
Bottle Water: Annotated Bibliography

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Annotated Bibliography Halcon, Linda “What you can do for personal environmental health”. Taking charge, September 30, 2013. Web. 10 Apr. 2016. wellbeing/environment/your-personal-environment/what-you-can-do-personal-environmental- Always let your water flush out for two minutes because lead builds up in the pipe. Have a filter on your sink water so your water can be more purified. Bottle water is not necessarily the best stuff, regular tap water according to natural resource say that sixty million plastic bottles are made and then just throw on the floor and that hurts your community environment health. Read the labels on the back of shampoos, hair dyes, and even lotion because they can …show more content…

One of the easiest way to save water is to turn the water off each time you brush your teeth. When riding a bike or even walking to a close destination you will be reducing the greenhouse gases. Using florescent light bulbs will last you ten times longer and will also use two thirds of less energy. When saving energy is one of the easiest one to do, turn your thermostat down when you sleep. Having a programmable thermostat will save energy when you are not home. This source helps me understand how easy water saving actually is. The little things in life could make a huge …show more content…

Instead of shopping for just one week, if you have the money, try shopping for two weeks, a month, or any amount you can afford so that you won’t be wasting fuel and emitting more than can be stopped when using public transportation or your own mode of transportation. Instead of shopping at a store where you have to physically leave the comfort of your own home, try shopping online for the essentials that you need that are available on online websites. There are other ways to help the environment other than burning fossil fuels while commuting, for instance, purchase items that have smaller packaging than others. You can also reuse many of the items you have purchased to use for other purposes to help conserve materials. You can also freeze fruits, vegetables, meats, and other food groups to keep them preserved so that they do not spoil naturally when not being consumed. Another way to limit waste from packaging and bagging is to bring your own storage and carrier bags when grocery shopping. This source helps the reader understand how using less fossil fuel is better for the

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