
Book Thief Discussion Questions

Decent Essays

Book Thief Discussion Questions 1. Having Death serve as the narrator was an interesting approach for the author. I thought that Death always being in the right place at the right time was cool but at the same time erie. To me, Death was the soul collector whose purpose was to show the reader the depth of this story and not to bore them with only one view of what was going on during the story. 2. Liesel: Rosa and Hans Hubermann: Max Vandenburg: Rudy Steiner: Mrs. Hermann: ○ The ugly thing about Liesel was that she was a thief, however it made her who she was so it was also a beautiful thing. At one point in the story, Liesel’s worst, Liesel declared that she hated words and especially Hitler. This made me sad to think that her …show more content…

She then wrote her autobiography and was reunited with the power of words, her best. ○ Rosa and Hans Hubermann had their best and worst moments as well. Rosa on the outside looked like a verbally abusive wicked foster mom, although grew to love Liesel. Hans was plagued by the fact that he was not an official member of the Nazi Party. Although this wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, his son left him because of it. However, Hans was a well­loved man by a lot of people. He often shared his cigarettes, painted peoples houses for free, played the accordion, comforted Liesel’s nightmares at very early times of day, and he housed a Jew named Max. ○ Max’s worst moment was when he was hiding from the Nazi’s in the Hubermann’s basement. However, Max flipped this misfortune by befriending the family and having something special with Liesel. Max brought Liesel inspiration and a will to keep going, even when times were hard. Although they were not typical friends, they became super close and this was Max’s best. ○ Rudy didn’t really have much of an ugly side until towards the end of the book. His father was drafted into the army and Rudy was selected to go to a …show more content…

It was a thank you gift for her hospitality. The power of words is that it can bring people young or old together. The other main theme of The Book Thief was the kindness and cruelty of humans. The cruelty was shown by Hitler’s discrimination of Jews and the kindness was shown by Hans giving bread to the Jews. According to the cruelty of Hitler, you are not supposed to sympathise with the Jews. Han’s act of kindness was against the law but it shows the reader what kind of a person he really is. 10. When I read the ending I was very happy when Max was reunited with Liesel. I was also surprised when Liesel showed Mrs. Hermann the finished book. I thought that I wasn’t going to hear of her again. The thing that struck me the most was when Death said “I am haunted by humans.” It’s usually the other way around, where humans will do anything to avoid death. I was surprised by what Death said more than anything else. I was expecting something along the lines of Liesel got a job and that was the end of her book thieving career. I was expecting the last line to be said by Death, but not in the way it said it. Death is a haunting subject and it could not have been said in a more eerie

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