
Bottled Water Vs Tap Water

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Water is tremendously important in a person's life. A person could only survive a week without drinking any, and water "regulates the temperature of the human body, carries nutrients and oxygen to cells, cushions joints, protects organs and tissues, and removes wastes." ("Water Facts of Life") But water comes in different forms, with bottled water and tap water being quite popular. Unfortunately, people perceive water bottles as being of poor quality. Bottled water is a splendid choice due to the convenience it offers, having a vast variety of choices, and being useful when tap water is not a choice. Bottled water has the benefit of being convenient. A person can pick up a bottle easily, whether from a vending machine or at their local convenience store. Sure, a person can fill a water bottle up and bring it with them, but bringing tap water everywhere requires time to prepare and, consequently, having to clean the bottle every time a person use it. "People would rather spend a insignificant amount of cash than waste time daily. With the variety that are available, the easier chance a person has of buying a bottle. …show more content…

When drinking tap water, the options are limited on what a person can or cannot drink. People only have one choice on what is available in their house, and unless they have their own private well, they cannot completely change how the water tastes. However, with bottled water, there are plenty of different brands. If a person do not like how one tastes, they can simply try another brand. There are over 50 different brands of water in the US alone, meaning a reason for the companies to guarantee their water is the

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