyman than a hero. Winston is an out of shape, average man with a "varicose ulcer above his right ankle" (3). Considering the typical hero, not only does Winston lack the physical strength, he lacks the mentality as well. Throughout the novel, he consistently talks about "overthrowing the Party," but he never actually does it. Instead of overthrowing the Party, he rebels by purchasing a diary and writing sentences such as "DOWN WITH BIG BROTHER" (20) and " I don’t care down with big brother they always shoot you in the back of the neck" (21). Winston chooses to write these into his diary as he is too cowardly to say this in public. As time passes, his
The main characher Winston Smith, in George Orwell’s 1984 made the commitment to rebel against the party and saw this commitment through until the end. Despite the undertaking not qualifying as a success, the individual should feel a sense of satisfaction knowing that they have upheld their commitment to the end. Again, this remains the case for Winston. He did not win his battle.
1984 is a cautionary tale. A cautionary tale is a tale that is told in a folklore, to warn they people reading of danger. There are three different parts to a cautionary tale, though they can be introduced in a lot of different ways. What I think about whether or not we as a society have taken his cautions into account is good. Letting the government what to think. They are taking information from 1984 and having yourself and not letting anyone else tell you what yo say. Your getting information right from a source for you to make before you create an opinion about it. 1984 is about the government controlling what you say. I think it's a cautionary tale because it is telling you
The book 1984 has recently been the top book that has been ordered on Amazon and a lot of people have been reading it due to its relevance in today’s society. 1984 is a book about a dystopian society and the corruption that is involved in it. In recent times the book has become very popular. This essay will be about why people still read and discuss the book 1984 and why it is still relevant to today's society.
Winston who works deep in the government rewriting history and helping to further build the
During chapter nine the book is mainly focusing on two sections of the book. “ The Theory and practice of Oligarchical Collectivism.” From Winston's reading, he reads from Karl Marx and Leon Trotsky and their theories on economics, class struggle, and political issues. These issues seem to make the world the same as Oceania, even though both countries call them by different names. To me this builds tension in the book, because everything is so calm and nothing is being questioned, which is different from the rest of the book where everything is always overly thought over. It seems as though Winston has found a secure place. During chapter 9 symbolism and recurring thoughts are shown a lot, like the prole woman Winston saw to be dumb, comes
However, Winston is a living illustration of the antonym of a hero, for a myriad of reasons. The society that Winston unwillingly resides in is inscrutably an evil place, a vapid void of meaninglessness, with the citizens greatest aspiration being mediocrity. This quicksand of a society is called Oceania, a place existing as an allusion to tyrannical and imperialistic societies of the world during World World II. It is ruled by Big Brother, the enigmatic figurehead of the Party.
1984 is complex in the way it was written, the society has a sort or language it seems called doublethink. Doublethink is a backwards thing it makes things that are usually said the opposite of what they are usually, in example in
Winston 's current situation working there is the major factor which lets him realize how Big brothers hold back the peoples opportunity to freedom. However, Winston keeps his thoughts and hate about Big Brother and the party for his own secret in his diary because the party will not allow anyone keeping a rebellious idea. After a while Big Brother realizes Winston’s suspicious behavior and has an individual named O’Brien sent to watch over Winston. O’Brien is a very smart man from the Ministry of truth, who is a member of the 'inner party '(the higher class). Winston comes to trust him and shares his inner secrets and ideas about the rebellion against Big Brother. O 'Brien tells Winston about a man named Emmanuel Goldstein whom claims to know the leader of the rebels against Big Brother. This also promises Winston to get a copy of the book he Longley desires. Suddenly O’Brien goes against Winston as Big Brother had already planned. Showing major secretive external conflict.
1984 has very intriguing aspects in it, and its very eye opening to put it into terms that suit a certain situation. To bring out my own fears and utopia is kind of hard, because we all try to think that we aren’t afraid of anything or the things that we are afraid of, would never scare us enough to make us say and do and believe things that we are completely against. Digging deep into your brain and picking apart each coil of your brain, each cell, taking out all the things that could genuinely make life perfect or a genuine living hell for you.
The government is watching your every move, listening to every word, keeping you in line. One wrong move and you’re done for. 1984 is a novel that focuses on four main people and is set in the future from when it was written. The government has total control over everything you do and if you slip up it could mean vaporization. Four people that don’t really know each other enter into each other’s lives and things get interesting.
1984 is a forecast of an anti-utopian world. Oceania, where the book is set, is led by the socialist leader, Big Brother. In this state, all thoughts and actions are monitored through
What is the most appalling depicted in 1984 is the lack of ego consciousness. Human is only a mass of mobile flesh knowing neither love nor happiness. They do not even reason or think. Life is meaningless except for those in the Inner Party. But no one has any knowledge about what life really means and should be like, and there is no difference between people 's life--everyone shares the same dressing, the same expression, the same thinking, etc. Every doubt is quelled by force by the Party. I guess that is similar to what happened during the 1960s in China. No trust among people, even parents had to be wary of being given away by their children. Under such circumstance, knowledge and self-awareness is agonizing and fatal. People have to live against
The past. The past isn’t a thing in 1984. The real past that is. They took the history and real facts about life behind them and twisted them. They twisted them to make them their own. Their own history, that they tell their people and make them believe it. They don’t tell them about historical moments that shaped the country they used to know. They tell them things to make them think that times then were better than times were back then. But deep down they know that time now is not as great as it could be. But they don’t know that and that makes it harder for