Affordable Home Insurance in Massachusetts
Massachusetts is the most populous state in New England. It is bordered by the states of Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Vermont, and New York. Massachusetts was originally dependent on agriculture, fishing, and trade. The state was transformed into a manufacturing center during the Industrial Revolution. However, Massachusetts’ economy shifted from manufacturing to services.
Massachusetts today is a world leader in biotechnology, engineering, higher education, finance, and maritime trade.
In 1692, the town of Salem experienced one of America’s infamous cases. The Salem witch trials were hearings and prosecutions of people who were accused of witchcraft. These trials resulted in executions of 20 people, 14 of which were women.
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Massachusetts Attractions
Boston is the capital city of Massachusetts. The city of Boston has an estimated population of 668,000. One famous attraction in Boston is the Paul Revere House. This house is one of the oldest buildings in Boston today. The house is also a national historic landmark. On the night of April 18, 1775, Revere left this house to alert the approach of British forces before the battle of Lexington and Concord. Massachusetts homeowners insurance quotes here will cost an estimated $1,100.
The city of Worcester received its name from the England town of Worcester. This city is the second largest in city in New England. The nickname given to this city is “Heart of the Commonwealth”, therefore the symbol of the city is a heart shape. However, the heart shaped symbol could have been given due to the city inventing the Valentine’s Day card traditions. Coverage for your home in this city is an estimated $1,298.
Situated just 35 miles south of Boston, this community is placed in the southeastern part of Massachusetts. The modern community is primarily residential. Many of the residents community using the MBTA Old Colony Train to get to Boston. In addition, the city has top schools and an active community. The primary industries in this seaside community are connected to fishing and cranberry growing.
September 1630 puritans arrived in Shawmut Peninsula. Native Americans called it Trimoutaine until it was renamed Boston. John Winthrop preached 'a city upon a Hill'. Part of the 13 original colonies, that started up America. Most people that sailed to Boston did it for religious beliefs, that's why there are so many
The colonies of Virginia and Massachusetts Bay were the first successful English colonies, and they influenced the future for America (Levy). Although the
Boston had changed majorly from being the merchant city to the industrial metropolis. The population of people went up about ¾ in 50 years of its physical change. When Boston was a merchant city in 1850, it was tightly packed and crowded, then once it because an industrial metropolis in 1900, it was a spread out to a 10-mile radius, containing 31 cities and towns. The metropolis was
The Massachusetts Bay colony was an east coast colony near current day Boston. The Massachusetts Bay colony was formed as a Puritan settlement. (Massachussettes bay) Most of the original 400 settlers of the colony were Puritans. The colony celebrated its first Thanksgiving on July 8, 1629. After this, the Massachusetts Bay colony had a period of continual growth and expansion due to many ministers reacting to the oppressive religious policies of England. (the Massachusetts Bay Colony wikipedia) Many Puritan ministries developed due in part to the influx of puritans that vastly dominated
The history of Boston is one of many changes and growth since its renaming in
As for Massachusetts first year times were rough. The first year over 700 women, men, and children arrived here, but 200 died by the fall of winter. Luckily 12,000 people migrated to Massachusetts in the 1630’s. From king Charles I, Massachusetts obtained a charter to colonize. The people were Calvinists, governing them was a system run by a government based entirely on a godly common wealth. Government was 18 “assistance” elected by “freemen” who meet in a general assembly where people voted on the code. The towns people where the ones who elected these “freemen”. The code was know as Laws and liberties of Massachusetts.
Massachusetts also known as the Bay State is a small state, but it has some rich history. Massachusetts is right next to New York and the Atlantic Ocean. Massachusetts’ first settlers were pilgrims. The state capital of Massachusetts is Boston; Boston is also the most popular state in Massachusetts. Massachusetts became a state on February 6th, 1788, Massachusetts is also the 6th state.
The Salem Witch Trials, also know as the Salem Witchcraft Trials were legal proceedings which took place of course in the Salem Village of Massachusetts. These trials began during the spring of 1692, after a group of young girls in the village, claimed to be possessed by the devil accusing several local women of practicing the craft. Victims were prosecuted and executed for reputedly practicing witchcraft, when little to no evidence of the act itself existed. This historical period resulted in twenty people, mostly women, being hung for black magic conspiracies. Neighbors accused neighbors; even church members accused other church members of witchcraft. Others were accused, but fled the area before they could be arrested. During this time
Dorchester, England has played a key role in the evolution of England as it lays on one of the main roads leading to London. Thousands passed through this city on this well traveled road, bringing with them ideas and knowledge that the people of Dorchester had not experienced. As they were exposed to these ideas, they become worldlier in their thoughts and better able to understand the issues of the world. With this knowledge, they also saw the need to adopt a new religion as the reforms and puritanism took hold.
After these early developments, the establishment of Massachusetts Bay proved to be the most influential in
This started the hysterical beginning of the Salem Witch trials, which resulted in many women, men, and children being accused of practicing witchcraft. Out of the one hundred fifty people accused in Salem, twenty of them were executed as witches, while others rotted away and died in jail. The people of Salem did not discriminate who they executed or who they sent to jail so the result was a diverse range of citizens being accused.
The Massachusetts colony, otherwise known as the ‘Massachusetts Bay colony’ was originally settled by Puritans in 1630. They were plagued by the religious persecutions of King Charles I and the Church of England. Weary from this dogged torment, they left England under the leadership of John Winthrop. These original colonists quickly established many small towns in the name of high religious ideals and strict societal rules. They also planted churches, spread Puritanism and religiously educated the masses, as these were some of their goals. A utopian society that other colonies looked upon with high regards was the ultimate goal.
The major cities of the United States are all very interesting, after I analyzed my decision; I decided to research the great city of Boston, Massachusetts. Boston was founded on September 17, 1630 and has a rich historical background making it a very important city in the United States. “The city of Boston was the home to several important events during the American Revolution such as: the Boston Massacre, Boston Tea Party, the Siege of Boston, Battle of Lexington and Concord, and the Battle of Bunker Hill.” (Snow, Caleb H. (1828). History of Boston. Abel Bowen.) These were all significant events that helped shape the city Boston has become today.
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