
Boston Public Schools Should Not Suspend Students

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Is your school pondering over suspensions? Many students are constantly getting suspended, however, is that beneficial? Is there another method? Years ago Boston Public schools would have over 50 days of suspension in just 2 months. Modifications were made the following year. They had only 2 suspensions in the same amount of time the next year. Despite schools suspending students for misbehavior as well as threats, schools should not suspend kids. Staying home not going to school is favoring the student. Most of the time teachers may not know the entire story. Missing school could result in loads of work for the students. Why tell someone they are suspended when that is exactly what they want? Certain studies in 2013 and 2014 illustrated that 7 out of 10 students being suspended actually wanted to be at home. While some may argue that students are taking a few days to reflect and contemplating for what he or she may have done. Students are not learning anything by staying at home. They are comprehending information by going to school. Whenever a student does something mischievous a vast majority of the time they are immediately suspended. However, the student should not be punished immediately. The article “School suspensions don’t work. It’s time for something better” states that a young girl was …show more content…

For example, a student at the high school got into a fight, in result, he got suspended for 5 days. Therefore, not only would that be a burden on the student, but for the teacher as well. Having to stop teaching classes since a student has been so behind making the entire class behind as well. A valid argument would be saying that the student should not have gotten into the fight in the first place. Yet, fights happen all of the time and teachers are continually having to stop what they are doing to catch him or her

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