Annotated Bibliography Halcon, Linda “What you can do for personal environmental health”. Taking charge, September 30, 2013. Web. 10 Apr. 2016. wellbeing/environment/your-personal-environment/what-you-can-do-personal-environmental- Always let your water flush out for two minutes because lead builds up in the pipe. Have a filter on your sink water so your water can be more purified. Bottle water is not necessarily the best stuff, regular tap water according to natural resource say that sixty million plastic bottles are made and then just throw on the floor and that hurts your community environment health. Read the labels on the back of shampoos, hair dyes, and even lotion because they can …show more content…
One of the easiest way to save water is to turn the water off each time you brush your teeth. When riding a bike or even walking to a close destination you will be reducing the greenhouse gases. Using florescent light bulbs will last you ten times longer and will also use two thirds of less energy. When saving energy is one of the easiest one to do, turn your thermostat down when you sleep. Having a programmable thermostat will save energy when you are not home. This source helps me understand how easy water saving actually is. The little things in life could make a huge …show more content…
Instead of shopping for just one week, if you have the money, try shopping for two weeks, a month, or any amount you can afford so that you won’t be wasting fuel and emitting more than can be stopped when using public transportation or your own mode of transportation. Instead of shopping at a store where you have to physically leave the comfort of your own home, try shopping online for the essentials that you need that are available on online websites. There are other ways to help the environment other than burning fossil fuels while commuting, for instance, purchase items that have smaller packaging than others. You can also reuse many of the items you have purchased to use for other purposes to help conserve materials. You can also freeze fruits, vegetables, meats, and other food groups to keep them preserved so that they do not spoil naturally when not being consumed. Another way to limit waste from packaging and bagging is to bring your own storage and carrier bags when grocery shopping. This source helps the reader understand how using less fossil fuel is better for the
The EPA provided action level for lead in drinking water as precautionary measures. The first one is flushing the pipes prior to drinking the water to run off the water that had accumulated lead because of sitting in the pipes for a while like six hours and
One way that a simple person could start to help is by buying food locally. This would cause less pollution from factories and greenhouse gases from products drove or flown in. Furthermore, pay the bills online to help conserve trees. This could save 18.5 million trees every year. Along with this it could remove 2.2 billion tons of carbon dioxide/ other gases while getting rid of 1.7 billion pounds of solid waste. Lastly, a person could go about adjusting the thermostat a degree lower than what the temperature is outside in the winter and adjusting it a degree higher in the summer to save 10 percent on energy
Elizabeth Royte is a very distinguished and respected writer, she has written for The New York Times magazine, Harpers, National Geographic, The New York Times Book Review, The New Yorker, Outside, Smithsonian, and other national magazines. She also wrote the book Bottlemania, an excerpt from this book called How Water Went on Sale and Why We Bought It is the final chapter concluding her personal bias on the subject of water in America.
“In September, Virginia Tech researchers released a report saying Flint's water was creating a health threat in old homes that have lead pipes or pipes fused with lead solder. And doctors last week reported high levels of lead in local children's blood samples, also blaming water pipes” (CBSNEWS). Lead is a serious problem as it may cause a serious damage in different organs of the body especially the brain and it is the most known neurotoxin. However, knowing that lead is the source of the problem is an important piece of information which can facilitate reaching the source of lead leaching. In fact, many cities have lead pipes, not only Flint city, and when water sits in those pipes, the lead can leech into the water. So cities usually add corrosion-control chemicals, such as phosphates (PO4), to keep the lead out of the water. However, Flint did not take into account these precautions, and this was a major contributor to the high lead levels and, consequently, health problems, “the public health protection was gone,” Edwards says. (ALANA SEMUELS, 29 Jul. 2015). If we talked about the reason why the water in Flint’s River is difficult to treat, it turns out that it contains high levels of coliform and fecal coliform bacteria. But what makes it more difficult than Lake Huron water is that the Flint River is subject to temperature changes, rain events and high carbon content. An additional indication, is the increased level of trihalomethanes (TTHM), a byproduct of the large amount of chlorine needed to kill bacteria in the river water. For the most part, specific amounts of chlorine are used to treat river water, but the problem is that low levels of chlorine can produce coliform bacteria and, on the other hand, high levels of chlorine may result in Disinfectant Byproducts (DBP), which, in turn, may lead to elevated levels of
All the controversy about the lead problems in Flint, Michigan has stirred up questions across the country. Every day there are several news stories about cities across the country discussing the lead issue and how they meet the requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act. While the average person may feel comforted by these news stories, it doesn’t mean that every home served by the water supply has lead below the EPA’s recommended action level. It’s the job of water treatment professionals to educate those served by municipal water about the regulations surrounding lead and copper and what those consumers can do to protect themselves further.
“Lead piping for household water supplies can raise water lead concentrations, especially if the water is acidic.” [5] The USEPA has limits for many potential contaminants in potable (drinking) water [7]. Lead is one of those contaminants for obvious reasons, it’s effects are detrimental and it is important that dangerous levels are kept out of potable water. The EPA determined that lead concentrations should not exceed 15 parts per billion (ppb) from more than 10% of tested samples[9]. In Flint, the tested water had lead content of 104 ppb[4]. That is 6.9 times higher than USEPA
This information can be gathered by examining the overall consumption of tap water by age in the United States, and more specifically toddler and infant ages where lead is most dangerous to consume. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the average child ranging from 6 to 11 months consumes an average of .20 L/day of tap water, and the average 2 year old consumes .50 L/day of tap water in the United States. This information suggests that an infant or toddler living in a home with lead soldered pipes may consume up a frequency of .20 to .50 L/day of lead contaminated water which can lead to adverse effects for the development of those
Today, one can conserve water. Water is an important part of our everyday lives and one should use it as efficiently as possible. There are a few ways to focus on conserving water. One step to take would be to change and update pipes, fixtures used, and operating systems so that the newest and easiest systems are being used. These new systems today tend to save and cut down the amount of water we use by just running water in the shower or by flushing the toilet. The other most practical way to conserve water would be to change one’s habits while using water. Instead of letting the shower run for two minutes before one actually getting in it, one should turn it on as they get in. Another conscious way of conserving water usage would be to do less loads and bigger loads of laundry so that not as much water is used as often. Some things are easier to conserve than others, but when a conscious effort is made there is a way to get it
Potential lead contamination from drinking water presents a significant health risk. Recent examples of this lead contamination include Flint, Michigan, a city that experienced a large increase in the number of people, especially children, who exhibited symptoms of lead poisoning. A March 9, 2016 article in the Washington Post reported data from the Environmental Protection Agency that indicated approximately 350 schools and day-care centers across the US failed lead tests approximately 470 times between 2012 and 2015. Seven years ago, according to the Post, a study concluded that hundreds of young children in Washington, DC, had potentially damaging amounts of lead in their blood due to contamination in the city’s tap water. The toxin can cause permanent developmental and behavioral issues.
One way to conserve energy is don’t spend too much money on it. Energy isn’t free, and if you set a limit for yourself you won't go bankrupt trying to get all this energy, like gas. Oil prices have spiked over the last few years, and if you set a limit for 10 dollars a week for gas, it won’t only save you money, but you will save energy. You may
Support for these claims are documented through extensive research into numerous practices that individuals could take part in to diminish their carbon footprint and greenhouse gases emissions. These small changes include of catching public transport more regularly, replacing regular incandescent light bulbs with energy efficient compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) which use 60% less energy than a regular bulb and buy more locally grown and produced foods.
It is also recommended to buy things locally instead of online shopping. Source 2, states that "Shipping burns fuel, every 5 pound package that is shipped across air creates 12 pounds of carbon dioxide. And every 5-pound package that is shipped by truck creates 3.5 pounds of carbon dioxide. " Other simples things such as recycling can make a great difference in our
The two most effective strategies for excessive consumption are to recycle and live more minimalistically. Recycling can help reduce the amount of products we mine. It also helps reduce pollution caused by sitting in landfills and destruction to marine life caused by large garbage patches in the ocean. Buying less can save money as well as natural resources. There are no reasons which are not superficial to replace products which are not broken. Additionally, when products that are most harmful when placed in landfills, such as electronics, are unable to be used anymore, there may be places where they can be recycled.
The first way towards going green is a change of lifestyle. When going green it can be as easy as flipping off the light switch as you leave the room or by turning off the water while you’re brushing your teeth. It may seem insignificant at the time but long term, changing simple habits can save both the environment and utility cost. The big question here is,
Lead in water is very dangerous period. This is the reason that the EPA has set the max contaminant level goal to zero. Even when exposed at low levels, lead can still cause health effects. Adults aren’t the only ones at risk to exposure to lead water. Children are especially at risk. They can show effects from lead contamination at much lower levels than adults. Ranging from things like behavior and learning problems, hearing problems, lower IQ’s and in the worst case scenarios it can even lead to comas and death.