
Borderline Personality Disorder (NPD)

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Borderline personality disorder Both of these disorders share the ongoing need for diligence, emotional instability, and doubtful behavior. Narcissistic individuals have a higher sense of grandness than a person with BPD. A person with BPD shows self-destructive behaviors and doesn’t care about themselves unlike a person with NPD (Ambardar, 2016b).
Antisocial personality disorder Both ASPD and NPD share the same qualities when it comes to not showing any empathy and disregarding the needs and feelings for others. The difference between the two is the ASPD patients shows physical aggressiveness, transgressions with the law, and misconduct during childhood and these are not seen in individuals with NPD. Narcissistic people are more arrogant …show more content…

It was initially unsuitable for individuals to have group therapy because doctors would assume that these particular individuals would be unstable and can’t handle the give-and-take inherent in the group sessions. Group therapy usually requires empathy, patience, and the qualification to understand, relate and connect to other individuals. Group therapy, if used long-term, can benefit individuals diagnosed with NPD. This can give them a safe place to explore their boundaries, get and accept criticism, gain trust, and boost their self-awareness (Ambardar, 2016). Another beneficial therapy is cognitive-behavioral therapy. The schema-focused therapy, a form of CBT, helps center and repair the narcissistic perspective and coping style correlated with them. This treatment is highly active and work-intensive and it help to encourage the diagnosed individuals to go up against their narcissistic cognitive distortions and yield a few promising conclusions in treating NPD (Ambardar, …show more content…

It all determines if the NPD patient has an Axis I diagnosis of major depression or any depressive symptoms relative to egotistic pathology that will influence the lengthen the course of treatment. Different types of SSRI’s are Celexa, Lexapro, Prozac, Luvox CR, and many others. Celexa, or Citalopram, can enhance the serotonin activity in the neuronal membrane. Lexapro, or Escitalopram, is used to treat depression in NPD patients and relief of depression can occur faster with this antidepressant better than any other antidepressant. Prozac, or Fluoxetine, inhibits presynaptic serotonin with little to no effect on the reuptake of norepinephrine or dopamine. Luvox CR, or Fluvoxamine, has fewer adverse effects than tricyclic antidepressants (Ambardar,

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