Defiance then, defiance now. Opposition to government in the United States seems inevitable whether it is 200 years ago or today. In our country’s revolutionary period, tactics, types of revolts, weaponry and opinions were different than our present minds and lives. However, the whole scheme of arguing our beliefs will always be the same. From the Oregon standoff to the riots in Baltimore, it seems like America has been quarrelling for what they think is right since the Boston Tea Party. The situation in Oregon somewhat mirrors the famous act of the Boston Tea Party. For example, the Malheur National Wildlife Reserve is occupied by anti-government militias, and they have stated that they are willing to engage in armed conflict. This demonstrates
The colonists were debating whether or not to retaliate. They decided that the British treatment was too aggressive, and that they wouldn't put up with it any longer.
The Boston Tea Party was an important event in the American Revolutionary War because it was the first time the colonists got to respond to unfair laws imposed by the British.
When the Boston Tea Party occurred on the evening of December 16,1773, it was the culmination of many years of bad feeling between the British government and her American colonies. The controversy between the two always seemed to hinge on the taxes, which Great Britain required for the upkeep of the American colonies. Starting in 1765, the Stamp Act was intended by Parliament to provide the funds necessary to keep peace between the American settlers and the Native American population. The Stamp Act was loathed by the American colonists and later repealed by parliament.
Civil disobedience, which is when a person or a group of people protest against laws, taxes, etc. in a peaceful manner, has been displayed many times in the past. One of these instances included a memorable American event: the Boston Tea Party. During the Revolutionary War (1770s), Britain had colonization of America, commonly referred to as the Thirteen Colonies. The British East India Company, who performed commerce with Asia, were having monetary issues, so they needed to find a way to get revenue. In May 1773, Parliament passed the Tea Act, which gave the BEIC a portion of the American tea trade. However, this act did not put colonists at ease, because even the cheapest sellers could have lost business to the company (who now had better
The Boston tea party, was a pivotal point in American history. Nine artisan and shopkeepers gathered together to protest the unfairness of the stamp act started on may 16, 1773 . The nine were referred as the loyal nine, and later the Sons of liberty.
It was on December 1773 when American Soldiers dressed up as Mohawk Indians and dumped 342 chests of tea into the harbor, however there were many events that led up to this event, known as the Boston Tea Party. The Boston Tea Party caused an uproar among the colonists of Boston directed at the English soldiers, and this was one of the primary causes of the American Revolution. There was a series of laws and acts passed in hopes to threaten the colonists and their chance at a self-government. The Proclamation of 1763 was passed by King George, and it blocked American travelers from traveling west of the Appalachian Mountains.(Yanak). In 1764, the Sugar Act was passed that put a tax on sugar and molasses. The colonists would smuggle the goods
Imagine you are a merchant in Boston selling imported goods from England with a high tax on them, when three ships come in with 342 chests of tea without planning to pay the middleman tax. That's how it was for many merchants in Boston. The East India Tea Company went bankrupt due to the dropping rate of tea sales in America because of the increasing rate of smuggling. The government's lack of support, and the newly passed Tea Act, only kindled more resentment towards the British from the colonists. This finally resulted in approximately three groups of fifty men going aboard the three British ships and dumping the tea into the Boston Harbor. The Boston Tea Party was more an act towards
The period of events leading up to the Boston Tea Party and the American Revolution including; the Molasses Act, The Land Bank Ordeal and the French and Indian War these represented acts of rule over the American colonists by the British (Unger 8). Following Patrick Henry’s speech against the stamp tax, in his Stamp Act Resolves, the Stamp Act Congress held a meeting in New York by the Massachusetts Assembly (Unger 73). It was here that a Declaration of Rights and Grievances of the Colonists in America was adopted in October 1765; colonists outlined what they thought were injustices and inequalities that the British crown were trying to impose on the Colonists (Journals of the Continental Congress). The tone of the document was mild and polite to the British
The Boston Tea Party was a very hectic occasion in United States History. “The American Revolution created heroes- and traitors- who shaped the birth of a new nation: the United States of America. “Taxation without representation” was a serious problem for the American colonies in the late 1700s. Great Britain imposed harsh taxes and did not give the colonists a voice in their own government. The colonists rebelled and declared their independence from Britain- the war was on.”(Somervill & Burgan 5) The people in the colonies consumption of tea dropped drastically as a protest towards the British Parliament, therefore, the tea company; “British East India Company” was going bankrupt because their tea was not being sold. To stop them from going
Rights movements are a big part of your history. Without them, our society would be totally different. Without Cesar Chavez, there would still be farm workers working unfairly in the fields. Without Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, the NCAA and many more, we would still be segregating busses, schools and public restaurants. Rights Movements are life changing events that happen like protests, boycotting and riots. The most famous riot is the Boston Tea Party. This was when patriots from Boston dumped tea into the Boston harbor to protest the tax on tea.
So far, the Tea Party in Texas has made great contributions that have lead to many success for the Republican party. Tea party members demonstrated the power of their influence in the, “… 2010 general elections by contributing to a GOP sweep that gave Republicans… a two-thirds majority…” and control of the Texas House of Representatives (Montgomery). Some of the Texas Tea Party endorsed candidates that won office this past year include: Governor Abbott, Attorney General Paxton, Senators Hall, Shaheen, Taylor, Huffines, and Burton for State Senate, and Representatives Anderson and Rinaldi for the Texas House of Representatives. Presently, the Texas Tea Party is also endorsing U.S. Senator Cruz and Mr. Ron Paul for President.
This is important because this is the place that some call home and rates are going up, this can change our life by what time do we go home, where should I not go anymore and more. This relates to what happened at the Boston Tea Party because after the tea was taken, the people had to be very careful on every move. The smallest things could get you in court and trails were different. The wrong turn down the wrong street could get your head chopped off after it happened because of how mad they were.
American history is full of battles and freedom fighters. From the Boston tea party to voting rights. America fought against a king who was unfair and unjust. They may have had a civil war but it was also for the idea that rights were being taken away. The country has many amazing historical characters that made it the country it is today. This paper will discuss the Boston Tea Party, George Washington’s inaugural address, his warnings upon leaving office as well as the Boston Massacre, the Battles of Lexington and Concord, and John Adams on voting rights.
When the Boston Tea Party occurred on the evening of December 16,1773, it was the culmination of many years of bad feeling between the British government and her American colonies. The controversy between the two always seemed to hinge on the taxes, which Great Britain required for the upkeep of the American colonies. Starting in 1765, the Stamp Act was intended by Parliament to provide the funds necessary to keep peace between the American settlers and the Native American population. The Stamp Act was loathed by the American colonists and later repealed by parliament.
Due to the weak state our of economy over the past several years, many organizations and movements have surfaced in order to attempt to make a change to better our country. One of those organizations is the Tea Party and their movement. The Tea Party movement is an effective political force in our society because it is respectable, organized, and focused on common issues.